‘My soul waits in silence for God only . . .’ STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! ….. Then GO!   Memories of my first bicycle/first lesson in road safety! As an only child, I was loved and protected.   My Heavenly Father displays His unconditional love in so many different ways, assuring me that my greatest legacy is loving Him with an open heart.

During these weeks at home, I have had to learn to STOP (wait).   LOOK (confirmation) and LISTEN ( His voice).   First, I had to bring my doubts to the surface, to acknowledge, to recognise then to accept that my Heavenly Father who already knows my every thought and emotion, will answer – not in a hurried mode but just when needed!   Why then was I questioning in my heart, ‘What’s next to do?’ ‘How will I ever get there?’ Then it hit home! It isn’t I, for I am controlled, compelled by a love, a devotion to His call, His purpose.

Jeremiah 29: 13 ‘ You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me will all your heart’. Passing Stormont Presbyterian Church last evening on route to Millisle Baptist Church – the Church Notice Board stated: ‘WE SEE FACES, GOD SEES HEARTS’ !   And so, with an Open Heart I knew this period of waiting had developed my character, my trust with a disciplined perseverance in silent meditation.   Hiding His promise in my heart with the assurance that when I wait, …….Like an … ornament of fine gold is a wise reprover to a listening ear. (Proverbs 25: 12).

The (2) new projects taught me the Lord speaks through others and that I would soon realise that whenever, wherever, I speak, He always listens! Impossibility! Provision ! Our God is beyond measure. When I gaze into the night skies . . . . nature is His creation.   Beyond comprehension.


Violeta is the wife of Philip Faragu who is the son of Pastor Benjamin Faragu, Iris Baptist Church, Cluj ( both former students of Dr. Moore). I met with Violeta to learn more of the work of Preventis – a ministry focussing on drug prevention, offering counselling and support to children and parents of drug addicts in the city Cluj Napoca.   ‘Shirley, we have 25 children under our care for one year, could you help us?. My first reaction ( inwardly ) another work – could I, can I, STOP! Again it isn’t I.   I replied, ‘Let me return home, we can talk when I have had time to talk to ‘My Heavenly Father’. To everything there is a time, yet always sufficient ‘Manna’ for to-day with sufficient Grace for tomorrow!   I placed a fleece before the Lord and waited!

Dr. Moore was taking a three week series in Monkstown Baptist Church during January and during one of those meetings I spoke with a life-long friend of my husband: Andrew Gardiner, I shared my heart regarding the work of Preventis – left, to face a memorable drive home to Portstewart. Fine until we reached the Ballymena Roundabout then Snow was falling – no, not softly but the Silver Peugeot was facing a Snow Blizzard and so with the sounds of ‘In the Bleak Mid Winter’ echoing from the Driving Seat – we quietly, slowly, made our way to B5 with the odd slip and slide to brighten our journey. A few days passed, an email arrived from Andrew stating he had been able to purchase 25 New Fur Lined Jackets! Impossibility – No! Provision – Yes!


An after school programme for 35 disadvantaged children who come to the church for 4-5 hours per week, homework followed by a hot meal.   Brother Ruben, is an accomplished Musician, Soloist and Choir Director and has the vision to form an Orchestra . They have the children, volunteer music teachers but need instruments. Again the request came ‘Shirley, can you help us?’ I remember singing a Sandi Patti song entitled ‘Make His Praise Glorious’ – Music is an important ministry in Praise & Worship – they need instruments!   And so the requirement of cellos, violins, flutes …….. in Higher Hands!   Within one hour of the web posting, a lady, Eleanor Hayes telephoned my husband to say she had seen our project on the web and would we be interested in a cello? Shirley, the red has changed to Amber now to Green what are you waiting for – GO!

To learn more of the challenging work, visit our web page under ‘PROJECTS‘. If you can help in any way, do make contact. Container No. 5 is planned late February. No 6 to follow!

DRIVE 2015 L A U N C H E D ! As I think of Thursday night, the excellence offered in such a wide spectrum of music and song, I am reminded of the words of Psalm 8: ‘O Lord, Our Lord, how majestic is Thy name’.   Jonathan Rea, Alan McClure , Sylvia Burnside, not only giving their time, talent but offering their heart in praise and adoration to magnify and glorify the Lord. Thank you for sharing your gift, your talent, your offering in the outpouring of such love, such commitment, so deeply appreciated yet so acceptable ‘Unto Him‘. – I am reminded of the hymn – ‘What shall I bring to the Saviour, what shall I lay at His feet?’. We were blessed through your ministry, touching the lives of many you will never meet this side of heaven. Matthew 25: 40 ‘ Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me’.   Jonathan, Alan, Sylvia, I am hiding God’s promise in my heart, praying for confidence and purpose as I return to an emotional few months – precious ‘jewels’ you took the time to show just how much you cared. Thank You. A special word of Thanks to Hilary Moody (Brooches with a Wow factor) ably assisted by the ‘production team’ of Grange BWF contributed £500 to Drive 2015. To the Stewards also Lynette & Ruth for their contribution. Our time in Portstewart has built a strong link in the chain of friendship of genuine people as in Jenny (Owner) Barry (Manager) Kate (Receptionist) of The Royal Court Hotel, Portrush who displayed their genuine care and support in offering the beautiful Atlantic Suite on Thursday night to host our Musical Evening. ‘We say ‘Thank You’ – we are humbled, touched and immensely blessed by your reality! To EVERYONE involved – your anchor of devotion is an example. The exact amount required has been raised for Container No. 5!

These weeks at home have been extremely busy, hours become days, days become weeks, and now we enter another new month, new resources offered to the ever expanding work in hand for this special time in the life of TELLROMANIA.

Another amazing provision – Pelican Healthcare Trust made contact offering one full pallet of specialist medical accessories specifically for terminally ill patents. They shipped the pallet from Wales to Larne, arranged a delivery firm to offload in Ballyclare Store. We still are tracing the rainbow in the cloud. How can I say ‘Thanks’ for the things You have done? ‘Restore us to Yourself, O Lord, that we may return; renew our days …….

Dr Moore had the opportunity to ‘come apart and rest a while’ enjoying the men’s breakfast times in the home of Pastor Trevor Watson, coffee with Ross Wilson and also the opportunity to share with local Ministers based in Coleraine.

TELLROMANIA wish to convey sincere thanks to Ross for his ‘Gift of Love’, Dr. Moore and I are overwhelmed and encouraged through this inspired work – (Mary) ‘The Woman Who Spoke With An Angel’. Viewing presently – Stables Gallery, Coleraine.

We arrive in Cluj, Friday, 27th February, 2015, as yet we have not booked our return flight – however we will return for two short trips home as my husband has commitments in the Irish Baptist College lecturing in the Pastoral Care and Counselling Course. During the months of March, April, May and June, in addition to our own ministries we will also take in a visit to Pastor Catalin Croitor in Suceava, teach in the Slavic Gospel Association Schools in Suceava and Pecieu, minister in various village churches.

Another busy day in the Moore Household, my husband has been working fourteen hours to-day as he must finish his book for publication in Romania. To mark the occasion of the 25th Graduation, each student will receive a copy of the Pastoral Epistles.   Life will be busy and varied within our differing roles. Commitment, Motivation, Emotion yet tears mingled with smiles as we look forward to the wedding of Ciprian and Daria (Hospice Psychologist) & Special Friend in June.

The value of small things! If you have a moment – an email from home is a ‘hidden gem’.

Pray for us in our different ministries, my husband in Emanuel, various churches, radio ministry; my own involvement in Emanuel Hospice Care, Student Campus, and Preventis.

Shirley,     ( 09 February, 2015 ).