In John 11: 7 – 8 we read : Then He said to His disciples, ‘Let us go back to Judea.’ The disciples questioned . . . ‘Are You going there again?’! But it was God’s plan…

Back Again! How many times must we go back ? Elements of doubt and yes, fear, debates within our hearts and minds as to whether we must go back again even when and where we do not understand or see the way ahead! We must adapt knowing that nothing else will satisfy only true and honest commitment. I am reminded of another verse of scripture – John 2: 5: ‘Whatever He says to you – do it’! It is His plan…




This afternoon I received a letter from my dear friend Elizabeth, a precious sister of 91 whose love for God’s people and His work is evident in her writings. I quote: ‘I like the verse’, “be content with what you have, for He has said, I will never leave you or forsake you”. As I continued to read, other phrases touched me ‘I am strengthened and encouraged to continue onwards in His will and purpose’…’I think of the mountain people you wrote of in your Newsletter, how cold it is where they live, one could say exist’. Elizabeth reminds me of my dear Mum, a Proverbs 31 lady, whose noble character possesses a heart for high and low – how honoured in the Lord we can call these people ‘Friends’.

Estera Decean – is a young lady who made a lasting impression on my life. Her vocation, her calling is the Resident Neonatologist in Spitalul Municipal, Blaj. A short time ago I received an email from Estera urgently requesting equipment, baby formula and glass feeding bottles, blankets, clothing, consumables. Through the patience and sourcing of Paul Russell (Maternity Wing RVH) all items have been received and will be on the first container next week, together with the beautiful knitted garments so thoughtfully provided by the many ladies who displayed their love and patience through the many hours of knitting. Jackie McClean, (Newtownbreda B.C.), a friend who also is from the Nursing Profession sent this two days ago – I quote: ‘HI Shirley, I am very excited … I had been meaning to get up to our Special Care Baby Unit since you were telling me about the Premature Baby Unit in Romania. I had to go to see a patient and whilst there I noticed (Grace) a lovely Christian Nurse and (Anne), Sister on duty ( a very approachable lady). I told them about the plight of the Premature Baby Unit and asked if ever any obsolete equipment / baby clothes became available would they consider donating it! I came home (that night) with two large boxes – one full of blankets the other with hand knit clothes. Grace was telling me that a lady whose son was treated in the unit 40 years ago, still knits for them. There is also the possibility of an IV Trolley which may become available – do pray’. This is amazing as these 27 week old Premature Babies are so tiny (actually one of the cardigans fits into my hand), if this trolley can be sent it would be an invaluable asset. 

Lyle Simpson, telephoned this afternoon to ask if we could use cots, combi-wardrobes etc for small infants! 1 Corinthians 10: 31 – ‘Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God’. This brother has been such a blessing to the work of Tell Romania.

There is only so much two people can accomplish yet God in His wisdom sent David Morton, Project Manager and Freddy Smyth, Transport Manager who work tirelessly with such passion for our brothers and sisters in Romania. Lyle has now arranged for another contact to make the final ‘lift’ from Gransha and also Altnagelvin for further evidence of God’s provision in ‘Delivery Beds’ for the Maternity Hospital in Cluj, items from the Xray Dept. – and more Chairs for Racatau!

Susan Anderson, who has proved her genuine concern and friendship also made contact a few days ago, confirming the 40 Profiling Beds will be ready for collection week commencing Monday, 17th November 2014.

Looking back, ‘His’ love and mercy is clear – a few months ago three hospital(s) without ?? To-day things are different – all equipment to help refurbish all THREE hospitals on way, the chequered flag is down and we are OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tabita Sass – is a precious young sister whose calling is to love, care and teach a class of pupils in the Special Needs School, Salonta. Tabita wrote telling me of one of her friends and again I quote:

‘Susana, a 25 year old Christian girl from Beersheba, Israel, who after serving for 2 years in the Army, Israel, received a scholarship – Veterinary Studies in Romania. Last year, she studied the Romanian language having begun her first year of Veterinary School. She attends a healthy Church in Timisoara. Susana started to read her Bible ( in Romanian) and realised the need to verify words and ideas – she then decided to read her Bible in Hebrew, now she is carrying two Bibles every time – she would be very grateful to have a Bible in both languages’.

This has all happened because my husband offered Tabita copies of the New Testament in Hebrew last summer. God has used his word among her Jewish friends. Dr. Moore was so touched he made immediate contact with the Society for Distribution of the Hebrew Scriptures and copies of the Old Testament in Hebrew and in Romanian are already on route to Portstewart to take out with us at the beginning of December.

Marinela Murg, Director of Emanuel Hospice & Daria Sass, Psychologist, both these sisters are precious to me personally as ‘friends’. Prayerfully remember them and strengthen their hands – their devotion as they serve is evident in their quiet unassuming manner of love for the terminally ill. Our prayer is that they may know the Lord’s Richest Blessing on the future days ahead – they too have their own concern(s), trial(s), struggle(s) and yet they give so willingly (without question) leaving their tomorrows, knowing obedience brings unrestrained joy – declaring from their hearts: ‘Now Unto Him Who Is Able To Keep You From Falling’.

The Lord continues to ‘Show His Hand’ – in our ‘quiet time’ each morning we simply commit each day into His control as the provision, contacts, the family of God who turn up at the store with just what is needed before we have had time to ask! This is God’s plan! Let me share part of an email from my friend, Marinela when she learned of God’s provision in sending 12 syringe drivers. As you read you WILL be amazed and blessed!

