A soft shower is falling as I gaze out the window with my thoughts. ‘Not as I wish, but must accept’.
The grass and trees welcome the refreshing raindrops especially as the crisp dry leaves waver in the stormy winds. A tear runs down my cheek as I think of the tiny raindrop/rainbow that graced my life, if only for such a short time. I have been meditating and lingering with my thoughts today.
My precious jewel little Dada (5) who graced my life for two short years was called home in the early hours of this morning and will be laid to rest tomorrow morning. Her little footsteps will no longer run to meet me; her smile; her tight hug of welcome will be mine no more. The final flower in my garden of ‘These My Little Ones’ has lost her battle with Leukaemia. Again methinks: ‘Not as I wish, but must accept’. Dada fought so hard, contented to be confined in hospital waiting her second bone marrow transplant but then falling there and breaking her little arm – yet she continued to smile without complaint.
How do I remember this delicate flower I used to call ‘my snowdrop? To me she was a perfect gift given to enrich and bless through her childlike faith, facing mountains yet always silent – an angel who travelled a valley of silence without questioning. Each day she would ‘silently’ play with her pink play doh (we laughed together last time we played as pink is my favourite colour too). But then it was ‘tidy up time’ and time to help Mummy as Dada had three little brothers who simply adored her – she was the only girl.
Today again I feel the pangs of pain as I face another staggering trial. And yet, I find these everyday situations of life humbling me before the One who is my refuge in His enduring shelter.
Tomorrow morning please whisper ‘Petruda’ and think of a young mother parting with her treasured possession.
I cannot change this day of sadness or unlock with a key the reason why. Until then I submit to His plans, reminding myself that in this trial His way is best.
Petruda I hold you in my heart asking the Lord to give you His grace, His peace from His exhaustive treasury, His unreached depths of love to surround you in these unimaginable days of loss.
Lovingly held in days of change
‘If I had a formula for ridding mankind of trouble, I think I would not reveal it, for in doing so I would do him a disservice’ Oliver Wendell Holmes.
August 02 my journal read: ‘Lord, draw my heart close to yours, although I feel shaken just now, I know you have a purpose, help me to recognise your plan and accept without question’. September: My writing has somewhat changed for the darkened sky of night is filled with promise as the dawn breaks through. As a wife, these have been days of anxiety, I lost count of the number of deep breaths I took as one prognosis after another was reached. I did feel alone with my thoughts, yet knew I was not alone. My heart burned within me and was stilled, I felt the presence of His empowering Spirit assuring me that in the midst of all this confusion the One who walked the Emmaus Road was walking with me. I recall those days as I sat in the hospital and remember reading ‘It is good to have things settled by faith, before they are unsettled by feeling,’ I hugged this to my heart for I was guilty of lacking faith (if only for a moment) but I had gained precious and creative hours with my Lord. I had time to think. Did my own life require a change? Attitude; Gentleness; Understanding. How can I know, how can I give unless I too have been shipwrecked on the seas of life? His standard requires a nature of compassion. I never want to give to receive praise, I just want to give where and when needed.
As I relate to the past weeks, the numerous times I looked at my watch wondering what next? I am thankful because I learned that the things that disturbed, upset my plans was all part of His plan. Job 23: 14 ‘He performeth the thing that is appointed for me’ . He holds our breath in the palm of His hands, therefore no trial will come without His loving purpose. ‘Life is beautiful not because of the things we see or do. Life is beautiful because of the people we meet’. Each one of us mean a lot to someone, yet nothing is more beautiful than feeling loved by our Heavenly Father. To know as we face a new day that He is the God of all our mornings.
