‘Dora, please let me stay a little longer’? Let me explain:
I was feeling somewhat overwhelmed as I approached the Orphanage Centre; my friend Dora (Therapist) had arranged a day visit to incorporate the abandoned baby wing also. We knocked on the door and waited. I could hear the excitement of one little voice and as the door opened, he ran into my arms. He lovingly looked at me with those amazing dark eyes and called me ‘Mummy’. That day, Adam stole my heart! Throughout the visit he held my hand, climbed into my arms, even held on to my hair. Many babies were sucking their thumb and as I stroked their heads, their little cheeks, they smiled as if to say ‘Thank you’ for loving me. I determined to be involved in their lives. I silently prayed for the blessing of a family life for ‘These My Little Ones’.
This special little boy displayed such courage. He was born with a heart defect and many times struggled to breathe. My hospital visits were frequent. Dora and I played with him but when it was time to leave it was a difficult parting.
In my heart I silently prayed ‘Lord, please grant this little gem a future, you are the God who can move mountains …’ The harsh Romanian winter caused Adam to spend many weeks in hospital, during this time an American missionary married to a Romanian lady saw this curly headed little boy and they loved him. An amazing story. ( I share during my church presentations).
Today Adam is on his way to U.S.A. A three year old little one facing the possibility of a heart transplant.
Adam gave me joy, I suppose (if honest) I loved him like my own and so my prayer for him today is that he will grow into a Man of God with a heart for others, creating foundations, changing lives and living life to the Glory of God.
Shirley, 29 January, 2019