What a blessing to receive 12 syringe drivers at the Hospice!!!! Thank you very much for this. Just today I visited a young patient age 32 with severe pain who beside patches with Fentanyl needed extra morphine am pules administrated through a syringe driver. 

Thank you for all the items you plan to send with the truck this month. I do not want to stress you with this request, but as usual when a patient asked us something we try to help as we can.

 We visited with him this Monday  a patient who is not a hospice patient – but is supported by our team as he has a special situation. He was a known Romanian football player and  3 years ago had an accident while playing football and had a fracture of his spinal cord. He is now paralysed from the neck down. He told us that he would need an electrical bed which can help to raise up his legs – not just the trunk. I do not know if it will be possible to bring him an electrical bed this time, but eventually to consider him next time.

Must continue! Oh my husband has just came into the study – ‘Shirley before you sign off you will want to read this!’ ( A text from Jackie McClean ) – Speechless! I quote: Shirley, I have got the IV Trolley! Plus a bag of ‘bits & pieces’ Spoke with Nursing Head of SCBU and she is more than willing to help’.

I began by outlining the work (calling) of some of ‘my friends’ – I trust as you have read , you have been blessed as you have traced the steps of this Supreme Climb – ‘Take Now’ not ‘Later’ – Do we say I can only go so far and no father ? One requirement – just ‘Keep Walking’.

Dr. Moore and I are indebted to the Army of Men and Women who have given of their time in the Ballyclare Store – the tea/coffee ( David Morton’s home baked scones) were a cut above my five a day especially designed for the well being of one member of staff in particular, who shall remain nameless and it is not ‘The Professor! All volunteering, working tirelessly yet bonding as FRIENDS!

Dr. Moore and I wish to acknowledge the heartbeat of mission displayed by Mr. & Mrs. Sam McKinistry and Family who have shown the highest level of kindness in such a practical manner in offering the use of their store in Ballyclare to the work of Tell Romania since July. It certainly has been a ‘hive of activity’. Thank You Brothers and Sisters!

This is only the beginning, the Lord is not finished – stay on board, think ahead of how together we can reach out and touch lives in 2015 – already the launch of DRIVE 2015 is in hand.

God’s Word changes lives, these are exciting and amazing days – we thank the Lord for everyone who has become part of the family of Tell Romania – isn’t it rewarding to see God working through your commitment and support – how life changing for this young man to have this ‘specialist chair’ and electric bed. To God Be The Glory!

If you can help in any way (have a few hours to spare) contact us – it is great to be workers together – there is a special bond of Friendship – Fellowship with Jesus and others!


Shirley- 06 November, 2014

A DATE FOR YOUR DIARY: Recognition and Thanks to three of our friends who are launching D R I V E – 2015

( sponsoring a Container of Life and Dignity for Orphans & Terminally Ill Babies & Children, Romania .


to be held at

THE ROYAL COURT HOTEL, (Atlantic Suite) Kindly Granted




ADMISSION BY TICKET ONLY £10.00 – ( Light Refreshments)

Plan to attend – Jonathan, Alan & Sylvia have so graciously and willingly planned this evening for the support and outreach of Tell Romania.

Tickets Available – Come and be part of this wonderful evening with ‘Friends’



I smiled glancing across to my husband over ‘breakfast’ (back home) this morning! Whilst in Romania, he is ‘caught’ engrossed in every aspect of Romanian life – totally undivided in heart – held by the ‘Grip of God’.

The vision is now becoming a reality!

We have seen God’s ‘Rainbow in the Cloud’ – signs and confirmation directed our path this mission trip: A few examples: Hours before leaving, Alan Topping, Coleraine B.C. met Dr. Moore offering further medical instruments, during our time in Romania an email regarding Syringe Drivers secured by Audrey Lewis, Dromore B C – all invaluable provision for the Emanuel Hospice Home Care Team. What a blessing to have the resources to relieve pain as we work out what God is working in and through His children. This one still amazes me, on leaving Cluj, Pastor Marius asked if we knew anyone who made/supplied doors – yet three days later Brother Lyle Simpson sends a text asking Dr Moore ‘any use for internal/ external doors’ ??????????????? Marinela, Director of Emanuel Hospice, asked ‘Shirley, there is one hospital in Oradea where the sheets are so thin you could read the newspaper through them’ – How many sheets do we have in the Ballyclare Store? To-day Pastor Jackie King delivering the completed project for Arad Kindergarden – and so to Calvary B C we say ‘Thank You’ for your continued support for the work and mission of TELLROMANIA. Brian Mewha, making two journeys to Ballyclare to-day – 800 pairs of shoes for the village of Odoreu – Thank You Newtownbreda B C for launching this project on behalf of TELLROMANIA. Heather Mercer, Every Home Crusade, who through various contracts within her Church (Orangefield Presbyterian) and Ladies Groups collated shoes, socks, laces etc for the Special Needs School in Solonta.

To-day is a ‘Day of Action’ as plans are in motion for Container 1 to leave on Saturday, 08th November with Container(s) 2 & 3 following close behind – perhaps a 4th in the future!

Ballyclare will be a busy place of preparation – if you wish to assist please feel free to contact our Projects Co-ordinator, David Morton on 0780 279 5610 or Transport Co-Ordinator, Freddy Smyth on 0796 802 7272. These are exciting and challenging days as we ‘Stand Back and See His Glory’.