My heart is filled with memory days in Romania. Special times, special people that time or distance have not diminished our bond. Come walk with me as I share day to day realities. The children of Emanuel Hospice live in my heart. Baby Florin, Deborah, John, Emanuel ….. I will never hold them again but I hold their memory in my heart. Estera contacted me very early this morning, a huge wave of emotion washed over me as I learned Robi (18) supported by our feeding programme lost his battle with cancer. Please pray for his mother, he was her only child. My little Dada (5) has battled leukaemia since infancy. I ask you to whisper ‘Dada’. Every waking moment, her Mum is heartbroken as she watches her little gem lose her sparkle. I do ask the reason ‘Why’ but I must wait for the answer, only eternity will reveal. Words fail to thank those of you who through the Feeding Programme show the love of Christ. One banana was such a wonderful treat to Baby Florin. Without you I would not hold this memory in my heart.
A very brave young Kevin has gone through three months of medical procedures in preparation for the first of many surgeries scheduled in the forthcoming months. Kevin is excited he will be able to walk normally for the first time in his short life (9) and cannot wait to play football. The Lord is answering our prayers, his little feet are turning, a miracle. ‘He took the children in His arms ……..’ Let us take all these children you have already read and will continue to read about in this update in our arms in prayer.
The four Toma sisters continue to make progress. Cosmina, Denisa, Ligia have been discharged from the various hospitals. Larisa suffered a partial leg and foot amputation and remains in hospital. She is the only child patient in the hospital. I hear the staff and adult patients really love her. We have such a caring Heavenly Father. Please pray the Lord will continue to draw close to this family. The condition of their brother remains unchanged. My prayer is that this family will know a special touch from His hand, so much tragedy within this household and yet the father and mother remain firm in their faith knowing the true meaning of these words: ‘Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid’. I plan to meet with the family and offer support as the Lord provides on my forthcoming visit.
Casa Grace Foundation constantly walk through a great wilderness of lives overshadowed by poverty, hunger and rejection. The forgotten orphan, disabled child and the adorable treasures abandoned and bereft of love. Tears filled the eyes of the children who attended the Summer Camp as they boarded the coach to leave. One precious little girl (6) sobbed as her days had been so different, skipping through the beautiful hills of the Romanian mountains, playing childhood games with new friends. Her daily routine is caring for her disabled father – her mother disappeared shortly after giving birth.
How insignificant, how small the Feeding Programme seems as I focus on the bleeding hearts of pain and suffering; we need to fill the empty space of brokenness and yet there is more. Parents, Grandparents facing tremendous pressure to address schooling requests. Unable to cope with many unexpected additional items that here are a normal provision. The Feeding Programme is a must as I reflect on those I have loved and lost this year. Thank you for blessing them with food to eat. As Tell Romania will continue this vital programme, we urgently require hygiene items. No one should have to choose between essentials such as toothpaste or bread. Will you pour rain on the dry and barren patch of ground they call Home? We are here for a season and seasons come and go, the beauty of a summer day soon turns to the chilly autumnal days of winter. So it is with the seasons of life – for indeed to everything there is a season – and many are in the winter of their lives. Will you hold the hands of one struggling family this winter?
Tell Romania are extending their ‘small’ borders. During his recent mission trip in July, my husband boarded an aeroplane flying from Oradea to Bucharest. Although very sick at the time his heart was compelled to continue. He spent one day with Dr. Ioan Ceuta, in Bucharest Christian Centre. Grace Feeding Centre is a project designed for poor people – a warm meal is offered each day. Every week, Monday to Friday lunch is served to 250 beneficiaries also food is delivered to 20 elderly disabled folk. A day care facility offers hope for the future to 100 disadvantaged children. They receive social and medical assistance; breakfast, snacks and lunch. We know it is impossible to meet every need but we can offer little knowing it will be much when God is in it. Before leaving the airport for home, yes my telephone rang ….. ‘Shirley, you need to see this, you need to come, is there any way we can …..’ Hamilton, please just come home, we will sort’ You know his heart too well, his love and compassion for the lost and dying. ‘PEOPLE DO NEED THE LORD’. BUT THEY NEED SOMEONE TO CARE.
