The words of this hymn sung last night in church pierced my heart!   Only hours earlier I had received an email from my friend Marinela Murg (Director of Emanuel Hospice Homecare Team), Oradea, Romania. As I read the contents, my emotion(s) became one of concern after the initial shock!

Many adult / children receive loving care, medication, and in some cases, dignity until their final days! Thirty patients and families are carefully evaluated and selected – those who are terminally ill and struggle financially.

One Food Parcel each month is not only a necessity but a blessing – a Gift from Above! 

Marinela confirmed as from 31st January, specifically designated funds have reached completion! There is no money to buy food parcels for these precious families (our brothers and sisters). As individuals we cannot feed all thirty but we can perhaps feed one! £15 per month will feed one family = £500 (in total) will feed all thirty!

Three years ago, I married Dr. Moore. His words still vivid in my memory when he asked in his own quiet manner ‘Shirley, will you come with me to Romania?’ – For one who had only flown once in her lifetime, my answer was without hesitation! ‘I will go, but only if the Lord gives me a work of my own’. Impossible circumstances for one who struggles with emotion – God makes no mistakes!

The Hospice work is my passion – but then I have found the more passion you have for God the more compassion He gives you for others!

I leave for Romania on Wednesday, 17th February for a shorter visit than planned as I have been informed this morning I need to return home for hand surgery. To-day is the 2ndFebruary – will you help ‘Feed the Hungry’ this month ?

The mark of reality of a true disciple: Matthew 25: 35 ‘ For I was hungry and you gave Me food, I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in’.


If you feel God is directing you to help, please forward cheque made out to TELL ROMANIA, Shirley Moore, B.5 Ocean Green, Ocean Drive, Portstewart. BT55 7RU

Alternatively you can give online using this link to our web site.


2016! Another year! A new beginning!   For some, a year of discovery, success, pain, loss, trial.

The miracle of life – a gift from God! My desire, my goal for 2016? Decisions, choices can determine if I am walking the perfect path or one of my own choosing! The Psalmist David wrote: ‘You will show me the path of life ….’ Another gem of penmanship: ‘Early in the morning will I rise up and seek Thee, and because Thou hast been my help, in the shadow of Thy wing ….’   Yes, my mood is rather pensive,   I am filled with emotion as I think of those dear to my heart, so lovingly under the care of Emanuel Hospice Team, the girls in the Beauty of Holiness Group, Students of Emanuel University, the Village Churches – I long to be back ‘Home’. Many, O Lord are Your wonderful works, Your thoughts always toward us, how could we ever number or speak of them – they are much more that could ever be numbered. Methinks it is time for another walk alone!

Yes I have been walking – perhaps somewhat familiar paths, my time to get alone with God for He knows what is coming and will bring me through! Why am I so sure, so certain?   The height, depth, width and breadth of His love cannot be measured. The world’s whispers can crowd, so much so, our focus becomes diminished!   Only in the pathway of His presence will I find Him, only there will I have the singularity of heart to open and keep walking with courage! God will make my assignment clear but only through an intimate and personal relationship with Him, knowing that whose who hope in His immeasurable power will never be disappointed and have their focus renewed.

The threshold of a New Year – opportunity, challenge, impacting lives – it is not only for me to hear but to obey – this way I will experience God’s Best.

Dr. Moore and I pray for guidance, wisdom as we encounter another year of service. Doubt can play a part – as humans we say ‘possible or impossible’. But then it is not ours to question only to obey! Pray for my husband as he returns to resume his duties in lecturing, preaching but also in establishing the Research Forum together with the Emanuel Faculty – the forthcoming Conference planned during May when International Lecturers will be invited to participate in an agenda for Pastors, Lecturers and Students.

Our flights to Romania are booked AND time is short! We leave on Wednesday, 17th February dv and will possibly return around Easter – again only for a short time before getting back to Romania for the Summer Semester. Our weeks at home have been extremely busy (three engagements some days). 1 Thess. 2v4. ‘But as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel …’ the power of the gospel – sure and sufficient for all! Thank You for your open heart in standing beside us in proclaiming this Message of Hope – we ask you to remember us as we endeavour to launch the Life and Learning Fund for Pastors and Students in Romania. How can you help? By purchasing the recent publication on The Pastoral Epistles – ‘1&2 Timothy and Titus: Missional Texts from a Great Missionary Statesman’. This Bible based commentary is a must for every home.   Your £15.00 donation will support a Pastor or Student.


Dr. Moore feels the need to write, to leave a legacy behind. This present book is being translated into Romanian and will be ready in September. A second is under way with others planned. Pray that we can make this a reality! We are workers together – may those who come behind find us to have been faithful! The greatest legacy we can all leave is to have been found loving the Lord with all our heart, our soul, our mind – this is the true measure of success!

Evangelical Bookshop, 15 College Square East, Belfast, are hosting a Book Signing:

Saturday, 13th February, 2016 – 2.30 pm – 3.30 pm.

Come and meet the Author, purchase a book personally signed.

Have a chat with us before we leave, Shirley – 25 January, 2016

Is there a song?

Hush! The sound of Christmas.

10.30p.m. and as I vacate the classroom, I am met with the strains of: ‘Angels we have heard on high’; ‘Come to Bethlehem and see Him whose birth the angels sing’; ‘See Him in a manger laid, Whom the choirs of angels praise’. GLORIA, IN EXCELSIS DEO! I stop, not daring to intrude, my heart is lifted as in quietness and hopefully unobservant, I listen to the students rehearsing throughout the corridors of the university – the sound, the harmony of this blessed Christmastime is beautiful to behold both in singing and personal contact. I could listen forever! Oops, must make my way back to room 205 – I am later than planned – an anxious husband will be waiting!

