May you set your heart on things above.
May you set your mind on things above.
May you practice truth.
May you allow Christ to be your all in all.
May you be clothed with Compassion, Kindness,
Humility, Gentleness, Patience.
Forgive as the Lord forgives you.
And over all these virtues may you put on love which binds
them together in perfect communion.
May you let the peace of Christ dwell in your heart.
May you let the Word of Christ dwell in you.
May your home be an expressive home filled
with passion for Christ, for others, for Life.
(Steve Wingfield)
To repeat, ‘May your home be an expressive home filled with passion for Christ, for others, for Life’.

Home! Where is home? October in Romania was filled with the beauty of Autumn, the birds in sweet song, rays of sunshine peering through the trees. But amidst all of this were the threads that spun storms of darkness, the homeless sleeping in elements of mud and scum, the terminally ill sucking bitter berries of pain. There was no beauty in their world, no Nightingale’s song. Rarely have I seen smiles mingled with tears with such strength inviting me into their humble home but more importantly into their hearts. They are a prisoner of circumstance. I am overwhelmed by emotion as I learn perhaps of an Artist, Seamstress, individuals possessing a particular style and talent of their own now reduced to…..? And yet my heart is ‘Fixed’ knowing only one can decide my course. ‘Life is beautiful not because of the things we see or do. Life is beautiful because of the people we meet’.
Reading in the book of Ruth, I hold in my heart that Ruth was ‘steadfastly minded’ to go. I possess a heart an earnestness for my beloved in Romania and this is where I am ‘At Home’. Either it has to be ‘all in all or not at all’.
Grasping the opportunity of each day, the one thing I desire is to bring the gift of hope to my brother, my sister, love to my little ones. All my days are memorable, some days hit hard and I find it difficult to always be brave. Summer is fast fading for many and the lustre of youth has gone; they have learned to accept the voice of silence with solitude as their only companion. ‘To whomsoever I shall send thee thou shalt go’ (Jeremiah 1: 7).
I leave my questions in Higher Hands knowing that in the secret place and in his time, I will understand the reason why. I hold in my heart my babies, children, patients, families, and ask you to stand with me until my return; not just names, real people, please make your heart a pulpit for:
- The family of Baby Alexandra whose broken hearts melt your own heart.
- The Grandmother and younger brother of little Stefan who died last week
- Nathanael (13) advanced cancer, his parents are overwhelmed with grief.
- Young Kevin and his family who have recently come to know the Lord.
- Catalina recovering from surgery for partial removal of a neck tumour.
- Catalina suffering from breast cancer, husband (Stefan) Alzheimer’s Disease.
- Sister Lucretia suffering from stomach cancer with added complications.
- Andrea in final stages of cancer.
- Ionuz (John, 21) a prisoner within his body.
- The elderly patients: Magdalena; John and Elizabeth; Alexandru.
- The countless bereaved children who have no Mummy or Daddy this Christmas.
- The Centre caring for orphan, disabled, down syndrome children and the abandoned babies.
- Lulu (18) adapting to a new location, new people for the remainder of his life.
- Stefania (11), Treasure (15), only two of many, locked within their bodies unable to move, they communicate by eye contact.
- Dora in her weakness, lovingly cared for by her father John who carries, washes, clothes and feed her. A life of devotion.
- Casa Grace, Emanuel Hospice, Iochebed families facing poverty (without food or winter fuel), facing eviction and many without identity. One food parcel, one bag of hygiene products brings a smile to the searching eyes of hope.
- Cighid Adult Orphans, forgotten, unaccepted by society, living in the forest of Cighid, the darkness and freezing conditions of winter is an unwelcome guest.
- Sister Vali (40) soon will have ten children to feed.
- Alina (27) four children 7, 4, 2 and a baby facing the uncertainty of anxiety surrounding her baby daughter.
The list is endless, these are but a few.
November is exceptionally busy for ‘The Moore’s’. Many deputation meetings and very few (if any) free days. Our flights are booked to return to Romania on December 03 as Dr. Moore is teaching in the Masters Programme; School of Practical Theology, Radio Voice of the Gospel and in Village Churches. He is presently collecting articles from the faculty for the new edition of ‘Semanatorul (The Sower) a by-annual journal specifically designed for Emanuel University. The translation of the Pastoral Epistles Commentary into Hungarian is making progress also the translation into Russian has commenced.
Sharing the stillness of our soul together in the evenings as we recall smiling across a crowded corridor as one of the ‘duos’ return from visits while the other rushes to class – or when a voicemail arrives telling you ‘Shirley, I have left the key below the mat’. Wonder of wonders, we don’t have a mat! But this is home and it is our home.
The path to peace is a narrow path, walk with me.
Shirley, 25 October, 2019