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Open hands
'What Time I Am Afraid, I will Trust In Thee'
Yesterday, my husband had occasion to visit Union College. It takes time to browse through the many books on display in this vast library. I chatted to the receptionist, browsed through some books of interest, then moved to a ‘quiet corner’ with one of my ‘chosen treasures’. As I read the title ‘Women Who Have Worked And Won’, my thoughts turned to Denisa and the words of the Psalmist filled my heart ‘What Time I Am Afraid’ ….. suddenly I realised that ‘What Time’ meant ‘Now’. ‘I WILL Trust In Thee’.
As we returned to the car, I felt a shadow across my face. The disappearing blue sky quickly filled with grey thunder clouds; people making their way to QUB Graduation began running for shelter from the torrential rain. I was amazed the speed the storm had gathered. Storms arise in all our lives – a letter, telephone call, disappointment, pressure – some perhaps brief showers, others leave their mark. We have never been promised a life free from storms but He has promised to steer us through until we safely reach the other side. Can’t you hear Him saying ‘Peace Be Still?
Peace is a beautiful word, illustrated as a place of rest, a garden of serenity filled with precious fragrances of His beauty.
The Lord Jesus notices the smallest of offerings, let us serve today in a love offering to Denisa, in the words of the Master ‘Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place, a solitary place’.
Thursday, 7th July, 2016 remember Denisa. It is one year since her Bone Marrow Transplant; vital medical tests are necessary followed by PET & CT scans.
The ministry of prayer can be yours and mine, we can redirect the stream of mercy to Denisa. Let our compassion be active on Thursday.
Thank You,
Shirley, 05 July, 2016.
C.T. Studd penned:
Only one life, the still voice, gently pleads for a better choice;
Bidding me selfish aims to leave, and to God’s holy will to cleave.
Give me Father, a purpose deep, in joy or sorrow Thy word to keep;
Faithful and true whate’er the strife, pleasing Thee in my daily life.
Oh let my love with fervour burn, and from the world now let me turn;
Living for Thee, and Thee alone, bringing Thee pleasure on Thy throne.
Only one life, ’twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.
Time! Plans, Hopes, Dreams, Ambitions, Ideas, we can become preoccupied, short-sighted, yet I am reminded that to-day is but a fleeting moment and nothing I have is lasting except my relationship with my Lord. James 4: 7 NKJV ‘Therefore submit to God‘. These weeks, months as I have been ‘By the Brook’ I have gleaned so much from my ‘alone time with the Lord’. Seeking, submitting to His purpose, knowing that He will direct and I must walk knowing a higher hand is tightly grasped in mine, directing each step of this unique and personal journey. This life offers no permanent residence, my home is in heaven. I find myself beyond words as I ‘Behold the Man’.
Jesus, the very thought of Thee, With sweetness fills my breast. Yes, I have had to ‘Come Apart and Rest’ where the sweetness and fragrance of the Myrtle Tree has been my portion. A beautiful evergreen reaching 30ft noted for its fragrant leaves and scented white flowers. Yet it must be cut and shaped to carry the load for a specific time and season.
There are no accidents in God’s plans; they span millenniums, events, situations. Nothing or no one is ever out of His control. God’s hand, seen and unseen ruleth over all; we need never be anxious.
Yes, I am in pensive mood this evening. Five words keep running through my mind. ‘FOR THIS CHILD I PRAYED’. I have just completed proof reading my husband’s Autobiography, outlining his fifty years of ministry in the Lord’s Work (24 September, 1966). The book is a reflection of the great work the Lord wrought in a heart, a walk, a life dedicated to Him. Jean (nee Wilkinson) Moore prayed twenty years for a son, Hamilton 3rd arrived on 12 September, 1945 and like the handmaiden Hannah of old she gave him back to the Lord.
As I read the pages, I find a man who has a heart for the hurting, a compassion for the distressed and a hunger to bring the hope of Christ to the lost. His heart has been steadfast, unmoved throughout these fifty years from the vision God gave him, never wavering, faltering. His desire, his intention is to continue as long as God gives him breath to press on. His kindness and solid faith is unwavering which as a wife I find inspiring and count it a privilege to walk by his side.
