Online teaching ministry

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The 500 Plus Community is based on the text, 1 Corinthians15:6, where Paul, listing the proofs of the resurrection, mentions that Jesus was “seen by over 500 brothers at one time.” We need a 500 plus community to witness to this present generation, manifesting by their daily lifestyle the power of the risen Christ.    

Dr. Hamilton Moore has prayerfully prepared several series of messages which will prove encouraging and challenging. When one series is finished another will commence the following week. A printed publication of each series will also be available to purchase upon request, enabling you to build a set of volumes.

  • We encourage you to become part of the 500 Plus Community. If you like and subscribe to our channel you will receive notifications from YouTube when new content is available.
  • You might like to comment on the videos or message us directly by text or email.

The 500 plus community school

Click on the image above to go to the 500 plus Community School lectures on YouTube

0793 871 6394

Dr. Hamilton Moore, 42b Bernice Road, Newtownabbey, BT36 4QZ.