Broken Hearts in Crushing Storms

Step out on the waves that would crush you

Step out in the storm that would hush you

And you will find as you touch the crest you feared so much

And walk on its breast, there was One walking there

The whole night through, walking, watching, waiting FOR YOU. (selected)

We live in a world where the reality of tragedy knocks on many doors.  The knock can come suddenly and without warning.  During the summer recess many changes occurred, yet in all the changing scenes of life, the ache of a grieving heart, the suddenness of news one would rather not embrace, the mercies of God inspired me to ‘try’ to be a breath of fresh air to those facing the howling winds of destruction, sinking in the unending streaming rains of life. The bond of friendship in Christian love has stirred my heart and renewed my spirit (at times overwhelmed) to come alongside those experiencing desolation, trouble and tears. Lives reduced to broken pieces, homes reduced to rubble by cruel war and overwhelming floods, searching for shelter, refuge, who long for hope and even a morsel of bread and a welcome cup of hot soup.  They stand holding their earthly possessions in a tiny bundle.  One can read their heart just by looking into their tear-stained eyes. ‘Is there beauty for brokenness?’  ‘Will we ever find hope again?’ ‘Is there a refuge, shelter, an escape from the cruel wars?’  ‘Will we ever have bread for our hungry children and elderly?’  Questions without answers!  Many fear tomorrow as they are surrounded by the coldness of an unfriendly war.  Quietly they search their broken hearts, wondering will someone reach out in love, will there be a shoulder to rest their weary head?  All they need is someone to care, to hold them in the darkness of a long and unending night. Someone simply to hug them.

My Adopted son Andrei writes: The mayor of Slobozia Conachi, a village in Romania’s south-eastern Galati region, reported that over seven hundred homes have been flooded.  Quote from Emil Dragomir: ‘This is a catastrophe of epic proportions. Four people were killed in Galati on Saturday, with a fifth death confirmed on Sunday. As a church family, we have commenced a relief project collecting aid for the families affected by the flooding in the Galati area of Romania.  We raised money for the people affected by flooding which enabled us to purchase food, clothing, blankets to place on a truck leaving from the Arad Baptist community. As a church, we wish to continue to raise funds for this area of ministry.  We give thanks to the Lord for his hand of protection in Sofronia.  

Sister Shirley, please pray for the AWANA youth ministry in Șofronea. We opened our winter session on Saturday, September 21st, 2024. 

AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed and comes from the Bible verse II Timothy 2:15: ‘Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth’.  Awana equips local volunteers in churches around the world with biblical discipleship solutions.   I ask you to pray for Pastor Andrei, he has a true heart for the people, pray for encouragement and blessing for the village church in Sofronea.

Gabi shares her heart:  Sister Shirley, we give thanks to the Lord for His grace and mercy.  During the summer months we witnessed the hand of God in the safe delivery of twelve babies.  Through the support of TELL ROMANIA we were able to meet the medical costs incurred in gynaecological tests and echographia’s.   Young mothers received provision of clothes, shoes, pampers, food, dried milk and hygiene products.

I want to extend heartfelt thanks to the people who were touched by Camelia’s story as shared in your last prayer update. Through the support of TELL ROMANIA, Camelia was able to purchase building materials for the roof of her small house. The little ones will not be subjected to a garage space but will have a warm space to call ‘Home’.  What a blessing to receive the backpacks, there are no words to describe our heart to those responsible for the Backpack Project.  In one day over thirty children received backpacks and school items. Praise the Lord! Only through His love showed through you we could help these people and be a blessing for them.  This is not just a backpack; it is a lifeline to an education

In conclusion, I would like to share with you how blessed God’s ministry can be. Recently, I met a client who attended our centre approximately twenty-one years ago for personal counselling.   She had just received confirmation that she was pregnant as a result of a rape. Twenty-one years later, we have met and she joyfully confirmed that she kept the pregnancy. We met her daughter who is now a beautiful young lady of twenty years of age.  Praise the Lord for this wonderful news encouraging us as a small team of three to march together in step in the fight of saving lives and pointing them heavenward. 