A short ‘blog’ this time, I have missed ‘talking’ to you, sharing with you and wish to extend my heartfelt thanks for your words of strength and encouragement, your love and friendship in the many cards, messages, telephone calls and genuine kindnesses. I end with the words of one of old – ‘In the multitude of my thoughts within me, your comfort delights my soul’.
You are loved and precious. Thank You
Shirley, 07 June 2016.
Returning to Romania
(David McFarland writing this introduction)
This is not the normal blog from Shirley who as you know had surgery and still is severely limited in what she can do. I have spoken with Hamilton and Shirley tonight, and learned some of the challenges they are facing right now. I have suggested to them that this email update to their friends be added to the blog and Facebook page so than many more will pray for them in these challenging days.
Hamilton writes:
Returning to Romania Wednesday 4th May.
In order to assist Emanuel with their continuing recognition, I have been helping the Faculty Staff with essays for publication in English and also in organising an INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on The Epistle to the Hebrews. Dr Peter Firth is accompanying me and we both – along with the Rector Dr Paul Negrut – will give a lecture at the conference on Friday 6th May. Other staff will also participate throughout the day.
On Thursday morning I will be introducing Peter to my students and he will again be involved in the afternoon Reseach Forum.
Pray for us as we travel and minister. (Pray also for Hamilton’s health during this busy week -David)
The update on Shirley is that when she suffered a fall after the surgery 5 weeks ago it was confirmed this morning that her wrist is broken. Hence I will be back home and available next week. I would ask you to refrain from e mailing during my absence as both hands are out of action.
I hope to update you soon on the Tell Romania work team 25th May – 8th June working mainly in Cluj, Oradea and Odoreu. Also in the way the Church in Odoreu is now reaching out to other Roma groups. Amazing!
I end with Shirley’s words to me this evening: ‘He directs; we keep on walking’.
Take my Hand
To me remains nor place, nor time:
My country is in every clime;
I can be calm and free from care
On any shore, since God is there.
While place we seek, or place we shun,
The soul finds happiness in none:
But with a God to guide our way,
‘Tis equal joy to go or stay.
As I shared these verses with my husband this morning during our ‘quiet time’ – we smiled, reading one another’s thoughts. ‘But with a God to guide our way, ‘Tis equal joy to go or stay. Psalm 138: 8 assures us that ‘The Lord will fulfil His purpose for me.’ at home or in Romania. I should not be overwhelmed with issues surrounding to-day or tomorrow – but see ‘Jesus Only’.
In reading my recent updates regarding the Hospice Feeding Programme, Denisa, Ella, my prayer is ‘Lord, bless the hands who serve’. I value your prayers regarding every aspect of the work of TELLROMANIA.
Disappointment, discouragement and heartbreak will touch our lives at some stage, but how wonderful to know His grace is greater, His peace runs deeper – God’s grace is in endless supply and will always be enough. Our journey is individual and unique ‘In Him’. Dr. Moore and I were disappointed the scheduled surgery on 4th March did not proceed and so we waited in quiet patience, another time of ‘Waiting by the Brook’. I was perplexed, anxious and quietly concerned, as we needed to be back in Emanuel on 4th May. Which direction should I take ? What should I do ? Simply wait, recognise every aspect of my life is engineered by God. I needed to accept that God’s ‘NO’ is still filled with compassion and who other than My Heavenly Father knows the best direction for my life. Yes Shirley, you may not fully understand – keep trusting – you will!
How do I say thanks? Your hands stretched out in love and support, your words of encouragement, a gift, a bond of special friendship, Thank You!
The long awaited telephone call finally came! As you read this update this morning, Friday, 18th March, I will be on my way to South West Acute Hospital, Enniskillen, for surgery at 12 Noon. I would ask you to pray for the surgeon and theatre staff that all will go according to His plan and purpose. Do keep in touch, I would love to hear from you, however I will be unable reply as I will be in a series of cast(s) for approximately six weeks and unable to write. If you require advice regarding a particular project or query, please feel free to contact me by mobile: 0752 196 8926.
The work of TELLROMANIA continues, plans, preparations for a much longer Mission Trip are in process – May through to June incorporating the International Conference hosted by Dr. Moore in Emanuel University Chapel when Dr. Peter Firth IBC will be our international guest. More opportunities for Radio ministry and evangelism. The end of another academic year, a special week-end of Thanksgiving to the Lord for the many young lives graduating into a life of service for Him.
Remember Me, Shirley, 18 March, 2016.