Still Waters Psalm 23:’He leadeth me beside Still Waters, He restoreth…..’There are times when stillness is much better than background noise. Tell Romania will have from January 2019 the facility to offer a place of rest and respite to those in need of time apart. A time to be alone with the Great Shepherd who will lead you into green pastures through your times of mediation with Him. A place filled with peace for those experiencing the trauma of physical emotion or spiritual brokenness. Situated on a private site in the beautiful scenic area of Portstewart, with wheelchair access, it is a place of relaxation, recovery and renewal and will primarily be used to minister to Romanian Christian workers and the needy who will come for a short visit. A walk from the shadow of life into the Sunshine of His grace. Please pray for this venture of faith that lives will be restored and come to know a personal experience of the words:
How can I express my inner feeling? My mind, the very core of my heart is filled with emotion. Today I am experiencing deep pain, yet one filled with peace knowing that in my sadness God is sovereign and He is in control. I identify with the psalmist when he writes: ‘As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God’.
My pain is intertwined with joy; pain upon hearing my beloved Denisa has lost her battle with Leukaemia, yet joy in knowing and loving her during the past six years. Many of you have come to know Denisa through my blogs. Words would be inadequate to express her fight for life; a young medical student with the hope of one day becoming a doctor to specialise in this field. I was captivated by her sweet nature and personality as she threw out a net of love to all who knew her. I have many memories of days we spent together, but one memory as she ran to meet me after finishing university for the day is engraved in my heart. She was never downcast, always positive, flying to USA during the summer to seek further medical advice. She never gave up, rather kept on giving.
Her mother Lilianna was her constant companion. The depth of loss today is unimaginable; Denisa was her only child. Denisa will be remembered by me personally for the great things she achieved in the memories of a heart that gave with great love if only for a short season. How soon Denisa’s season has passed.
Lilianna, it is by faith we understand the reason why. I pray the Lord will be gracious to you and that as you wait in the quietness of your aching heart, He will minister unto you with His unfailing love.
Shirley, 08 September, 2018
The Power of prayer
‘Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God’
The secret of His presence has been my dwelling place during these hours as I have waited on news from Estera. Slow drops of peace filled my cup accompanied by unlimited resources assuring me that the One who created such perfection of beauty in the earth, whose riches are unmeasurable, His blessings (even in times of distress) are mine for the taking. I have all I need ‘In Him’.
Encouraging news has been received regarding the Toma sisters. God has been watching over them and they are slowly recovering; there is no danger regarding their lives. One girl has been transferred from ICU and the other girl will be transferring to a ward within days. The third sister who had her foot amputated is in a lot of pain even though on strong medication.
The heart of a father, a mother. My own heart longs to reach out and touch this precious couple. Their children are all in different hospitals (100 miles apart). The mother remains at home to care for her son who has been in a coma for one year. The father is with the youngest daughter in Timisora and the other sister who lost her foot is being cared for by a cousin.
A Romanian family in crisis, a family who are attending a Pentecostal church. Things are very difficult for them and they need much prayer. They have expenses regarding travel and accommodation. A greater need is the necessity of a PROSTHESIS for their daughter whose young life has been changed in a second.
Thank you for joining Tell Romania in prayer for these precious children. Five little lambs from one family need our love and prayers.
I plan in the will of the Lord to personally visit this family in October – please pray this will be possible
Shirley 31 July, 2018
‘In the silences I make in the midst of the turmoil of life I have appointments with God. From these silences I come forth with spirit refreshed, and with a renewed sense of power. I hear a voice in the silences, and become increasingly aware that it is the voice of God’.
David Brainerd.
The uncertainty of each second.
My Romanian friend Estera and I share a wonderful bond. We are One in our love for ‘These My Little Ones.’ Our visits are special; we laugh together and we cry together. Our hearts hurt at times and today is one of those days. I have just received the most dreadful news.
(Image for illustration purposes only)
Estera organised the Emanuel Hospice Summer Camp – the current group were children who are very sick or who have gone through personal grief or who have parents or siblings who are terminally ill. Four sisters from the Toma family, who are part of my Feeding Programme, enjoyed this past week in the mountains and were returning home last evening.
