Romania, once known as ‘the bread basket of Europe’ is a land filled with great suffering and pain. The once fertile ground lies barren and dry; the fields are ‘Empty Fields’. A legacy of control resulted in thousands of orphans, children desperate to survive, many dying from disease and exposure. Winter in Romania is severe with cruel consequences.

‘GIVE WITH YOUR HEART’ was a feeding programme ministry of Tell Romania began in 2015. Although initially it was to run for a year, by God’s grace and through His people’s kindness I have been able to continue until the present.
We have been seeking to provide food for the bodies and souls of one hundred and thirty families in Romania who face terminal illness or extreme poverty. The level on need is appallingly high. Casa Grace and Iochebed between them receive 400 requests each year for help with food.£20 will help feed one family for one month.

What is my purpose, my goal, as I continue to reach out to the poor and spiritually needy? My heart is in Romania with those I have learned to love and cherish. I can try to mend their brokenness, relieve their pain, offer food. The Lord Jesus gave much more displaying His love, kindness, tenderness, patience through His compassion and grace toward those who came. He always took time, so why not I? The Lord Jesus is the bread of life and through this appeal, Tell Romania will give, withholding nothing, and in doing so also give the living Word.
I ask you to remember me as I reach out to the terminally ill of Emanuel Hospice, the forgotten orphan, the unloved abandoned baby within Casa Grace and the desperately poor families of Iochebed in Suceava. The feeding programmes meet the needs of the hungry.
I read in Song of Solomon 1: 7 – ‘Tell me …. where you feed your flock?’ I prayed, ‘Lord tell me, that I may go’. I find all I need through constant communion with Him, reading His word, sharing my heart in private devotion before Him. He will direct; then I will walk in His path with a whole heart.
‘Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do’ James 2: 18.

How you can help.
You can donate online or by mail specifying that your gift is for the Feeding programme.
Some friends have held coffee mornings, craft evenings etc and donated the proceeds to the Feeding Programme. Please contact us if you can help.