‘Put your hope in the Lord, Travel steadily along His path … Psalm 37: 34
Colossians 3:14. ‘And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.’
Ella embraces life, grasping, reaching out just to be loved and accepted by others. Her little heart beats with expectancy, hope and purpose for her future. Ella’s father is in the 4th stage of Alzheimer’s disease, her brother remains very ill.
As I think of my little treasure, I am reminded of the words found in Proverbs 20: 11. ‘Even a child makes himself known by his acts.’ Ella has been in the care of Emanuel Hospice since the age of three and is her Mum’s pride and joy; you can readily identify their special bond . Ella is keen to return to school to reshape her young mind, yet the multiple Blood Transfusions, the many complicated deficiencies surrounding her condition, limits the possibility of normal schooling. Her young mind is sharp and nurtured yet in her youthful manner she is very wise and thoughtful. She loves life, people, and in her gentle acts of kindness is always thinking of others, never selfish, resentful of her lot in life, her amazing smile says it all.
Ella’s Mum shared with me that the hospital doctors expressed concern regarding a particular area of Ella’s lungs, the Granulomatous Lung Disease showed cells they feared could be malignant. Angelina kept this incredible hurt and trauma from her little darling and so totally unaware, totally trusting, this little soldier faced the many tests and scans that followed without question. If honest, I have been quietly concerned, asking the Lord in faith to let me take hold of His strength, knowing that all the powers of darkness cannot prevail against His mighty hand, and to help me assure Angelina that with God on her side, she will have nothing to fear, for we are more than conquerors.
Estera wrote late last night confirming the results – BENIGN. To God Be The Glory! But then, how much more can God our Father in love, grant strength sufficient for each day. There is no love like ‘A Father’s Love’.
My glittering little gem still sparkles although very weak. She has many months, perhaps years of hospital treatments ahead. Our stay on earth is brief and so we linger with a reason to love and impact the lives of others. We are not in control of any situation or circumstance, but rather we choose His will, His way rather than our own!
A Father’s Love ! Everything that I do, may it glorify You, My Saviour and My God.
Shirley, 14 March, 2016
PS. Even as Ella’s mom communicated this update on Ella, she said the rain was coming into her home because of the terribly poor kitchen window. She can not fix the problem because she needs to keep the money for the basic things like hospital and food!
Dr. Moore recently wrote a tract specifically for the Hospice Patients ‘NEWS YOU DO NOT WANT TO HEAR’. The leaflet not only makes clear that there is support for those who are in such trauma, but brings also the ‘Good News’ of what God has done and can do for us. Pray that God will use it to bring assurance and hope for the future.
The responsibility is great, lives are passing into eternity; may we so ‘Walk with Him’ that our actions, words be a reflection of the great work He has wrought within our lives.
A letter from Denisa
Today Denisa wrote to Shirley and has granted permission to share this on the web.
Dear Mrs. Shirley and Dr. Moore,
The first words are to thank God who is with me every day. Thank you Mrs Shirley and Dr. Hamilton, people with big hearts who are in the most difficult moments with me so that I will be able to fight to the end. I managed to do the transplant but the recovery is very hard and long.
The treatment goes well but my body rejected the bone marrow at the liver. Because of this I have to do photo-chemiotherapy for an indefinite period till the liver tests will be good but I am positive that I will get through this hard trial.
I want to go home healthy and to continue my studies at the faculty of medicine, and with God’s help to become a good doctor, to help people with all my heart and soul, with faith, with my experience and what I learned in college.
Thank you with all my soul and I pray every day to God to give you health, joy and help you wherever you are.
Also, I want to thank from all my heart to gentlemen Stanley Abraham and Stephen Logan who chose to be with me on this difficult road in which I didn’t gave up any moment. God has sent them to me so I could continue treatment until the end and to be healed and healthy.
For everything you have done for me, I will pray and thank the Lord to be with you.
I wish you much health and happiness!
With all my gratitude,
PS The image of Denisa receiving chemo is published with her permission
Morning has broken
It is a glorious morning; the air is crisp. I smile as I walk briskly down the long and winding path to Emanuel Chapel where the sunlight is streaming through the beautiful window depicting ‘The Sower’. Why am I smiling? I notice tiny buds peering through the hard and frosty ground uniting in a majestic declaration ‘Winter Is Passing’. My mind turns immediately to S of S 2: 10-13 ‘…Lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone, the flowers appear on the earth, the time of the singing of the birds is come … Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away’. Come Away? Yes ‘The Moore’s have ‘Come Away’ – away to a land of great need, heartache, poverty, sickness and pain – pain that no medication can remove.