Yes, we are home yet there is need for us to go – we look to a longer trip early December perhaps through to New Year – one of the ‘musts’ in life! Remember my husband and I – continue to strengthen our hands in the work of TELL ROMANIA.

2 Peter 1: 5 ‘Add to your faith virtue’. Acknowledging we cannot do what God alone can do, we must work out our beginning as to how best we use our own initiative, always aware that when God speaks He never changes His mind – we need to know where we are but more importantly we need to know where we are going!

Our motto for the future: ‘I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me’.

We will be posting on the web a DVD presentation of the new Christian Centre at Racatau. David Morton will be writing a new page of further materials required for the continued work of our projects in hand.

What’s next to do? In the words of Luke 11: 10 – ‘Everyone who asks receives . . .’

Hold us close in heart and prayer

Shirley – Friday, 24 October 2014

Wake up call booked!

Wake Up Call booked! 4.30 a.m. – a rather ‘wet’ morning – however onward and upward – Taxis, Trains, Aeroplanes ahead!     Great, on board at last, my husband already engaged in his sermons, lecture notes, I decided to browse through a book based on ‘Historical Insight’ John Wesley’s Rule of Life (I quote):


Timing: Places: People! Each line containing two operative words ‘YOU CAN’. Just prior to leaving for our mission trip, I became aware of my own inadequacy and purely driven only to succeed, I was trying to do, I was trying, I was hoping, until I realised and questioned – ‘Why am I trying to do what God CAN DO’?

There are qualities of the highest standard, skilled workmanship, but how, when and where we make a difference or become an added benefit, or an advantage, rests in the hands of God alone!

How time does fly when one’s brain is in gear, but then we were ‘flying’ with the captain announcing a safe and speedy journey had been completed. Cluj in Romania was ‘hot’ and it was good to walk on solid ground.

Soon ‘The Professor’ was spotted by Dr. Marius Sabou – ‘Welcome Home, Dr. Moore. We wait for you and love you.’ Yes, he is loved in this the land of his adoption and where I (as a wife) become aware of that ‘inner peace’ acknowledging ‘He is Home’ and wait for the sigh of relief (after a long journey), ‘It’s good to be back’!  Why? The heartbeat, prayer of my husband can be summed up in the words of Susanna Wesley ‘In approaching this uninterrupted part of my time to Thy self, may these sacred moments ever be employed in Thy Service, may no vain, unnecessary or unprofitable thoughts or discourse ever rob you of your due honour’.

Saturday, Sunday, Monday in Cluj – filled with preaching engagements, interviews and appointments. Summation! The work is still in progress; Tell Romania has received ‘divine orders’ to keep marching – new walls to build, old walls requiring firmer foundation(s), we are an army on the move !

‘The Professor’ always one step ahead came armed with a DVD presentation of all the equipment the Lord had provided for the new Christian Centre in Racatu – the bond of friendship so strong, so evident between Marius and my husband spoke volumes! As we sat together, I only wish I could have filmed the reaction as the DVD played. WOW!!!!!!!     I cannot believe this! Now we can make plans for summer camp next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

During our journey from Cluj to Oradea Pastor Marius shared the delight of his staff and excitement of his people – updates will be forthcoming – watch this space! We will be posting a video presentation of the Racatu Christian Centre with aerial views – stunning!

Late Monday, we arrived in Emanuel University, since 5 a.m. (your time) this morning, Tuesday, Dr. Moore has been lecturing the undergraduate students extending to the graduate masters’ students this evening. The Masters Programme is so important to my husband as these young students are the church of tomorrow and so they come to learn yet they have become part of our extended family. They are loved and precious, each an individual with his own personality and priority. Tomorrow and the following day, timetable repeated – then we prepare to fly home on Friday. My husband and I specifically planned a heavy schedule as we needed to be here firstly to preach, lecture in the Masters Programme, meet with pastors, leaders of the various projects in hand in order to enable our plans re: preparation/booking/number of containers to proceed.

It felt good to chat with Pastor Alin Farr, Sanmartin – the Baptist Church linked to the Orphan Village of Felix – we could tell from the reaction of Brother Mihai there is an air of excitement mingled with a humble and thankful spirit as to what the Lord has done! The Dentist Surgery will be totally refurbished and filled with instruments, consumables ‘All I Have Needed Thy Hand Hath Provided’. Tribute must be conveyed to Sinead Fox SOD who through her love and interest showed ‘She Cared’.

Only this morning two contacts from back home were received by email and mobile – yes, offering further equipment and humanitarian aid – ‘God is moving by His spirit, moving in all the earth, signs and wonders when God moveth, move O Lord in me’.  

Signs and wonders have preceded all the happenings this week-end – we are ‘In The Way’ – everywhere we went, everyone to whom we spoke – ALL of the same mind, same heart! The Lord had directed to the very corner of the need in the ‘sermons’ delivered – all stones fitly framed together as ONE only with ONE chief cornerstone – The Lord Jesus.

One sense of sadness tinged my week-end as I learned of a village of 3,000 gypsy people who live on the outskirts of Cluj in the mountain area – they have no identity, have never been registered as part of society – the elderly die, the young give birth, A L O N E. They are an unknown people, a people without city, without walls, – yet these people matter to God and so they should matter to us. Betel Baptist Church, Cluj have shown the Love of Christ in practical provision of food, clothing, medical aid, pray they will be a blessing that their love and input will create a trust, a hunger to know more. I refer to one of my devotional readings these past few days: ‘For He will deliver the needy who cry out, the afflicted who have no one to help. He will take pity on the weak and the needy and save the needy from death. He will rescue them from oppression and violence for precious is their blood in His sight’ Psalm 72: 12-14.

