Richard Foster writes: ‘Without silence, there is no solitude.’
My own ‘solitude’ is that deep personal silence within, the quietness where I listen only to His voice. ‘Quiet times’ so needful, so important – my alone time with Him!
Thoughts, plans, appointments, conversations fill my mind! How…? How can I…? How will I…? Time is precious, time is vital, time, time?? Stop! Solitude! A deep breath! Yes, I hear His whisper.
Psalm 9: 1 ‘I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will tell of all your marvellous works’. Yes, I will tell! I will give thanks! Richard Foster continues: ‘If we are silent, who will take control? God will take control’! And so as I prepare to leave for Romania, where emails from students are constant, where students have been knocking on the door of 205, where both our hearts long to be, let me remove the noise – hear the strains that filled my heart this morning in worship:
So I will go wherever He is calling me
I lose my life to find my life in Him
I give my all to gain the hope that never dies
I bow my heart, take up my cross and follow Him.
Pastor David McFarland kindly forwarded this encouragement last evening, Psalm 18 NLT:
God’s way is perfect, All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to Him for protection. For who is God except the Lord? Who but our God is a solid rock? God arms me with strength, and He makes my way perfect. He makes me as surefooted as a deer, enabling me to stand on mountain heights. He trains my hands for battle; He strengthens my arm to draw a bronze bow. You have given me your shield of victory. Your right hand supports me; your help has made me great.
I repeat to myself over and over ‘your right hand supports me, your help has made me great’. I pause, I reflect on the project of Child Life Romania (launched this summer) – my confidence has been empowered as I have viewed the many wonderful works, living miracles, beyond number – the countless provision from those who were sensitive to the call, who set time aside, whose active faith has displayed that when we rely on God and not ourselves, not only our character,but our confidence is strengthened – it is then and only then, we see the ‘living miracles’ in action! I smile at the close of each day, calling to mind during our ‘quiet time’ at the outset of each new day, asking the Lord how that we might hear from Him. And we did!
Dr. Moore and I leave in a few hours, my husband will be lecturing 4th year students and in the Masters week, meeting with lecturers, preaching in Decapolis Church for the Hearing Impaired. I am looking forward to meeting with Sister(s) Raelene, Sylvia and Miriam (Child Life Romania) and as always my love and passion with my friends at Emanuel Hospice. A busy but exciting (short visit) as we must return home for the Book Launch of I & II Timothy & Titus – Missional Texts from a Great Missionary Statesman – details will be sent on a separate email. We will dv return to Romania on Monday 16 November and will remain until Christmas.
Please pray for Denisa – her mother has had to fly back to Italy. Denisa has suffered two setbacks; at present there is another infection in her body – do remember her with much love and prayer, she is still within the 100 day risk period.
Do pray for Dr. Moore and I – the Lord is the source of our strength and so we want to encourage others, to meet the need to embrace the challenge. Together, ‘Let us rise up and build. ‘ Then they set their hands to this good work.
Christian Love & Blessings to you all.