Price £24.99 (+ £3 p&p within UK)
The proceeds of sales of this book are used to further the ministry of producing, printing and translating good Bible literature into Romania and further afield.
Hallelujah, what a Saviour! is a benediction, an ascription of praise to Jesus. From Genesis to Revelation the whole of Scripture calls us to worship.
Hallelujah, what a Saviour! expounds a range of passages, all of which focus upon the Saviour’s person and work from the first promise of his coming in Genesis 3 through the Old Testament until his final exaltation and glorification at God’s right hand in the New Testament.
These themes are set out as fifty-two Study passages, with added questions for refection, discussion or response to the Lord. The Studies are divided into three major sections;
The Saviour Promised; The Saviour Revealed; The Saviour Known.
By Dr Hamilton Moore
Watch a short video presentation of the book by the author. (It opens in a new tab)
The book is available
by contacting Coleraine Baptist Church Office.
Copies will be available in various churches. Ask you church if they can obtain one for you.
If you want a copy posted, please donate £24.99 (+£3 p&p within UK) to the Tell Romania Fund for Life and Learning which supports Pastors and Students in Romania, you will receive a copy in the mail at our earliest convenience. When making a donation please use the “Comments” field to specify what book or books you want.
Donations and payments can be sent by post to us. (Please do not send cash through the post. Cheques should be made payable to HAMILTON AND SHIRLEY MOORE)
42B Bernice Road,
County Antrim,
BT36 4QZ.
Tel: 07812591743