David Livingstone (in his dairy) penned: ‘The strangest disease I have found in this country seems really to be broken-heartedness’ No one is exempt, young, old, rich or poor. Dr. Moore and I have one obligation to serve with love that is without limit!
The beginning of blessing (this trip) commenced from day one with many ‘fruitful days’. We plan, prepare, prioritise the really important from the important, but if we could see beyond today; if for one moment could see with our natural eye the end result – surely our mind would be ‘hushed’ into quiet submission to the Master Plan.
Within one journey of my favourite eight flights of stairs, EVERYONE I needed to contact was either ‘going up’ or ‘going down’. Incredible? But then we know who is in charge, we know the One who rules with stupendous power, who is unique, triumphant and ALIVE today!
These have been ‘fruitful days’ – I am compelled to serve knowing that today is the yesterday I will remember tomorrow and so with the Psalmist I cry: ‘Teach Us To Number Our Days’. Each day should be a fruitful day – as we, the seasons of spring, summer, autumn pass, grow old – may we never lose our ‘freshness’ for the gospel.
I have so much to be thankful for: ‘My Girls’ (as I affectionately call them) from the Beauty of Holiness Group are a blessing in their zeal and hunger after God. Please remember Oana, Ligia, Ana, Ema, Alina, Dina, Anca & Tabita –they are precious to me and I shall miss them as I say ‘Good Bye’ this evening. Yes, I am sad, you see, I have come to love them as they have been given to me to care and nurture in the things of the Lord. Our small student room did not cease yesterday and today with the ‘young ones’ calling with a White Tulip, Plants as today is ‘ladies day’ in Romania! Precious Memories in my heart. Thank You Girls!
Silvia who heads the Child Life Romania Team was excited and encouraged as we met, sharing the team have access into the hospital wards three afternoons each week – pray for Silvia and her team of volunteers as they show their love for people who need the Lord, that these children, teenagers and parents will know, will feel, the warmth of everlasting arms surrounding them.
The Students of Emanuel University are close in my heart – as I scan the flock, the potential! Lord, drive me onward to serve day by day, to give, to leave something for Thee!
Marinela, Estera and I met this week. We reflected on our first meeting together and of my introduction to Romania. Clearly the Lord led me to the Hospice and since the fall of this year I have been searching my heart; yes, I am only one but I want so much to help this amazing team. A team who are a Balm! Devoted and dedicated in their love and care.
Pastor David McFarland has produced a magnificent presentation with a new window on the Feeding Programme (photographs of a few families), a current update on Denisa (recent photograph) and a new window of meditation – well worth a visit! His passion and devotion to Tell Romania is evident in his attention to detail. I will be sharing reports once little Ella and Elizabeth have various tests and scans duly completed.
Dr. Moore writes:
I am ‘Back Home’ in the place where I belong! God continues to open many doors of opportunity.
It was great to be back with the young Theology Students as they seek to deepen their understanding of God’s Word. The past two weeks have been spent in teaching 3rd & 4th year. It is encouraging to see their growth and the awareness of a deep bond of friendship.
The Research Forum was held on 23rd Feb. as arranged – it is important to meet together as lecturers to share our theological interests and progress. I am tasked to read the articles which are being written for publication in English, as they must be.
We feel the need to share one with the other and so I am in the process of arranging an International Conference on Friday, 6th May 2016 in Emanuel University Chapel. This will take the form of a Theological Conference focusing on ‘THE EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT: ITS HISTORICAL CONTEXT AND THEOLOGICAL SIGNIFANCE’. Speakers include Dr. Paul Negrut, Rector of Emanuel University, Dr. Peter Firth, Irish Baptist College, along with myself and other invited guests who will be invited to deliver a paper. The afternoon will give the students also the opportunity to present short papers as well. I will choose a number of the articles for publication in a special Journal.
Pastor Daniel Tanc made contact regarding the Radio Voice of the Gospel and we set time aside yesterday for a recording on the theme of Worship.
