Shirley"s Pen

‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ Matt 22: 39

praying hands

‘Sister Shirley, where is love?’ This is one of the many questions I have been asked during the third week of our mission trip. How long should I keep on loving? As long as I have breath to love with my whole heart in serving others. In James 1: 27 we read that true godliness is ‘To visit orphans and widows in their affliction…’   The word visit means much more than just calling; it is used by Zechariah in Luke 1: 78 prophesying of the coming of Christ ‘The Sunrise shall visit us from on high, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death…’ I learn from this that the word visit means to minister in love, as Jesus did, sacrificing Himself for others. Love’s greatest example, giving all He had to give. Our love must always be sincere, patient and kind; we join our hands in the bond that ‘perfect love knows no fear.’ This is my service.

As I was preparing to leave for my visits on Monday, Hamilton asked, ‘Shirley, have you enough money?’ ‘I am fine, I have 20 Lei which will be sufficient to buy some black grapes for your breakfast tomorrow morning’ (no wheaten bread in Romania). ‘Please take this 200 Lei with you, just in case of an emergency situation you may hear of.’ ‘If it pleases you, thank you.’   I hurriedly made my way down the many steps and smiled as I thought of the heart and kindness of my husband, silently praying that I would have a heart of acceptance in the place God has assigned me to serve His people, a calling to carry the lost, dying, hungry. A small ministry but assigned to me.

As I looked at the broken down entrance to the back yard where a husband and wife occupy a tiny room, my heart sank. No health, no home, no food, no hope! As I entered, I tenderly sat down on the side of the bed where ‘B’ was lying, I kissed her forehead, noticing she had fallen and had severe facial bruising. She was pale and in extreme pain and through her tears she asked me, ‘Why is no one listening, why will no one help? I do not want to leave my husband just now. I know we are poor but I am human, I am a woman and only want to know if there is hope, but no one will help me.’ This adult patient is in the advanced stages of cervical cancer. Read more


Shirley"s Pen

How can we grasp the true definition of ‘Ultimate Loneliness’ unless our hearts have been captured by the graphic picture of intense pain, suffering, extreme poverty, abandonment, unloved, lost souls. The dangerous reefs of life have caused shipwreck in many lives whose only hope is to be found in God.

I ask myself ‘What is the value of my relationship, my first love; do I want to snatch such from the wild waves of life’s restless sea?’ Can I be a bridge builder? Offering a bridge of hope ‘For God so loved the world that He gave ……….’ My words must be washed in His love; the Word of God must be relevant to individual searching souls.

If someone had told me I would have encountered such a pool of despair … but one thing I have learned through ministering in this role of Tell Romania is that I must not question or become disillusioned. Although this week in particular I could have found myself like the prophet Elijah saying ‘Lord, I have had enough’. The pain was real as I visited the lost and dying, terminally ill, climbing many stairs where I found a mother nursing her daughter (48) caring for her granddaughter and great grandchildren. Another humble home once joyful now silenced by pain, yet a smile of memory filled her face as she clutched a photograph of her husband, then displayed her cross stitch work which I must confess is amazing.   ‘Daria, why so much pain?’ We both were silent!

Lord, I want to feel Thy love, caress these hearts of pain. Melt my heart, help me pierce the gloom. I find myself repeating the prayer of Jabez ‘oh that you would bless me…’

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Shirley"s Pen

‘Give With Your Heart’, reminds me, I am a vessel, a servant.   I am also aware that one who has nothing, has nothing to give.

‘Create in me a clean heart, O God ……..’ Psalm 51: 10. Do I possess a heart of diligence for the hungry, desperately poor and terminally ill and am I touched, challenged?   Is my heart one of duty, submission, willing to say ‘Yes’? Do I desire to grow deeper in my love, my passion for the lost and dying?

In my own private devotion this morning, I read the parable of ‘The Good Samaritan’ who when he ‘SAW’ him, went back, bandaged his wounds… A few days ago I received the following quote from my friend Barbara. The first question the priest and Levite asked was ‘If I stop to help the man what will happen to me?’ The Good Samaritan reversed the question. ‘If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?’ (Martin Luther King). A discerning heart!

As I unlocked the door of room 205 very late on Monday evening, in the darkness, there on our hall table, beautiful pink roses had been placed; attached was a little note: ‘Welcome Home, we have missed you, you are loved …..’ My heart was so moved by this expression of love. As I write, there are nine bunches of Roses, Tulips, Lilies, Orchids, Snowdrops, all lovingly brought by my girls from their heart to mine.   Why am I sharing this with you? I am so blessed, so privileged to have these Jewels grace my life. They fill my heart and give me so much joy. BUT GOD, God knew I would need to feel their heart beat, the week ahead would be emotional as I would come face to face with the reality that not everyone knows the joy of being loved or wanted! Others are weighed down by the heat of the day. Read more


In October last year the Lord called Pastor Andrei Pop home. He was aged 28, a former Theology Student of Dr Moore, and was tragically killed in a motorcar accident. In January Manuela gave birth to their little girl.


