‘Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea ‘Peace be still!’ And the wind ceased and there was a great calm!’ (Mark 4: 39)
Today, I found myself praying silently in my heart for ‘words’. Yes, simply words. Comfort for the dying; Assurance for the homeless beggar; A day without clouds where the sun is now invisible for the elderly widow; What words could I offer that would stop the falling rocks pounding down, hitting hard, as they walk miles for bread. Or nests of young babies, children, as they tearfully stand barefooted waving ‘bye bye’ to Mummy, leaving for the fruit farms to earn money for food.
The COVID-19 spike is rising and now higher than during lockdown. Romania’s Coronavirus spike exceeds one thousand new cases daily as the number of infections rose by a record of over one thousand during the past twenty-four hours, confirming over forty thousand cases including over two thousand deaths since the pandemic hit in late February. Rigid restrictions are in place regarding any form of travel throughout Romania and one must display a document stating ‘NEGATIVE’ in order to do so. The government has extended a state of alert until the middle of August. Sustained vigilance must be maintained.

Hamilton and I released the July ‘blog’ four days ago updating on the vast needs. The work is expanding and we prove the faithfulness of God in His provision. His still small voice calms the storms of uncertainty. Yet, amidst all the darkness of squalor, poverty and sickness, the teams of Emanuel Hospice, Casa Grace and Iochebed continue to minister, taking no thought for their own life. They know nothing, not even pounding rocks can destroy their tower of faith. We are facing storms of loss of life and economy but we know that with Jesus at the helm, we are safe from the fierce winds of life. Words to describe those I love in Romania would be indestructible as I view their determination and resilience in their unbreakable spirit. Andrei continues to share the gospel in Sofronia.
Words I offer to fight the raging war within comes from the One whose heart is filled with compassion: ‘My peace I give to you, not as the world giveth, give I unto you’.