‘Everything that touches the water of this river will live. Fish will abound in the Dead Sea, for its waters will be healed’ Eze: 47: 9.
The promises of God do not offer immunity from earth’s trials. Faith sees the present as sustained by God and sees the future as secure in His sovereign plan and purpose. My friend Marinela and I were reflecting on these things; it was good to renew our close friendship and share our hearts openly before the Lord and before one another. Personal relationships are important but it is an important priority to possess ‘A Heart After God’, a heart seeing the difficulties of today become strengths for tomorrow.
The Hospice Team serve in a wilderness of Terminal Illness yet continue to be a flowing stream of refreshing water. Jesus spoke of a ‘river of living water’ flowing from our heart when He is the source of this water. Emanuel Hospice care for ninety patients each month (a long waiting list) alleviating physical, psychosocial and spiritual suffering. The true heart of those who serve in this team ‘Go Beyond’ the call of duty, improving the quality of life, sharing the love of God, helping them find answers to their many questions as they face difficult situations, burdens, poverty. There are bitter circumstances of life, not easy to bear. Their resources are meagre; what are their prospects for tomorrow? As I visit families, reading the many differing ‘faces’ I see courage of the rarest kind, giving from the ashes of poverty. They are self-respecting people in dire need; yet do they mention their inequality of life? Give With Your Heart Appeal, 2017 has ensured thirty families (carefully evaluated) receive from ‘His Bounty’ offering food and dignity. For many this earthly journey is short. It is a personal choice to ‘Love’, to ‘Follow Our Heart’ and as I think about the remainder of this year and into the next my choice is to love, assured that ‘He knoweth the way I take’. During a recent visit one little boy (being asked if he would like to attend ‘Summer Camp’) turned to me and said: ‘I have been chosen’. Isa 11: 6. ‘A little child shall lead…’ Together we can be a mighty ‘Healing Stream’. Read more