This morning I was invited to speak at the meeting of the Communatie where approximately fifty Pastors meet each month for prayer and worship. Andrei, one of my 3rd year Theology Students assisted in preparing boxes of books printed by Evangelical Press from the pallet we brought out on the last lorry, plus the Romanian tracts and booklets – 400,000 donated by Every Home Crusade. It was such a joy to see the eager response of the pastors as they ‘carried’ the boxes/tracts to their car back to their churches and villages. The morning was a blessed time together with many new and old faces! Great to catch up with Pastor Remus, Satu Mare and to meet former Theological Students and new brethren who are anxious for me to visit their church on my return.
And so, it is time to go! I like Shirley will be sad to leave ‘My Boys’! There is much to accomplish in my time at home as I continue the writing of my future books and we put plans in action for the forthcoming May.
Confirmation has just been received that Shirley will have surgery at 12 noon on Friday (2pm Romanian Time) – just remember her as I know where her heart lies and longs to be.
Thank You for your love and support
‘The Moores’
01 March 2016
‘People’ matter! They matter to the Lord!
‘People’ should be our first priority where through acts of compassion, the nature of Christ is extended. In the book of Micah we are told ‘to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with Our God’. Ministry, whatever form it may take, should be effective. Through our acts of mercy, in thinking of others, we ‘reach out and touch’ – we should never ‘pass by’!
Our concern should be ‘passionate’. Our prayer ‘humble’. Our service should not be to make an ‘impression’ but to make an ‘impact’ for eternity!
I cannot ‘walk away’; my heart is changed; challenged– the 30 families currently on the Hospice Feeding Programme is a priority! £500 each month is a small task – I have a practical obligation, responsibility, no one should experience hunger! Our Lord gave, sharing from very little. We are His children and represent the One who continually giveth and giveth and giveth again.
There is an additional window on our TellRomania.org NEWS page specifically devoted to the Hospice Feeding Programme with pictures of some of the current families. The window on Denisa is now updated with a new picture also. Pastor David McFarland has shared a beautiful meditation under the Hospice Window and these will appear with Hospice Newsletters as available.
TELLROMANIA has proved God in the past and we hold unto His promise for the future. If you feel the Lord leading you to assist, please contact me. We give as ‘Unto Him’ without counting the cost.
Shirley, 29 February 2016
The words of Deuteronomy 32: 2 regulate the pendulum of life swinging from fear and anxiety to faith and trust.‘He is the Rock; His work is perfect. Everything He does is perfect. Everything He does is just and fair. He is a faithful God ……’
What a promise to commence my morning! I am surrounded, watched over and guarded – but then isn’t that how we care for our most precious possession?
Waiting isn’t easy! Tick Tock! Tick Tock! Clock Watching! I am waiting for Marinela and Estera – longing to hear their ‘gentle knock’ on the door of room 205, their amazing smile as we meet again – we are ‘friends’ we are ‘sisters’ and love to share together!
I pause, thinking of the words found further down in our chapter: ‘He nourished, He fed, He gave, and gave only from the choicest of wheat!’ During these past two weeks, I have been on a journey of discovery, discovering the unfathomable faithfulness of God, proving that His words are never idle words, but are in fact – Life with a capital ‘L’ in all its fullness! ‘The Hungry Fed, The Humble Lifted High. The Hospice Feeding Programme!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Through those whose hearts the Lord touched, TELLROMANIA forwarded to Marinela Murg (Director) this morning, sufficient funding to provide for six months. The 30 families carefully evaluated by Estera (Social Worker) will now receive a monthly food parcel knowing that the shared ministry of brothers and sisters in Northern Ireland, who responded, is indeed a shared blessing – thank you! You have become a shelter, a place of quiet rest, a river of refreshing waters, a shadow in the cleft of the rock where safety and security can be found from the stormy winds that blow our way in this earthly life.
On a personal note, thank you for caring, loving, understanding, through your humility to serve, to share their grief, sorrow and loss, their poverty & pain, you have become His Hands, His Feet, You have become ‘Christ to Them’.
My husband and I remain humble, clearly recognising that Christ became a man and laid aside the Glory He had known, to become a lowly Carpenter! But God exalted Him – The Humble Lifted High! We all pass through deep waters at some time in life but remember – it is ‘when’ not ‘if’ – ‘through’ not ‘into’ I will be with you! (Isa 43:2)
Shirley, 26/02/2016.