Everyone arrived safely in Oradea and the sisters were eagerly walking to the bus station longing to see their brother who had been hit by a car last year. Since then he has remained in a coma at home. No hospital care for him!
Suddenly out of nowhere a driver came up on the sidewalk at full speed and hit all four girls. Full details are still not available but one girl is in intensive care in a hospital in Oradea and another girl is in intensive care in a hospital in Timisoara, a hundred miles away. A third sister, an eleven-year-old, has had her leg amputated and will be hospitalised for approximately one month.
There are no words, the needs are endless. We cannot comprehend the reason why but we place our tears, our hurting heart with the One who knows the end from the beginning.
I love these children; I love the family God has so gracious given to me. Please join with me in prayer, holding these precious little darlings in your hearts. They are already in the hollow of His hand.
The loneliness of a hurting heart
Turning the key in the door, no familiar ‘Hello’ could be heard, instead quietness. The only sound I heard was that of the clock in the entrance hall striking 1 pm. Yes 42 B will be a lonely place for the next ten days. As my husband turned and waved ‘Goodbye’ entering Belfast International Airport, emotion filled my heart; again I cannot go to the land I love, again I am alone. Enough Shirley, a hot cup of coffee perhaps?
As I sipped my coffee, I began to count my blessings. God’s provision for us as a couple, the blessings we can find by being involved in human relationships, young or old. Friendship; Kindness; Serving in love ….. My thoughts turned to Da Da, so young yet longing for someone just to listen. A quiet and timid little girl who has encountered so much ‘silent suffering’ in her five years, she is very sick. Andrada was diagnosed with leukaemia at an early age and recently underwent a bone marrow transplant – she has relapsed and is back in Timisoara where they hope to repeat the procedure with her mother being the donor – the comparability is only 50%. We all like to be comforted when alone or just to be understood, so what can I give to this little darling whose smile still lives in my heart as we played last summer with play doh. I can give my heart in prayer, comfort and in faith that He who said ‘Suffer the little ones to come … will come beside Da Da and hold her hand during these next frightening days in the life of a five year old.
Kevin has now commenced his three months of preparation for the first of many surgeries to correct his twisted legs and feet. He too has an amazing smile and sent a picture to the lady in Ireland proudly displaying both legs in plaster cast, complete with air planes, trains, cars drawn on them. A nine year old boy who has known nothing only one terminal illness after another, yet he continues to smile. Can we walk together, committing ourselves in prayer for these two little ones?
Emanuel Hospice Summer Camp commences on Monday. Estera is planning to call with Dr. Moore before leaving for the mountains. Many children will attend, excited as they arrive in a bus! A first for many. The children are comprised of sick children, their siblings, children who have a parent or brother/sister with advanced cancer. The loneliness of many hurting hearts, please pray each child will feel special and feel the love and compassion of this amazing team. Tell Romania are privileged to walk beside the work of Emanuel Hospice and Casa Grace ministries. We are one ‘In Him’.
The lives we touch know only sadness, their days are filled with doubt, fear. Their hearts are longing for love, interludes of assurance. Love has a tremendous drawing power, it attracts people your way. Let us love with all of our heart entrusting ‘ALL’ into His care and keeping.
I leave you this thought from Elisabeth Elliott : ‘If all struggles and sufferings were eliminated, the spirit would no more reach maturity than would the child’.
Shirley, 21 July, 2018
A Personal Request:
Please remember my husband on this extensive mission trip. He has heard the call and is endeavouring to go in His name knowing that there is a simplicity in God’s plan. We both hold fast to God’s promise for the various works in Romania, Budapest, Bucharest, Moldova …..
As a wife, I pray these days will be special days of illumination and challenge, knowing that the One who calls us – remembers us.
Summer News from Casa Grace
Shirley received this wonderful newsletter today from Monika in Romania and wants to share it on her blog. Thank you for praying for this ministry.