‘Are you still here’? was to be heard – my husband (was on a 10 minute break) it does take a ‘few’ minutes to walk down the many steps from the top level. However, I was ‘at the ready’ with a ‘cuppa’ and some beautiful black grapes – a gift from Simona, Secretary to Dr Paul Negru – so large they would be classed as Plums back home. We chatted about the students, classes, then as I walked my husband back to class, I expressed again my amazement as to how the Lord was ahead of every situation and everything we had encountered. New opportunities, new needs – but then there is need everywhere you go in this land engraved on our hearts.

I was totally unaware Pamela and her team of ladies (Ballycrochan B.C.) had already Neck Warmers ready to GO, totally unaware of this gypsy community in the mountains of Cluj – ‘BUT GOD’ knowing Winter in Romania is cold and very cold, supplied the need! To ALL back home who constantly pray, support, even ‘just think of us’ – ‘Thank You’ for extending the love of Christ in such a practical manner. There are people hurting in the world, how will they ever know if we don’t tell them or show we love them?

I had managed to keep this trip a ‘surprise visit’ from my friend Daria and so once our Romanian Mobile was activated, I called only to hear from the other end – ‘Sister Shirley, please do tell me you are in Romania’. I replied, ‘I am in the University and waiting for you’. Our reunion was blessed – the ongoing ministry of the Hospice Team whose love and devotion go beyond the ‘call of duty’. Joyful times and yes sad times during the summer months. This is life, this is where we learn to be ‘vessels of mercy’ in whatever or whichever way we can simply just ‘make a difference’.  Time stood still as we chatted and soon classes were finished, a warm ‘hug’ awaited ‘Dr. Moore’ (Daria and . . . ) so (perhaps two)! ‘Sister Shirley, before I leave, may I see you every day until you leave on Friday’? We will fit something in. Friends are part of us.

My heart is full, yet my heart is sad, I only wish I could do more, give more of myself, my time, it is a strange feeling as you leave home, if honest, you question, do I really want to go? Now I am faced with the problem, do I really want to go back home? My human side, for I know that my husband and I are needed here BUT we are needed back home. How will we know unless we go? How will you know if we cannot tell?

We will continue to raise the awareness of the arm of the Lord hovering over all we have committed into His keeping.

Yes, I am only one, yet I am one, and the things I can do I will do by the Grace of God.

Pray for Dr. Moore and I as we finish this mission trip in a few days – continue to keep in touch – we just need to know the love and support of ‘The Family of God’

It will be good to be home for a few weeks – we minister in Dromore Baptist Church this Sunday as they thank the Lord of the Harvest for His fields of plenty.

Plans are already in place to be back for longer trips during December, April, May. The SGA School will be part of the April visit and I have been invited to spend some time in Cluj during my husband’s teaching in Dej.

As I sign off I can hear a telephone conversation arranging ‘Radio Recordings’ for Christmas!!!!!!!!!

We are and always will be ‘Unto Him’ – ‘The Saviour of the World’


Tuesday, 14 October, 2014.


God is Moving!

God Is Moving

God is moving by His spirit
Moving in all the earth
Signs and wonders when God moveth
Move O Lord in me.

Why is this chorus running through my head this morning? It would be classed to-day as ‘A Golden Oldie’ . Memories of Mum singing to me (as a child) cause a smile and yes a deep longing fills my heart just to hear her sing once more! Our lives are filled with longing, desire. Psalm 84: 2 ‘My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord, my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God’. Here, the Psalmist was expressing his longing, desire – to enter ‘His’ courts, to dwell, to rest in the shadow of the Almighty – a place where ALL is available. V5 ‘Blessed are those whose strength is in You’ – the latter part of the verse: ‘who have set their hearts on pilgrimage’.

I refer to my last update written 20 September 2014 where nearing the end I wrote ‘I GO forward with TRUST’. No ‘if’, no ‘perhaps’ no ‘if only’ …..Every day new discoveries of God’s blessing(s) and provision accompany the serenity of mind creating an ever increasing awareness of a deeper, purer, spiritual fellowship with the Lord. A one to one relationship with my Heavenly Father whose eye is ever watching, whose ear is always listening, whose heart is always tender! Do I possess a Servant Heart, a heart for high and low? Am I helpful or has my heart become self centred? Am I constantly ‘in touch’ with His plans – yes to the point of total submission that ‘where He may lead me’ – I will ……….!

One could never have anticipated the vast enormity of God’s Bounty sent our way. It is now the responsibility of TellRomania to accomplish the task assigned – One Container sent June now we have four ready to GO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you lend your AMEN(S)? There is an air of excitement, of expectancy. Day by Day, God is confirming, stamping His seal of approval, proving that He has already ‘begun the work’. The past week-end was another amazing journey of discovering His bounty, His provision.

Dr. Moore was fulfilling preaching engagements in Portadown B.C, Ballee B.C, Carnalbanagh, Killicomaine B. C, Omagh B.C. You ask, ‘why is this so significant?’ At each church I was approached by ladies (whose heart the Lord had touched) Our car was filled from roof to floor with baby hats, vests, cardigans and blankets. During the summer, I met with two young Doctors from Cluj and their need was in the premature and maternity wing(s) of two hospitals. This particular need was not only ‘on my heart’ but burning ‘within my heart’. Again, the Lord confirmed His hand is over and in all!

