To everything there is a time, a season. We are at peace knowing the Lord has a plan for each individual, a plan which may include a period of suffering.  Those who have walked this path have experienced sustaining grace, inner strength and total dependence upon the Lord.  Not one moment of suffering is wasted for it is during these times our faith is firmly anchored in Christ with the personal assurance that each cry of ours touches His open heart of compassion. 


During 2024, Emanuel Hospice Foundation provided compassionate care to a total of two hundred and seventy-three patients, comprising of two hundred and twenty-three adults and fifty children.  Throughout the year, we faced the heartbreaking reality of losing one hundred and twenty-five patients. Each one of these patients had a unique story and a personal journey, their memories continue to inspire our commitment to improving the quality of care we provide.  There was an urgent need for Buscopan Ampules, a medication to assist in controlling better symptoms for our patients in paediatric and adult departments.  The provision of this medication assists in offering a better quality of life during what isoften the most challenging and vulnerable period in the lives of our patients. The first step was to obtain a private prescription to enable the purchase to take place.  I prayed: ‘Lord, you know I need these 400 ampules, please guide me and teach me to trust even in the waiting period.   In his letter to the Colossians, Paul wrote: ‘Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourself with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience’.  I waited, silently struggling within, only to be reminded God’s timing is always perfect!  Hamilton and I were visiting a church nearby to greet theology students from Cornhill College.  I knew immediately the answer had come for here I met with a young GP whose reply to my request was: ‘Shirley, tell me what you need’.  Only today I received confirmation the consignment arrived in Oradea. ‘THE ONE WHO HEARS THE NEEDY CRY’.

My colleagues in Emanuel Hospice are facing situations of the deepest form of pain and suffering.  There is an increase in our young patients who have aggressive types of cancer.

Rebeca is a young mother of eight children; during her eighth pregnancy she discovered she had breast cancer. Rebeca decided to postpone treatment until she gave birth to her baby.  Two months have passed, now the cancer is in advanced stages. The tumour is exulcerated with excessive bleeding. The family have faith the Lord will heal Rebeca; from a medical perspective the situation remains uncertain.

Claudia is a patient with liver cancer, who has a very sad life story. After spending her life with an abusive husband, she made the decision to leave him.   A few years passed, she met a gentleman who showed Claudia love and consideration. They married but shortly after their wedding, she received a diagnosis of cancer. Her second husband was a widower whose first wife died from cancer. Now he is taking care of Claudia in her final days, reliving the memories of the final stages of his first wife. The last time Adriana visited Claudia she had deteriorated and could only speak with great difficulty.

Fabian’s family need our prayerful support as they endure a profoundly difficult time.  Their precious baby boy, Simon,was just shy of his first birthday when he passed away at the beginning of this month after battling pontocerebellar hypoplasia. His family are heartbroken by this loss. Simon had a special bond with his four siblings, each of whom were deeply attached to him. Emanuel, his 11-year-old brother, was a constant presence by Simon’s side, often lying down next to him, providing comfort and assistance to their mother as she cared for Simon. The entire family are walking a valley of deep grief, yet they cling to the hope that one day they will be reunited as they wait to embrace Simon in heaven.

Antonia, a precious little 3-year-old girl has been diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy, a condition affecting her muscle strength and movement. She is lovingly cared for by her young mother, who dedicates her time to support Antonia’s needs, while her father works abroad trying to earn a living for the family. This separation makes their situation even more challenging. Antonia requires regular visits to a specialized hospital in Bucharest for essential treatments/therapies to help manage her condition. Your prayers and support would mean so much to them during this difficult time.


A total of thirteen babies have been born since my last report.  Tell Romania assisted with medical tests, financial aid, food, medicines, clothes and shoes, toys and toiletries.  My three colleagues offered godly counselling to all the families.  We wish to acknowledge all who support our pro-life programme.

Denisa (16) is fifteen weeks pregnant – (her second pregnancy). She became pregnant at the age of fourteen; sadly, the baby was born with a brain deficiency and died three days later. Denisa suffered emotionally after the loss of her baby. Six months later she became pregnant again.  Denisa comes from an extremely poor family where there is no finance available to attend a gynaecologist.  During counselling, Gabi explained the importance of hospital visits and accompanied Denisa on her initial visit where an infection which would most certainly affect the pregnancy was discovered. Without the support of Tell Romania, Denisa would have been facing darkness yet again; please hold her close in your heart during these crucial months.  

Isais a mother of three children aged eleven, nine and three.  She gave birth on 21st February to a baby girl who although only 3lbs 2oz at birth, seemed healthy. Unfortunately, the little darling was unable to breathe and had to be intubated.  In the days following, a heart malformation was discovered, the little one died from pneumonia.  May God bring peace to Isa and give her sustaining grace to recover from the shock of losing her little one.