CASA Grace – july 2018
Hidden Appointments
Isaiah 28: 28 ‘Grain must be ground to make bread’
- R. Miller writes: ‘Many of us cannot be used as food for the world’s hunger, because we have yet to be broken in Christ’s hands. “Grain must be ground to make bread”, and being a blessing of His often required sorrow on our part. Yet even sorrow is not too high a price to pay for the privilege of touching other lives with Christ’s blessings. The things that are most precious to us today have come to us through tears and pain’.
As I sat quietly musing on these words I wondered how much I knew or had experienced grinding or brokenness or the changing scenes of life, atmospheres that drive so many lives into the depths of despair? Every walk of life differs one from the other. I was alone with my thoughts and seemed to remain quiet for a long time – I am sensitive to the change in my own life yet driven with a peace I have never experienced before. There is an awareness I need to be emptied of self and filled with a burning desire to serve, knowing that whatever the Lord may require, I am safe, secure; that in the stillness He is moulding me into a vessel of His choice. ‘He leadeth me beside the waters of quietness’. Psalm 23: 2. I brought to mind the spiritual giants who knew the secret of contentment in all circumstances. I may not have been stoned, beaten, bruised, forsaken … but I knew the pain of loss and the deafening silence of being ‘alone’.
Many sit behind a closed door and it is winter in their lives in and out of season – there is a constant desert place rooted deep within. A desert of grief, troubled mind, sickness … Many bury the thorns of life in their broken heart. They have no sunshine in their garden of life. Love can be given quietly, discretely and so I want to ‘tip toe’ into the lives of those whose rose petals fall to the ground and are crushed.
‘Lord, I will’; ‘Lord I would, but…’. The Shepherd must go before me and I need to stop pushing ahead. Slow steps in quietness for He has promised that He wilt keep in ‘perfect peace whose mind…’ Have I displayed an act of devotion, compassion for others as found in the heart of my faithful Shepherd? Oswald Chambers penned: ‘ I have not done what I could until I have done the same’.
‘Still Waters’ is a new development within Tell Romania. A place where primarily souls from Romania can be soothed as they feel and know our love as the dew found on a morning rose. A new Pemberton Rivington Caravan (Portstewart) is being fully equipped to be a quiet place of renewal and recovery. Our Lord is always thinking of our needs. My prayer is that everyone we touch here at home or travelling from Romania will know that all they need can be found ‘In Him’. Their cares should be mine; their sorrows should be mine. Support us in prayer in this new outreach. Will you walk this new path with me and know the true meaning of the words found in Matthew 17: 27 ‘For Me and Thee’. Turn the key of prayer with me to this new door of service.
The disappointments of life are simply the hidden appointments of love’. C.A. Fox
The Lord Jesus commanded us to serve one another. As I think of His humility, I think of those I love in the land of my adoption whose faces came before me as I read Daria’s words. ‘Sister Shirley, everyone who knows you asks me about you; Nelu’s family is saying Hello …’ David is continuing his treatment and his tumour seems smaller, the C T Scan is scheduled for October. Oh how I miss my friends. Only 13% is covered by the Health Insurance House in Romania for the work of Emanuel Hospice yet this vision has remained a reality for twenty two years.
Many of you have been praying for little Kevin (9) both legs/feet twisted, with doctors offering no hope of Kevin becoming a ‘normal boy’. After nine years a new doctor in another town is hoping to improve his condition. Kevin will wear a cast on each leg for the next three months. Many surgeries will follow. Remember my little friend who shouted as I left ‘Lady will you come back and see me?’ I hope I will!
Simona (37) advanced throat cancer with a beautiful little girl (Dora (3). Pray with us as a team that the Lord will open Simona’s heart to His wonderful gift of salvation. Pray for little Dora who is very fearful, Thankfully two volunteers spend time with her but there is a greater need in this family.
Summer Camp for Casa Grace and Emanuel Hospice is approaching – pray as the terminally ill, orphans, disabled and abandoned children receive love and care that they will feel safe and special.