This morning Estera (one of the Doctors) sent an email urgently requesting – yes – baby hats, vests, cardigans and blankets. It was with joy in my heart I replied boxes already packed and will be with you by the end of October!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will update you after my return from Cluj next week end. ‘What A Mighty God We Serve’!

Dr. Moore and I prayerfully considered ‘we must needs go’. We have been in discussions with Emanuel University where Dr. Moore is required to commence teaching the Masters Programme mid October and December. Also Dr. Marius Sabou, Racatau, Dr. Ovi Hanc, Arad, Pastor Alin Farr, Sanmartin Brother Mihai Bulc, Orphan Village of Felix and so we leave for Romania on Friday, 10th October 2014 to visit these various projects of mission. We will return home to oversee Container 1 leave as planned on Saturday, 25 October filled with a consignment for Racatau. Container 2 will leave soon after when plans will be co ordiated regarding Container(s) for 3 & 4. Our sense of duty is to equip, infuse, entrust but keep building stronger, higher walls of security for the lost.

FIVE containers since June of this year ! The Lord has given us the greatest gift of all – salvation, eternity – what gift can we give in return? These ARE days of ‘abundance of rain’ – continuous raindrops continue to fall – plan to be part of this blessing to the One who givest ALL.

The latest confirmation that all is in ‘Higher Hands’ and ‘Higher Authority’ – a group of brothers met, read our update(s), projects, touched by what the Lord is doing, wanted to be part of the blessing to be ‘partakers’ and so they have sponsored the 2nd container. Now we look to the Lord that through the work and supporters of TellRomania – the work of restoration can commence. Joy, brokenness, hands of love and compassion not just reaching but touching the lives of our brothers and sisters.

The end is not yet – another telephone call from Susan, ‘ Shirley, I have 40 Electric Profile Beds looking for a good home’ – those of you whose friendship has become so important, who stand with me – of course you already know the answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ‘Yes Please’! Only this morning, David Morton who is in Cluj just now is sourcing a location for me to oversee next week-end.

Pastor Jackie King (Calvary Baptist Church) has been in constant contact during the past few weeks and they (as a Church) have undertaken the Kindergarden Project in Arad. Another answer to prayer. Pastor Ovi Hanc together with his wife Emma hold the Pre-School Nursery as a Gospel Outreach – again this morning my husband received an email outlining the various requirements. We are so encouraged through the support and genuine love of the Lord’s people displayed so readily so timely ‘for such a time as this’. We cannot, we could not Go Forward without you and so we ask you to stand with us in prayerful support especially remembering Dr. Moore and I as we take this vital Mission Trip next week. Yes! God Is Moving By His Spirit and He is moving in ALL the earth!

I wonder what tomorrow will bring!

I end as I began (thinking of Mum singing) ‘Many things about tomorrow, I don’t seem to understand, but I know who holds tomorrow, and I know who holds my hand’!

I extend my hand to you in the bond of friendship – take hold of it – keep us close in prayer during these crucial days.


02 October 2014

FOR CHRIST’S LOVE COMPELS US – 2 Corinthians 5:14

7.21 am – a sound (so familiar to my ears these days) my husband’s mobile ‘whistling’ the arrival of another text! Although I felt as if I was still asleep, I found myself silently praying ‘Lord, what now?’

Suddenly our two bedroomed apartment resounded with ‘Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord’. I am fully aware that since we returned home mid June, our ‘Summer Vacation’ has been filled with action packed adventure. I acknowledge one container is achievable for two people – as I type we have sufficient to fill three containers and with this latest text perhaps a fourth may be required!

As we entered Coleraine Baptist Church for the Sunday morning service two weeks ago (tomorrow), we were greeted by a brother whom we had not met before. Now, this same brother was texting my husband, offering the work of TellRomania 18 Bunk Beds, Settees, Folding Dining Room Tables, Stacking Chairs, Kitchen Utensils, Large Pool Table and Trampoline – we do not source, we do not expect yet higher hands direct ‘our way’ in endless supply but always sent and marked with His seal of approval. My husband and I were speaking at Magherafelt BWF last night and upon arrival so warmly met and welcomed by Daphne, Julie and Helen. Dorinda arrived armed with boxes upon boxes for TellRomania even though (hours earlier) had just sent a garage full of items in a van to the Ballyclare store. It accompanied the lorry taking Window Frames, Windows, Doors and Roofing for the village of Odoreu supplied by David & Ian Henry of Henry Brothers, Magherafelt. Dorinda handed me a list stating the items sent to Ballyclare, as I came to the second item I stopped! Why? The second item read ‘ 18 Duvets, Covers, Pillows, Pillowcases, Sheets’. Yes the exact number of bunk beds offered earlier yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Recalling Monday of this week as Dr. Moore and I set off to meet Pastor David McFarland and his wife Joanna – entering his study – there on the wall was: ‘If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it’! This hit home targeting the area of concern as to how and will we ever manage to turn the ignition key to GO! This certainly is a time in the life of Tell Romania we have never encountered before.

How much do I owe the Lord? How could I ever number His blessings, His provision, His sacrifice when He gave His all! Think upon His love, I certainly need to throw out my love even to the point of sacrifice of time and energy – if it doesn’t hurt – it doesn’t cost!

