GIVE ME THINE HEART (Proverbs 23: 26)


This morning, my friend, Pastor David McFarland, (Lurgan) closed his email to me by drawing my heart to Colossians 3:15   ‘And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful’. Another treasured friend, Wesley Scott, (Hon. Elder, Castlereagh B.C.) sharing Mark 6: 34 with me ‘When Jesus landed and SAW a large crowd, he had COMPASSION on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd’.

Where is my heart? What do I see? Have I compassion?

How far will I go (IN LOVE) for the baby who has been abandoned; the mother, homeless and alone; the elderly father caring for his severely disabled child; my dearly beloved Hospice patients; the little ones so ill in hospital; the young widow struggling in the storm of emotion; a young widower left with six children, his humble home destroyed by fire last week; six children, without Mum, Shelter, Shoes, Clothing ….? As we read in the book of Job ‘in the midst of it all, I will stand and not fall’. My heart whispers Violeta, Abigail, Manuela and John, praying for a special grace, assurance that although torn in heart just now from the briars of life, they can lie down in green pastures and rest in the presence of the great Shepherd. How closely the Shepherd guards our footsteps.  Who is sufficient for service, sacrifice, sickness, singleness, brokenness ?   Lord, through me may they know that peace can be gained through brokenness – Our life is as the morning fog, here a little while, then gone. Lord, Even For One.

Dr. Moore is feeling the loss of two of his students, Filip called home in August, now Andrei, ‘Shirley, why am I still here at my age?’ he asked. In a conversation yesterday with Pastor Beni Faragu, the Army of Tomorrow was their topic. My reply (as a wife) ‘work still unfinished, security is needed for the superstructure of Foundations still to be put in place’.

My thoughts wonder as I marvel that the good Shepherd, my Shepherd knows my name, yes we are known to Him. ‘Loving Shepherd, Thou didst give, Thine own life that I might live; May I love Thee day by day, Gladly Thy sweet will obey’. I need to pattern my life ‘On Him’.

I find myself somewhat dull with pain and emotion, yet nerved in a renewed effort for 2017. I have shelter, food, health, family yet for many this is not so. ‘My Children’, ‘My Girls’ are important to me and my family is growing! Casa Grace has stirred my heart. The situations, circumstances, (not stories but reality) ‘I SAW’ as I watched the dedicated staff work with the disabled children, then later visiting the room of the abandoned babies, the village homes where there is insufficient money for food. We are told to sow, to tell, to go where no one wants to go but we must continually bring the living word, the gospel itself to the hearts of men and women by our love, through our interest and by showing we care.

We return to Northern Ireland mid November for two weeks, then back ‘Home’ where we will spend our first Christmas in Romania. What joy on Christmas Morning to know the children feel our love, the hungry will have food on their table. Nothing will touch a wounded heart or heal a broken heart like the balm of love flowing from our heart to theirs. Give them your heart this Christmas . Help us show favour to the humble and remove the drought by the rain of grace?

.Shirley, 27th October 2016.

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