Whisper Denisa and Adam in your prayers just now. – There is strength to be found in waiting.
Shirley 5 July 2018
Love has called my name
When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue is parched with thirst, I the Lord will answer them; I the God of Israel will not forsake them. I will open rivers on the bare heights, and fountains in the midst of the valleys. I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water. I will put in the wilderness the cedar, the acacia, the myrtle, and the olive. I will set in the desert the cypress, the plane, and the pine together, that they may see and know, may consider and understand together, that the hand of the Lord has done this, the Holy One of Israel has created it. Isaiah 41:17-20.
I will lead the blind in a way that they do not know, in paths that they have not known I will guide them. I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I do, and I do not forsake them. Isaiah 42:16.
To love is to feel, to express, to identify that ‘inner pull’ of loving those that others pass by. To love even one, the rejected with no one to care whether they live or die, the burdens of each day weigh so heavy they are a slave to the fear of tomorrow. They have no resource of strength, no will to live, their heart longs for someone, somewhere to care. I ask myself: ‘Can I wrap my arms around the homeless? Do I care enough to wipe their tears?’ Matthew 6: 28 ‘And why take ye thought …?’
‘I came to Jesus, and I drank Of that life-giving stream;
My thirst was quenched, my soul revived, And now I live in Him.’
Life for ‘The Moore’s’ has changed – we stand in awe of God’s provision and the sense of inner peace that we are where we should be ‘For Such A Time As This’. A change of direction (for me personally); relocation. There is an immense power to be found in ‘Standing Still’. I failed in trying to analyse circumstances so I ceased trying replacing struggles of restlessness with trusting in the silence. Still waters speak of a place of quiet rest and in the near future I will share with you a new work the Lord placed upon my heart. I have proved that the Lord works where He sends us to wait.
The drought of suffering and weariness continues: my friend Ana lost her battle with terminal cancer. Two days before she died, I received a picture of her two small children holding her hand in hospital. They had come to say ‘Goodbye’ to their beloved Mum before entering foster care. I remember the smile on Ana’s face as she received two back-packs for her children; her quiet ‘thank you’ said it all. ‘Even for One’. Thank you Ana for teaching me the true meaning of humility. Our love for the Lord should also be clearly expressed by our love and compassion for others. We must be practical in our love by being ‘interested’, ‘involved’ in the lives of other people. And so I would ask you to continue to remember the work of the Emanuel Hospice Team. Two new patients need our prayers: Mrs Kiss (38) suffering from lung cancer (with a baby son aged two). Mrs Copil (35) suffering from throat cancer (also with a little one aged three). Please continue to pray for baby Adam (six months) whose Mother (Julianna) died a few weeks ago. Our Lord had a special place in His heart for all the ‘little ones’ and we pray His ever watchful eye will watch over all these orphans as we place them into His hands of love and protection.
The team of Casa Grace need our prayerful support as daily they reach out and touch emotionally disturbed lives. There are two new families entering our feeding programme: A grandmother (67) caring for her emotionally disturbed granddaughter abandoned by her Mother. They are so poor they live in a converted garage. Our aim is to help the granddaughter throughout her teenage years and to offer assistance to the grandmother. The little girl is very talented in music but lacks and longs for one thing – ‘LOVE’. The second family entering our programme consists of a beautiful little girl (6). Her mother left the family home leaving this little one who was only five months, in the care of her father who is totally paralysed. An elderly neighbour helps take care of the little one – they live on £20 per week. The giants of difficulty trample these situations into the ground. Human frailty, lack of assurance of love; and yet, ‘There is hope’. The Lord is my helper. Will you join me in my call of love for these little ones? Will you help me introduce them to our Friend, the One who is closer than our very breath? We have One who can do the exceptional – His strength is always perfect for every day.