I GO forward with TRUST, no ‘if’, no ‘perhaps’ no ‘if only’ – I personally need to advance beyond these boundaries knowing that He who began a good work will complete it.

Do pray for Dr. Moore and me as we now seriously consider the financial requirement(s) of the containers. We are currently updating our web site ( and have added a media page where current pictures are available for you to view plus personal interviews with my husband.

Luke 24: 28 ‘Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds?’

I end with the words of the Master: ‘It is I be not afraid’.


Fairest Lord Jesus


( 4 ) All fairest beauty, heavenly and earthly,
Jesus, my Lord, in You I see;
None can be nearer, fairer or dearer
than You, my Saviour, are to me. 

My heart was stirred this morning as I listened to the strains of this beautiful hymn so beautifully rendered by the church pianist (Nora Flanagan) and orchestra. Verse 4 really hit home!

Particularly at this time of year, we all have various list(s) in place: ‘Things To Do’ / ‘Strengths & Weaknesses’ etc etc. But for me this morning, my list was one of ‘Questions’!

Is God’s will my will? / Have I surrendered the secret corners of my heart (TOTALLY)? Is God’s purpose compelling me to know my calling and to GO? Is it about ‘Self-Awareness or Christ Awareness’? Am I humble or do I feel important?

During these nine weeks at home as I reflect on the challenge, responsibility – aware of the value, the privilege of our ‘Friendship with Jesus’, our Awesome God who has proved every day that He is OUR God. If I have a purpose of my own then I am of no value but if I learn to abide, allowing Him to take me right to the end of my own self-sufficiency then I will know His virtues, strength, character. He is teaching me the one true value of being available to serve with a ‘compelling love’ for those who have never known the joy of feeling loved or special and who live day by day alone and yes sadly will die alone! One quality is all I ask: ‘Lord teach me to love the unlovable’!.

Many of you have been such an encouragement to my husband and I as these have been weeks of many opportunities with tremendous challenges incurred – in fact a new road for both Dr. Moore and I – an unfamiliar role yet one of privilege!

We rose with the dawn leaving Thursday morning not returning home until late Friday night. Two amazing days! Loading another 40ft container at Gransha Hospital, driving to offload at Ballyclare Store – the sight was something else – men carrying hospital wardrobes on their backs (another story for another day)! Appointments late into the evening with seven more to follow on Friday. Too late for grocery shopping and so early Saturday morning we made our way to Coleraine.

I am very aware it is only weeks until we leave to be in Romania to receive the two containers at the border. Dr. Moore and I are so aware of the service given with such devotion by a few special sisters and from time to time we personally acknowledge their love and commitment. One sister I knew so wanted a bag to carry her bible to church and so as I often joke grocery shopping is just a minor requirement within the Moore household. My husband’s priority was to ‘find a bag’ and so one was duly placed into my hands! My first reaction (female intuition) ‘can we afford this?’ ‘Shirley, leave it with God’ was the reply. And so the purchase proceeded!

Returning home our first port of call was to the mail box as (he who shall be nameless) had a birthday on Friday and was expecting cards!!!!!!!!!! One letter only was to be found – the contents filled with such love and emotion – I quote: ‘I am 91 years of age and not able now to take a physical active role in church which means I have more time to read and pray (often just in my heart, for He knows) – I was very touched to read of ….. and if it is acceptable, I would like to send something occasionally for her shopping. Thank you for telling me so much in your letter, it strengthens my spirit to learn of these wonderful people, so very involved in the Lord’s work’. The cheque she enclosed was the exact amount required to cover the purchase of the bag!!!!!!

What can I say, what can I add? The Lord met the need through a lady I have yet to meet yet who heart is bound by cords of love. I close with yet again, ‘Before You Call I WILL answer.’

I ask again PLEASE continue to pray for us that we may know His wisdom, strength, provision.

Shirley, 14 September 2014

Miraculous Workings

Miraculous Workings!

‘Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?’ (Matt 8: 26). Yesterday morning, during our ‘quiet time’ I asked the Lord for a seal, I suppose I was looking for a sign of approval. But then, trying to reassure my mind (which is constantly in overload, overdrive) – I prayed: ‘ Lord, help me not to stand in the way of your miraculous works, help me never to feel important but to remain focused concentrating my mind on You, aware of the intense privilege, challenge You have sent, yes to the point of ‘the trial or testing of our faith’!

My husband and I shared as to how the Lord has confirmed every project to date – a little drop of rain here, a little handful on purpose there, touching the hearts of His people, people we have never met yet who care, who want to share in this ‘Shower of Blessing’ pouring fast and furious at this time.

One project – heavy on my heart: And so I questioned and yes answered, telling myself, the dental project of the Orphan Village of Felix was perhaps unachievable and unobtainable for two ordinary people – we are certainly not a large organisation yet our hearts not only ‘burn within us’ but are ‘on fire’ to turn the ignition key on His provision to date.

Last evening, an email arrived and I quote: ‘ I was given your email address by —– I hope you are well. I know of an Anthos Dental Treatment Centre for a left-handed operator in good condition which the owner would be happy to donate to charity. Would you be interested in taking this unit for Tell Romania?’. I was speechless, floored, in fact, it was the first time I encountered my quiet, unassuming husband ‘jump for joy’. ‘Shirley, what is the Lord doing, we cannot keep up?’. What did I say earlier? Privilege, Challenge, one further word is missing – Exciting! These are days that will never be repeated, these are days of learning, lessons in trust, total reliance as stated in Mark 9: 22 ‘If you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us’. It is certainly a humbling experience but then I am reminded that it is in the place of humiliation we find our true worth in Him!