This week his widow Manuela dedicated Andreea to the Lord. It was such a sad occasion and Manuela cried throughout. Please pray for her and her little one. I plan to meet up with her in Cluj during this visit to Romania.
Psalm 10:14
But you, O God, do see trouble and grief; you consider it to take it in hand. The victim commits himself to you; you are the helper of the fatherless. NIV

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Bless the Lord, o my soul.

Shirley"s Pen

Psalm 103: 11. ‘For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His steadfast love toward those who fear Him’

As high as the heavens are above the earth! This is the extent of His love for me. No height or depth can reach beyond His love, because it is an endless love, without measure, always available and overflowing with goodness.   I read in Proverbs 2: 11 ‘A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver’. My personal Treasure Chest flowing with gifts of His grace, my life enriched with gifts of loyal love, tender compassion. My deepest longing, desires, satisfied with His goodness.

During this month, I have been anxious and yes my tiny seed of faith needs to be rooted deeper. I long to touch the desperate, the lost, the unloved, to tell them there is One who can raise their spirit because His grace is greater that their need. Yet in my private moments of concern, I am assured that He alone is the answer to humanity’s cry.   What physical bread is for the body, He is for the hungry heart. He is the Bread of Life. His invitation so clear: ‘Come Unto Me, You Will Never Hunger’.   This is the definitive answer to all doubt and fear. Read more

Strange providences

Shirley"s Pen

For the Lord is good; His steadfast love endures forever, and His faithfulness to all generations’ Psalm 100: 5

Prayer Points – Emanuel Hospice, Casa Grace Foundation.

Many of you have been praying for Lorena who has featured in a number of recent posts. Thank you for your prayers for her; she is able to sit up, smile and is trying to talk.

But in contrast to this good news we have learned that Lorena’s Mum (Carla) has suffered a stroke and has been admitted to hospital. She is paralysed down her left side (especially her left arm).  Therapy will commence next week. Please continue to pray for this precious mother and her two children.

Also news has just been received that Adrian, one of the abandoned babies is in a serious condition. He has been hospitalised for over one week with no sign of improvement.  He is unable to eat and losing weight rapidly.  Please pray especially for little Adrian, although he is five, he is exceptionally tiny.

During January, twenty two new patients benefited from the dedicated nursing of Emanuel Hospice Medical Staff.  Fourteen patients died (adult and children). Many contact the Hospice only days before leaving this world.

This post is edited and shared by David McFarland on Shirley’s behalf. I am doing so to also ask you to pray for Shirley. She carries these families very close to her heart and the pain she feels is palpable. So please, as you pray, remember Shirley’s passionate, personal ministry to these families.

Tell me

Shirley"s Pen

He healed them all – the blind, the lame, the palsied
The sick in body and the weak in mind;
Whoever came, no matter how afflicted,
Was sure a sovereign remedy to find.

 His word gave health, His touch restored the vigour
o every weary, pain-exhausted frame;
And all He asked, before He gave the blessing,
Was simple faith in Him, from those who came.

‘GIVE WITH YOUR HEART’ is a feeding programme ministry of Tell Romania. We seek to provide food for the bodies and souls of sixty families in Romania who face terminal illness or extreme poverty. £20 will help feed one family for one month.

 What is my purpose, my goal, as I launch this appeal throughout 2017? My heart is in Romania with those I have learned to love and cherish. I can try to mend their brokenness, relieve their pain, offer food. The Lord Jesus gave much more displaying His love, kindness, tenderness, patience through His compassion and grace toward those who came. He always took time, so why not I? The Lord Jesus is the bread of life and through this appeal, Tell Romania will give, withholding nothing, and in doing so also give the living Word.

 I ask you to remember me as I visit the terminally ill of Emanuel Hospice and the desperately poor families within Casa Grace Foundation. I read in Song of Solomon 1: 7 – ‘Tell me …. where you feed your flock?’ I prayed, ‘Lord tell me, that I may go’. I find all I need through constant communion with Him, reading His word, sharing my heart in private devotion before Him. He will direct; then I will walk in His path with a whole heart.

No one but Jesus can supply our need. I thirst! His presence is my refreshment. And so, where do I feed? In His presence, in the shadow of that rock, where I will be strengthened, safe beside the still waters of His presence. This is my purpose, my goal – to serve with equal expectation, content to rest by His side – He is never too tired to listen, we are never refused entrance into His presence.