God bless all of you who are making sacrifices so that this ministry can go on in a world filled with disappointment and problems.  We continue to help our ladies win their battle.

Estera shares the journey of brokenness.  Dear Sister Shirley, during our recent Hospice Camp held September 2nd to 6th, thirty-two children and three family members experienced a life-enriching journey in a serene and picturesque location. The children who joined the camp were facing various challenges, such as serious illnesses, the loss of a family member, or having a parent in the advanced stage of cancer. The camp served as a nurturing environment to demonstrate God’s love and compassion in action as well as healing activities to the children cared for by Emanuel Hospice.

Throughout the week, the children actively participated in morning worship, engaging in Bible study sessions, where they were encouraged to explore and contemplate meaningful Bible verses. The theme of the Bible study for the week revolved around the inspiring story of Esther. In addition to these spiritual activities, the camp offered diverse experiences, including indoor and outdoor games, creative crafts, therapeutic activities, and soothing music therapy.  The camp concluded with a heart-warming campfire gathering and an enchanting talent show evening. We are filled with hope and optimism that the seeds of God’s Word sown in the hearts of these children will flourish and bring about positive transformations in their lives.

Please pray for Ismael. I know Ismael’s family has been in TELL ROMANIA’S care for over twelve years now.  However, the wound where his colostomy bag is placed, is not healing, and the medical team are working hard to teach him to take better care of the surrounding area. He participated in the camp and enjoyed all the activities. When I invited him, he said he couldn’t come because he needed to take care of his goats. After speaking with his family, his parents agreed to let him go, and they would take care of the goats. It was a time when he felt loved and accepted, he benefited daily from the camp’s medical care for his colostomy bag. He was so excited to be able to join with other kids in the camp. He didn’t feel ‘different’.

Please also pray for Andra, a sweet ten-year-old girl who lives with her parents and two siblings. Andra is in a special wheelchair, as she grows, her current wheelchair will soon be too small for her. She is totally dependent on her family for support and spends much of her day in her wheelchair. Unfortunately, her family cannot afford to buy her a new wheelchair that is designed for children. (Please remember Brother Allan Hopper and me as we source an appropriate wheelchair for this precious little one).

Adriana reaching out in love:  Demian is a patient who grew up in a children’s home; he has no income, no relatives or anyone to care for him. He has pharynx cancer, with tracheostomy and a nasogastric tube through which he is fed.  The Hospice team are trying to address the overwhelming needs connected to this particular case.  It is especially difficult because there is no one to take care of him apart from our Hospice team and one other NGO who directed Demian to make initial contact with us.

As I read this case study, I identified a life, broken and disillusioned, no one to love him or cradle him through the many hardships he has encountered throughout his young life. I pray the dawn of a new day will bring hope that strength for each day is only a prayer away. May he sense the everlasting arms as he learns to lean on the only one who can keep him safe from thoughts that only cause hurt and inner pain. He is not friendless or alone, the Saviour is waiting to enter his lonely heart.  Only Demian can open the door. 

Ionela, a patient suffering from colon cancer with multiple metastasis spreading within her stomach and abdomen area. Her overwhelming pain is the main cause for concern.  The pain she suffers at times is impossible to control together with her psycho-emotional issues. lonela has become very angry and bitter, in fact, unreachable as her family are unsupportive.  On occasions she vents her anger in a rage upon our team as she manifests her depth of anger. We pray that we as a team will have the grace and patience required to build a relationship with her in the hope that she will find peace and acceptance through our gracious and compassionate Lord. She often expresses remorse for the way she behaves; we are fully aware that all of this is just an expression of her emotional status and the depth of her pain. May the Lord bless you and Dr. Moore for all the love and effort you put in this mission of helping those who are in pain!  Many without hope!