Rejoice with us! As I type, arrangements are in place for this unit to be dismantled – with collection in place next week and a second trip to Gransha Hospital for another 40ft container of Medical Equipment and Items for Racatau Christian Centre, Satu Mare and Special Needs School, Solanta.

Pray for us as we ‘take the next step’ that we will be devoted and disciplined as we listen to His voice. Upright stewards, servants unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask (and yes) or even imagine.

Shirley – 05 September 2014

Will the real Shirley Moore please stand ?


I was wakened aware my sub-conscious mind had been activated by reflecting on one of my husband’s sermons, preached in Grange Baptist Church the day before, as he spoke on : The Christian Soldier. I was soon to realise enlistment was already in place! My ‘Boots’ had to be quickly polished, firmly fixed on ground level awaiting the command ‘FORWARD MARCH’. Am I ready to advance? The battle is the Lord’s, the attack our challenge – the ‘HURRICANE’ I spoke of in my previous update was now blowing in with a wind of change and strategy.

What is a typical week with ‘The Moore’s’ ???????????????????

OK, Monday morning, my ever dutiful and caring husband deposited his ‘better half’ at The Ulster Hospital for a six hourly infusion, with collection plans already confirmed at around 5 p m. Normally, I would receive several ‘Texts’ throughout the course of the day to monitor my progress! SILENCE! The day was soon progressing into evening and still no sign of the ‘Professor’. Pauline Doherty (Ward Sister) came my way ‘Shirley is Dr. Moore collecting you’? My reply: (and I wasn’t joking) – ‘Pauline, Dr. Moore could be anywhere – but he will arrive, trust me’.

All was revealed on route home to Portstewart and so ‘A day in the life of the heart, the core of Tellromania unfolded’.

‘Sorry, I am late but I had just settled in Union College adding material to my book on the Pastoral Epistles when a telephone call, several in fact came. The School of Dentistry, Royal Victoria Hospital offering dental equipment requiring immediate collection. This was unexpected so I had to personally collect (two runs) – no store, yet the Lord undertook, my first port of call to Victor McCreedy (who happened to be on a day’s leave) – sorted, stored.’ Is this not God at work ? Let me back this up sharing the facts that Brother Mihi Bulc from the Orphan Village of Felix had made contact with us on Saturday (two days previous) seeking help for ‘dental equipment’ for their village – we could only reply at that stage – ‘we will try to source’. This is when you embrace the amazing recognition that when God is IN and OVER ALL that ‘BEFORE YOU CALL, HE WILL ANSWER’. On one of our recent trips May/June of this year, we had opportunity to visit their Dental Surgery and became aware that all the contents were at least thirty years of age – and so we ask you to rejoice with us as we acknowledge that yet again the Lord has opened a ‘Great and Effective Door’ before our very eyes. Singleness of heart, of mind, strength to walk in unshakable faith with intentional actions displayed in the God we serve.

To-day Tuesday! Now, I wonder what receptacle of praise will ascend by close of day? Appointments are in place – The Arches Health Centre, Newtownbreda Baptist Church, Belfast City Hospital and on and on……………..before collecting (hopefully) you know who!

Another eventful drive home to ‘The Port’ with the exciting news that Newtownbreda Baptist Church have taken up the Shoe Project ‘Cosy Toes’ for the gypsy village of Odoreu where 300 families reside incorporating 600 adult and 200 children – T H A N K Y O U!

Wednesday/Thursday – an army of volunteers – no muskets, no armour – armed purely with screwdrivers, spanners, pliers all roads lead to Gransha Hospital in Londonderry where Ryan will drive his 40ft container and following close behind , David, Freddie, Gary, ‘The Moore’s’ where we will all commence ‘OPERATION SALVAGE’ with Brother Lyle Simpson. Everything we need and yes, even the commercial kitchen is waiting – the list is endless – ranging from Board Tables, Desks, Screens, Lockers, Sink Unit(s), FridgeFreezer, Dishwasher, Oven/Hob . . .

Shirley, Stop! Take a deep breath! This is a supreme moment in history in the life of Tellromania. Who I am, what I am, my character, conduct, conversation should always be under construction – there are always lessons to be learned – together we form an integral part of being complete in Him. God sees beyond the here and now, what was, is and shall be. We have been commissioned, we have enlisted, we are under divine orders, divine compulsion will motivate our actions. DRIVE 2014 IS ON! SATURDAY, 25 OCTOBER, WE GO IN THE NAME OF THE LORD WITH THE ULTIMATE ASSURANCE – GOD WILL PROVIDE.

Shirley , 19 August 2014



MALACHI 1: 11.

Heather Mercer, Every Home Crusade, has been a friend of long standing, I have just received an email from her, (I quote) ‘ I have eighteen pairs of shoes (so far) and some lovely knee socks – a lady from my church who is unable to go out to shops is giving me a cheque to buy shoes. Keep you informed.’ May the Lord bless the Servant Heart of this Sister who even from the confines of her home is willing to show such compassion to these precious young darlings. Her reward will be knowing these little feet will be ‘Warm & Cosy’ as they trudge the rugged roads in freezing conditions throughout the villages of Romania.

