Psalm 103: 11. ‘For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His steadfast love toward those who fear Him’
As high as the heavens are above the earth! This is the extent of His love for me. No height or depth can reach beyond His love, because it is an endless love, without measure, always available and overflowing with goodness. I read in Proverbs 2: 11 ‘A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver’. My personal Treasure Chest flowing with gifts of His grace, my life enriched with gifts of loyal love, tender compassion. My deepest longing, desires, satisfied with His goodness.
During this month, I have been anxious and yes my tiny seed of faith needs to be rooted deeper. I long to touch the desperate, the lost, the unloved, to tell them there is One who can raise their spirit because His grace is greater that their need. Yet in my private moments of concern, I am assured that He alone is the answer to humanity’s cry. What physical bread is for the body, He is for the hungry heart. He is the Bread of Life. His invitation so clear: ‘Come Unto Me, You Will Never Hunger’. This is the definitive answer to all doubt and fear.
Jesus, Thou joy of loving hearts,
Thou Fount of life, Thou Light of men,
From the best bliss that earth imparts,
We turn unfilled to Thee again.
Thy truth unchanged hath ever stood;
Thou savest those that on Thee call;
To them that seek Thee Thou art good,
To them that find Thee all in all.
We taste Thee, O Thou Living Bread,
And long to feast upon Thee still;
We drink of Thee, the Fountain Head,
And thirst our souls from Thee to fill.
Our restless spirits yearn for Thee,
Where’er our changeful lot is cast;
Glad when Thy gracious smile we see,
Blest, when our faith can hold Thee fast.
Lord, be Thou our strength and stay!
Make all our moments calm and bright,
Chase all dark thoughts of sin away,
Shed o’er us here Thy holy light.
Pray that as we return to ‘our home’ in Romania on Monday, ‘We Will Be A Blessing’.
‘Without the Spirit of God we can do nothing. We are ships without wind or chariots without horses. Like branches without sap, we are withered. Like coals without fire, we are useless’ Charles H. Spurgeon.
‘You may depend on it gentlemen, that God’s work, done in God’s way, will never lack God’s provision’. (Hudson Taylor).
Shirley, 21nd February, 2017