Sister Gaby and the team of Iochebed in Suceava continue to support young and old who knock on the door seeking help with basic needs of food, clothing, desperate situations of poverty and suffering. One young lady new to the programme was so distraught because she had no home and was living with an Aunt. ‘Stop’ signs at each junction, every door closed, her only thought was to give her daughter away as she had no money to feed her. She was surrendering her most treasured possession because of ‘LOVE’. Thank you for helping us with our feeding programme as we have offered support to both mother and baby.
Real people, real situations, painful experiences. Love binds all wounds. We give glory to the Lord for allowing us to enter these lives and through love change situations of hopelessness into avenues of hope ‘In Him’.
I end by sharing an update on my dear and precious friend Denisa. It is four years since my first introduction to Denisa and the memory of that first encounter is as vivid as it it were yesterday. Many miles have been travelled, many mountains climbed, but this mountain is high and has brought us all to our knees before the Lord as we have been quietly seeking His face for the way forward. Now is the time to share with you that Denisa is hurting just now – so many unanswered questions. Please pray with me that she may know the true meaning of John 14:1 ‘Let not your heart be troubled …
Denisa has been battling with Leukaemia since the age of thirteen. After receiving chemotherapy and radiation, Denisa’s cancer went into remission for a few years. Then in senior high school came the devastating news – her cancer had returned. Treatment was administered, resulting in another term of remission. She went on to study, graduating from High School with top honours and entered Medical School where it is her desire to become a Physician. 2014 brought further devastating news – again the cancer had returned. Denisa placed her education on hold and underwent another term of treatment – again resulting in remission. When she suffered a recurrence of the cancer, It was recommended to her that she explore the possibility of various treatments in Milano, Italy as the next step. During 2015 a bone marrow transplant (her mother being the donor) was performed. Denisa returned to medical school to continue her education.
For the fourth time in her young life Denisa has had to face the return of her cancer with masses being present in a few areas of her body. The physicians in Milano, Italy have notified her they have no other treatment options available. Denisa is not ready to give up her fight to live. She personally had her medical records translated into English and sent them to several top cancer centres in America. After reviewing her records. M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, has agreed to evaluate Denisa on 24th June, 2018 with the view to offering treatment options. Denisa leaves for USA on 19th June, 2018.
Unfortunately Romanian Insurance is not valid in America. Denisa is trying to raise funds to cover the initial cost of travelling, accommodation, evaluations and treatments. The Lord is able to supply this need and we ask you to remember this amazing young lady. Hold her close in heart and prayer, praying that the Lord will be glorified in the life of Denisa and that she will know His power, His presence, His touch in a very personal way.
May we all be willing to be broken before Him, poured out in love, in our service to others for His glory. How privileged we are to serve together as one with Emanuel Hospice, Casa Grace Foundation, Iochebed and seeking to meet individual needs Please continue to walk with us, to support us in prayer. I can personally testify to the Power of Prayer.
My heart has been touched by your remembrance of me during these months. Thank you for your love and prayers. God knows the end from the beginning – we are placed where we should be according to His plan and purpose. He knows my heart; He knows my name; I am His and I am loved and held securely in the palm of His hand.
Shirley, 09 June, 2018
Last evening I wrote:
Julianna (37) who has a baby of six months (Adam). Her cancer has progressed aggressively during the past four months affecting her gallbladder/liver with recent development of total metastases. She is now in the terminal stages. Who will care? Who will go?
In contact with Dr. Beni Paul early this morning I learned Juliana lost her battle with cancer. Her funeral is on Friday. Please hold the family of Julianna close in heart. Baby Adam (6 months) has no Mummy to cradle him in her arms; remember this little one. Today their burden is overwhelming; may they hear that soft and gentle whisper ‘I will never leave you or forsake you’. What an assurance for the future days of Baby Adam. We leave Julianna in the arms of a merciful God.
The work of the Emanuel Hospice is intensive – seventy-two patients have gone into Eternity since January. These dedicated brothers and sisters of the Hospice staff need our prayers too as they seek to minister to the physical, emotional and above all spiritual needs of the ill and dying.
Thank you for praying.