Glory in the Cross
A commentary on Galatians
by Dr. Hamilton Moore
Published by Faith Builder Christian Books. 2019.
A commentary emphasising the sufficiency of the cross; salvation by grace alone, without works, through faith alone. In Christ, believers are a new creation, justified, children of the promise, adopted as sons of God, the highest gospel blessing, with power through the Holy Spirit to exhibit a truly Christian lifestyle. Paul encourages the Galatian Christians rather than “gratifying the desires of the flesh…provoking one another, envying one another,” (5:16-26) that they know what it is to “walk in the Spirit” manifesting “the fruit of the Spirit,” a Christlikeness which means that their lives will be different from that of the world. There is a sweetness, a godliness, a submissiveness when the Holy Spirit is in control, as one seeks to follow the teaching or “law of Christ,” (6:2). Here we have the goal of this Epistle.
Book Review by Tom Vance:
“Glory in the Cross” A commentary on Galatians by Dr Hamilton Moore.
Dr Moore’s commentary is a scholarly work, the product of a lifetime in pastoral ministry and as principal lecturer in New Testament Studies at the Irish Baptist College Belfast and more recently as Adjunct Professor at Emanuel University, Oradea, Romania. An initial glance at the extensive bibliography indicates the depth and width of the author’s scholarship.
For pastors and preachers this commentary is a treasure house of memorable, ready made, sermon headings for studies in the entire book of Galatians. Dr Moore draws parallels between the problems facing the Galatian church and those facing the twenty first century church; namely superficiality of belief, persecution, and doubts about one’s acceptance before God. Additionally Paul’s emphasis on the need for the presence and enabling of the power and gifts of
the Holy Spirit is linked to the dangers today of disunity in the church and hypocrisy in the work place.
The book’s title is “Glory in the Cross” and is obviously derived from Paul’s initial purpose to bring the Galatians back to the basics of the true gospel. This is also in marked contrast to the modern perspective we face that we must start working for our salvation rather than accepting Christ’s finished work on the cross.
For theological students preparing for university examinations and expected to have a thorough understanding of issues connected to; Date, Authorship,Purpose, Destination (North and South Galatian hypotheses) and Structure of the Epistle, all of these aspects of study are given thorough and detailed treatment.
This is not a commentary to be read at one or two sittings but a highly valuable reference book to offer wise guidance to one’s biblical studies.Difficult theological issues are made transparent with the aid of Dr Moore’s academic and pastoral guidance. Bible study leaders facing some of the difficult issues in Galatians will find illumination and help.
My only regret in reviewing this commentary is that it was not available earlier for my preparation of studies in Galatians! Highly recommended.