The desire of Tell Romania is to share the glory of His presence, where instead of fear of the unknown, His presence will fill their emptiness, bringing comfort, assurance and a hope only to be found in gospel.


Below is the monthly flyer for February for distribution to churches and individuals. We encourage you to share. Thank you.



Shirley"s Pen


‘Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you …’ Jer. 1: 5.

Emanuela proved when her world was shattered through the sudden ‘Home Call’ of her beloved Andrei on 26th October, 2016, Jesus was her peace.   Days of unbearable burden, pain and sorrow. No greater peace can be found than that which is available through our Lord. 

Pastor Andrei Pop and Emanuela were anticipating the birth of their first born child. But the winds of change were to blow cold and chilling days. 

Graciously and without question, Emanuela accepted and faced the role of parenthood alone. She knew and experienced the true meaning of ‘let not your heart be troubled’ and so in perfect trust and acceptance, a contentment fills her heart, knowing her future is secured in God.

I wonder, under what circumstances do we notice God’s presence? In all of life’s insurmountable trials, times of brokenness, we have One who reshapes our life into something beautiful for His glory.

Psa. 139: 16 ‘ Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.’

And so I welcome a special delivery, wrapped up in love, Baby Andreea Abigail Pop.This precious little darling, a miracle of God’s creation and perfection from the Giver of Life.

 Let these tiny little fingers touch your heart – whisper Andreea and remember Emanuela just now in prayer; so many mixed emotions. Hold them both close in heart and prayer. 



The stillness of my heart

Shirley"s Pen

August 2016 was the last time Carla (Lorena‘s Mum) heard her little girl speak or saw her play in the remote village of Mihai Bravo. Her beautiful dark eyes now dull with pain as she lies day after day unable to communicate. The only sounds heard are those of pain and suffering.

lorenaLorena was in my heart all day yesterday, the freezing conditions in Romania, Minus 15.
My heart ached and I longed to be near her, just to hold her close. In Jer 2: 2 we read ‘I Remember You’ reminding me that I am always in His thoughts. Again as I read in Psa 68: 10 ‘Thou, O God, hast prepared of Thy goodness for the poor’. How our Lord loves and so must I with complete confidence in the Sovereign Goodness of God. Last evening before retiring, I received the attached pictures from Estera; tears filled my eyes as I saw Lorena‘s smile. What a Faithful God we serve, answering my prayer and stilling my heart. You created this smile through your Gift of Love. ‘You gave a cup of water and a bite of bread too’. Thank you.

andradaAndrada (4) (affectionately known as Dada) was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago. Then, aged only 2, this little darling faced many treatments of chemotherapy. Yesterday her mother received the news her little one has relapsed and she is devastated. Andrada needs to start chemotherapy as soon as possible but her family have no money to pay for the treatment. They are a very poor family who live in a village 40km from Oradea. She will require two rounds of chemo (each one costing 2,000 Euros). But they cannot afford or raise this vast sum of money. The people from the village are seeking to support this family but further urgent help is required. The doctor expressed Andrada has a good chance of survival, although a Bone Marrow Transplant would need to take place in Timisoara during March. These are only two of many!

Microsoft Word - poster sister Shirley (2) corectat (2).docxAs I launch ‘GIVE WITH YOUR HEART’ Appeal to run throughout 2017, my ordinary faith needs to become extraordinary, trusting the Lord, knowing that He alone will support it, increasing my faith moment by moment, day by day as I depend on Him. It is not about money or asking for money, it is sharing the passion, the desire of Tell Romania to provide the urgent needs: Monthly Food Provision; Medicines; Finance for Medical Treatments/Scans. But more importantly to share the hope of the Gospel. I ask that you stand with us that God may be glorified and the faith of His children be strengthened. The Orphan without father, mother; the Disabled, weak in mind and body; the Abandoned, crying out just to be loved; the hungry and dying… We can be instrumental in bestowing blessing to those who have no one to care.

Why are so many of God’s people poor, sick? Not mine to question, I must trust knowing that the Lord has infallibly foreknown every one of them and is aware of all the needs of His poor children. I treasure in my heart the words of our Lord: ‘You are poor and needy, but He has thought of you’. £1,000 is our aim each month to enable £500 to be forwarded to Emanuel Hospice and £500 to Casa Grace Foundation to provide food for the poverty stricken families within their care.

Every Home Crusade kindly printed A3 laminated posters for the use of churches, groups, individuals who wish to organise a specific event. If you feel the Lord directing you please contact us:

Tell Romania, B5 Ocean Green, Ocean Drive, Portstewart, Co. Londonderry,


Shirley, January 10, 2017