Monica (30) who suffers from a serious psychiatric condition was able to maintain her pregnancy during dark days of depression.  We have just been informed she has disappeared, leaving her baby in the care of her mother. Once Monica hits a crisis, she is unable to think rationally and runs away from any form of responsibility. Pray Monica will seek help to enable her to ‘come home’ to bond with this precious gift from the Lord and experience the joy of motherhood.

Elena is the mother of three children and is pregnant again. She needs our support in prayer. During the last echography, the doctor identified her baby was not developing properly.   Elena is filled with fear as during her previous pregnancies, finance for hospital appointments, tests, treatments was not an option.  Another difficult situation which requires our attention, love and support.


Maria (16) is currently one of our students in our Vocational Training Course. She is eager to learn the art of sewing, longing to become a seamstress.  This young teenager travels three hours in order to attend our classes where we teach three modules over a period of three years, ranging from beginner, advanced to distinction.  She is the eldest of five children; sadly both parents struggle with serious health issues. As you are aware, Tell Romania operate feeding programmes within each of our foundations and we feel the need to accept this family for support, offering counselling, food, hygiene for the next two years. Losing employment, health can be very traumatic, pray for our team as they counsel and show love, helping our families understand that personal worth is not tied to employment …They need to know the One who is the source of all things and who will never leave or forsake.

Ionut (2) has two brothers and two sisters; he is a cute little two-year-old.  The family of seven live in a small village in the depth of darkness and poverty.  The father is unable to find employment and the children know the pangs of hunger.  The family live in chaos and need to learn how to manage the everydayness of life even with little or no resources.  Here is another family crying out for acceptance in a world where they feel ‘different’, where their loneliness is the predominant attitude of their culture.  We will accept this family into our feeding programme for the next two years, during which time my colleagues will offer spiritual guidance, support, teach management skills etc.  May they come to know the One who brings peace to searching hearts.

Mariana.  No one lives their life without experiencing sadness, suffering in different forms bringing the depth of lasting pain. Yet, as we look back, these situations shape our lives.   Mariana and her seven children have experienced tragic circumstances. Many of you know her story.  The family still remain in our care and we monitor the situation daily.    Mariana has undergone many surgeries to remove cancerous tumours. Sadly, another tumour has evolved and surgery is an urgent requirement. Tell Romania have been able to finance every surgery/treatment through the unending support of a dear sister who holds Mariana close in heart.  Speaking with Monika, I learned Mariana’s surgery had to be postponed as they found an abnormality on her thyroid.  Presently she is awaiting results from various tests.  Mariana’s daughter also has undergone surgery.  As you pause in the stillness of God’s presence, please whisper ‘Mariana’silently in your heart.


AWANA Youth Ministry. Although the children’s ministry is going well, the youth ministry is a real challenge. It is difficult to bring youth together as every one of them has different activities. Unfortunately, we had to cancel our arrangement on the last two occasions as no one attended. Please pray that God will change their hearts! Please pray for encouragement for the team who serve in the youth ministry.

Please pray for the Ladies meeting on 23rd of March.  To date, each time a Ladies meeting has been arranged, we have seen a large number of village ladies attending.  We pray that as they listen to the gospel, the Lord will touch their hearts. 

Thank You for all your prayer support. We really need IT!


Camelia is married with two children.  Her husband is happy to find any form of employment in order to provide for his family.  They had no permanent home, longing for a key to open a door of happiness.  1 Tim 6: 8 ‘Having food and clothing, with these we shall be content’.  Camela and her husband started to build a small home, raising finance for windows and a front door.  However, there was no resources remaining to purchase roofing.  Romanian winters bring freezing conditions, causing concern that all work to date would be destroyed without a roof covering.  Gabi and I prayerfully decided to finance a small roof in order to make the building secure. The shell is now secured but internal work has yet to commence.   I quote in Camelia’s own words: ‘I pray for you every moment with thanks as that is all I can do now.  If the Lord wills to help me to finish, I will move to a place I can finally call HOME’.  Camelia.

Fear forms part of our human nature. How blessed we are to be the children of a God who is faithful, who, when we can’t overcome anxieties, tells us to choose ‘Trust’.  And so, I leave all my patients, families, children in the care of One who sees beyond our today(s).  Pray with me that these precious ones will walk through the doorway into the richness of comfort, assurance, security, acceptance, love.  A life clothed with the garment of praise from the One whose heart is kind beyond all measure and who gives each day as He deems best.

Shirley, March 13, 2025. (42B Bernice Road, Craigarogan, BT36 4QZ