Our desires in Tell Romania are summarised as seeking:
– to assist in the teaching and training of individuals for Christian service in Eastern Europe, particularly Romania.
– to engage in evangelism, support translation and produce Christian literature.
– to assist local churches in their Christian ministry.
– and to provide humanitarian aid.
I was converted as a child of seven in 1952, and later received the call into full-time service in 1966. I have had the enormous privilege of serving the Lord for the last fifty eight years. Most of that time has been spent in Northern Ireland as an evangelist, Pastor and Bible College principal.

Now my ministry is very much focused on Romania, a country of 18 million people with great needs (plus 5 million living and seeking work abroad). It is such a huge country with 8000 villages still unreached by the Gospel and so many believers needing to be grounded in the faith, My wife Shirley has joined me in embracing the opportunity of service there. Our ministry combines a teaching, preaching, and caring ministry. This involves church planting and training for those called to minister.
It also includes humanitarian aid, help for those with Down syndrome, support for orphans, abandoned babies and those who are terminally ill. The call of God is to bring the gospel to the world and disciple those who repent. But it also requires us to show the love of Christ by our actions. (1 John 3:18) God has placed deep burdens on my wife and myself to help wherever we sense God is leading. Ours the privilege; ours the challenge.
Publications are available and the income from sales of these is used to further support pastors and students and those in need in Romania. Please browse and contact us if you wish to purchase.
I am anxious to help preachers in Romania (and everywhere) to see the need for a thorough and Biblical presentation of Truth in their ministry. After a lifetime of serving the Lord as a Pastor, Evangelist and College principal, I have a vast amount of notes. I want to make these available to others to help them in their ministry. They are free to download.
In seeking to fulfil this calling, your support is greatly valued. Do take time to browse this site and learn more of what God is doing in Romania and if He leads you to get involved, please get in touch.
Thank you for fellowship in the Gospel,
Hamilton Moore