FOOTNOTE FROM SHIRLEY: There is so much these precious people want to say and yet, they don’t know how. They search but never find; time is running out.  For Demian and lonela time is limited, life is ebbing to a close.  Yes, thousands of miles separate me from my beloved patients and yet I find comfort in the quietness of my heart, knowing the Lord listens to every prayer I whisper.  Their pain may never end but our love can calm the fears within.  I cannot be with them but there is One who can calm every fear and doubt, speak words of comfort in their growing weakness.  Please whisper Demian and lonela.

Monika writes of the sadness filling her heart: Alexandru (42) in the midst of many medical problems is working hard in construction to care for his aging mother and four children.  After having their four children, Alexandru and his wife divorced.  The court awarded the right to take care of the children to the mother. Soon, it became evident that she had succumbed to serious alcohol problems, resulting in the children entering into the care of the state. Many years have passed and finally Alexandru has received the right to take care of his children aided by his mother.  The combined family of six reside in a rented apartment, however, confirmation has been received that Alexandru and his mother now have serious health issues.  The children are Alexandru (16) Diana (14) Adrian (13) and Alexandra (12). We stepped into this family in order to find a solution from the chaos that is present as the grandmother can no longer take care of the family.  The situation being, the grandmother needs the support of the family but the father is very weak, as his work is hard physical work and he too has medical problems.  The oldest son (16) wants to leave the house as he wants his freedom, – Diana (14)  is under pressure to take care of her grandmother,  the running of the  house, and her brothers and sister. Beside this, the three younger children attend a special school for children with special needs, as they have undiagnosed mental delays. We would like to support them in having a diagnosis about their delays, that will help them and also us as a team as to how offer proper counselling and assistance.  May God give us wisdom, to know how to support them, how to bring them close to God. They receive ongoing assistance with school issues, medical treatment, clothing, shoes, school supplies.  May God guide and equip us to bring salvation in their lives! My heart is full of thanks, that the Lord was with us as we served in love.   Our desire as a small team of five is that grandparents, parents, children will come to know the Lord.  

Thank you, Sister Shirley, for working hard for these lives, may God bless all who support you in the work of TELL ROMANIA and bless them in their service.




Ballycrochan Baptist Church: (Mr & Mrs Ian Doherty) twenty boxes of backpacks filled with stationery, lunch box, water bottle etc. Two boxes of assorted stationery items, over two hundred pairs of shoes.

Mrs Ruth Hanna, Mrs Barbara McCook, Mrs Alison McCloy added their backpacks to the consignment, resulting in a total of fifty banana boxes of backpacks sent to Emanuel Hospice, Casa Grace, Iochebed, Sofronea, Roma children.


Bethany Baptist Church: (Mrs Marion Morrow) ten boxes of new children’s clothing, knitting, 

Backpacks, dolls, sewing machine.

 Ballycarry Knit and Natter: (Mrs Mavis Patterson) new baby clothing, teddies etc.

Ballee Prebyterian Church: (Mrs Pearl McDowell) children’ clothing, blankets, material etc.

Mrs Alison McCloy: new children’s clothing, backpacks, toys.

Dr. Ann Moore: clothing, Books.


Miss Iris McKerr: New children’s clothing.  Mrs Deirdre Montgomery: Crochet Blankets.


Mrs Dorothy Davison: Donation of 200 Children’s Sweat Shirts.


Cadbury chocolate is a delicacy in Romania.  Every year, Emanuel University host a one-day sale of chocolate donated by supporters from around the world. Alison and I decided this year again to fill banana boxes overflowing with tubs of Quality Street, Roses, Celebrations and Hero’s.  Proceeds in aid of ongoing costs incurred by the University.


Distributed as required.

“God’s work done in God’s way never lacks God’s supply.”  (Elisabeth Elliot)

Shirley, September 24th, 2024

42B Bernice Road, BT36 4QZ.