My husband and I came home mid June with ‘our plans’ yet God turned us right around as after two days the ‘avalanche’ came! We await the hurricane! To date, we have (in storage) what will fill two containers – possibly three! Yet our plans were to send one this year ( already done and dusted) one next year with another the following – yes ‘our plans’. ‘BUT GOD’ (my phrase again) had other plans! Were we ready? Have we become resigned to the happenings? Our prayer at the outset of each new day is that our trust will no longer be in the Lord but is the Lord! And so we rest in the knowledge that the Lord who started this work (here and now) will complete to the finish line!

Six projects were placed on our hearts, each one confirmed with signs and wonders (some already shared with you in earlier updates). Yet this week, as I attended the Ulster Hospital, the Lord again confirmed ‘we are in the way He is leading’ – staff who have really become friends over the past year, genuinely interested in our work and so eager to help, a lady who I have never met, Gail Gregg, Arches Health Centre, friends – Ethel from Newtownards all with the same mind – to provide shoes for these ‘tired and cold tiny feet’. Margaret from Omagh knitting warm hats for the premature baby department, the faithful team of ladies in Ballycrochran, Carnalbanagh, Mountpottinger, Tobermore – knitting neck warmers, socks, cardigans, blankets, Darinda sourcing items for a commercial kitchen, Maeve, distributing updates to supporters in our home Church at Castlreagh who have no internet access. The dedicated teams of Baptist Women linked to our various Baptist Churches who faithfully stand with me, who feel the prompting of the Lord to ‘Go Forward’. Texts from Jeff and Eddie at Banbridge – ‘just to inform you David, Diane from Magherafelt made a ‘drop’ of shoes, clothes last Saturday. All these people, collecting, collating why? ‘To The Least Of These’!

Are our Lamps trimmed and burning? Are we Light in a dark place?

A few days ago, I had the privilege to meet ‘Florrie’ a young GP from Cluj , her life story is amazing and I will share it on my web page very soon. From her I learned of the primitive conditions where she gave birth to her baby son, Levi 5 months ago. Wherever I go I am so aware of the pressure, the storms that rage every day, yet are accepted as normal! Can we build better? Can we build stronger? The bonds of love constrain us, remind us – ‘If My People’!

Trying to catch up (yes again with grocery shopping) a telephone call from Brother Lyle Simpson – ‘Can you come to Londonderry to view items for your commercial kitchen’?’ We plan to go tomorrow.

Sharing a cup of coffee with Paul and Lynette Simpson – another confirmation, as we were leaving Lynette asked could we use ‘stationery / crafting’ items – total of three boxes – I smiled, replying: ‘Through your offering, the Lord has commenced the Kindergarden Project in the city of Arad.

One by one, line upon line, each project has commenced : Emanuel Hospice / Special Needs School, Shoe Project, Salonta / Odoreu Village / Christian Centre, Racatau / Arad Kindergarden / Community of Felix Orphan Village.

Brother Ken Maxwell, who went to be with the Lord in January displayed such love and passion for the work of Tellromania – his Gauntlet has now been taken up by his daughter Ruth, whose desire is to follow in the steps of her Father. ‘O May All Who Come Behind Us Find Us Faithful’.

Sister Maria Gabor – a trophy of grace, who would be delighted to know that through sharing her story of the tragic loss of little Daniel a few months ago – people from the Deaf Community have been moved. Dr. Moore and I met with Stephanie and Joyce who were attending New Horizon and it is hoped we will have the opportunity to share with these brothers and sisters at their location in Belfast.

This is somewhat of a personal update, sharing as to how the Lord brings to performance His plan through many new roads of discovery and challenge.

God had not finished! My husband and I, whilst overwhelmed with God’s provision were silently concerned and struggling within regarding the raising of the finance to send further containers to Romania.

Dr. Moore’s first Pastorate was in Magherafelt Baptist Church in the late 1960’s where he first met his friend of long standing – Brother George McKee. A telephone call came and two friends from long ago shared together – George confiding that the Lord has placed the work of Tellromania on his heart – ‘FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS’. There was a way the present need could be met. Plans were set in motion – the result – Dr. Moore and I attended a cheque presentation last week in Maghera – receiving the total amount to cover one container!

We rest our case! It is all in God’s Hands – God has chosen this time to make His arm bare and He will touch the hearts of His people to meet the need.

Who has ever heard anything like this? Remember Dr. Moore and I as we commence a series of meetings in Dromore, Grange, Glenarm, Magherafelt, Omagh, Portadown Baptist Churches and Ballee, Ballymena.

Ambitions. Hopes. Plans – Surrendered! Submitted! Sorted!

Finally, I encourage you to read m
y husband’s latest prayer letter accessed from the link on the top of this page.



12 August 2014

Are these shoes really for me?



“Multumesc” (Thank you) from my heart!

“For as much as you have done unto one of the least of these, you have done it unto Me” (Matthew 25: 40) – if you would like to provide shoes for these little darlings from the Gypsy Community of Odoreu PLEASE do contact me.

Ages and numbers

0 – 1 (Babies)    10 boys 10 girls

1 – 3 years        10 boys  10 girls

4 – 6 years        20 boys  20 girls

7 – 9 years        25 boys  15 girls

10 – 11 years    25 boys  15 girls

12 – 14 years    10 boys  10 girls

14 – 16 years    10 boys  10 girls

16 – 18 years    10 boys 10 girls