After supper my mind was still focusing on ‘Angels from …….’ I turned to Ps.91 NLT ‘He orders His angels to protect you wherever you go, they will hold you with their hands’. I am always protected, escorted home throughout this earthly pilgrimage. An angel delivered the message to Mary announcing the birth of the Christ Child, Heaven’s King, the Heavenly Host praised God at the birth of the Saviour of the World. And so I question: Aren’t angels servants too?



In our ‘Quiet Time’ – together (as an ordinary couple) we have been asking: ‘What do we really desire in this life?’ ‘What is it that drives us forward day by day?’ ‘What do we hope to achieve?’ ‘What is our ultimate goal?’ In my own heart, though blessed to serve, nothing can or will ever compare with His blessing, approval. He knows the path and leads until the day when we shall know! ‘In the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert’ Isa. 35: 6.

Three weeks have flown and another two remaining before we return to Portstewart around 22nd (hopefully we will make it home for Christmas Day) ha ha. Two busy weeks for ‘The Moore’s’! Dr. Moore is involved in the Masters week and continues classes with the 4th year students. A visit to Satu Mare & Odoreu is scheduled this weekend – our first free Sunday since our arrival.

Arrangements are now in place for my husband’s publication on The Pastoral Epistles to be translated into Romanian, duly completed prior to Graduation. It will then be edited and sent to print. Please pray the Lord will send the resources required to make this valuable Bible Based Commentary available to Pastors and Students throughout Romania. A book filled with mines of treasure. By purchasing at the small cost of £15 – you can make a difference, enabling the Life & Learning Fund to proceed. The second publication on the Book of Galatians is in process! Watch out for number three on The Holy Spirit!

Following another 4th year student class on Romans, a second Research Forum for Pastors will be held next week when opportunity will be given for those in attendance to submit and read their papers. The School of Practical Theology will be held the day before we leave so again we will be returning home certainly ‘travelling light’! No time to pack!

Friday – a vivid memory! I was so looking forward to seeing my friend Elizabeth and her husband John. As Estera and I drove to the entrance of their small home, there she was outside, watching, waiting! I don’t think I have ever been hugged so tightly! Elizabeth remains in the care of Emanuel Hospice Homecare Team – and although failing in health her spirit is inspiring. Please remember my dear friend, there are many complications following bowel surgery, C.T. Scans have confirmed a tumour inside her kidney, a double hernia and a very large stone in her gallbladder – another C.T. Scan will be carried out early February when decisions regarding surgery will be finalised. As I left, a Romanian doll was placed in my hand – totally made from corn grown in the fields. ‘From my heart to you, remember me’. How could I ever forget?

Ella is in Cluj at present undergoing treatment. Denisa remains close in heart; I have just received confirmation that Lilliana is flying back from Italy and will be with me tomorrow. What a reunion, I cannot wait! Watch the ‘Denisa’ window on our web for an update. It will be great to see the families today at the Hospice Christmas Celebration, Maria Gabor and family etc; I must take a picture of Marco who is now eighteen and over six foot tall. Such an opportunity for my husband to present the message of the Saviour! Face to face with so much pain, questions, struggle, places me in a secret corner of darkness in my heart, I love my brothers and sisters and especially my ‘little ones’ and so I feel their pain and at times the waters are deep causing me to sink within. What do I do? Where do I run? When I am unsure of the road to follow or the right words to say, whether in the summer of their life or in the cold and frosty winter, seasons of change – let me touch Him – Others will know and be blessed!

Silvia and Madelina have just left – we have been sorting the Child Life Romania boxes (in their hundreds) and have been able to donate toys and clothes to various orphanages as well as the linked hospitals. Pray for this ministry as these young Child Life Specialists visit the hospital(s) seeking to impact the lives of children and parents. Victoria is the daughter of my friend Pamela Patrick (Ballycrochan B.C.) and Victoria sent a memory stick of her Art & Craft achievements in various locations (far and wide). Silvia is overwhelmed! Methinks there will be a quick contact from Romania to Bangor by email. These are special young ladies on a mission to serve!

The Anthos Dental Treatment Centre donated is now installed and working perfectly. I have been invited to visit the dental surgery (I don’t plan any treatment during my visit) ha ha.

Emanuel University Mixed Choral Ensemble Christmas Concert – Tuesday, 15th. The standard, presentation and content are beyond words – this is an evening not to be missed!

‘His name shall be called Emmanuel….. God with us….. The Prince of Peace’ Isa 9: 6. Stop! Listen! There IS a song in the air! Sing with me ‘O Come Let Us Adore Him, Christ The Lord’.

I will not have the opportunity to write again before leaving. Dr. Moore and I wish you all a blessed Christmas as you worship the Christ Child with those you love – remembering your yesterday(s) and your today!

Shirley, 08 December 2015

The midnight hour

tellrToday’s difficulties are tomorrow’s strengths! This was put into action when suddenly, in the silent darkness of a typical Romanian night, a thundering noise was heard. Through the gates of Emanuel University, a brightly lit 45ft container drove slowly in splendour! In an instant, the ground surrounding the area of unloading was brightly lit with car headlights – quite a sight as an army of students (Male & Female) joined Dr. Moore in the mammoth task of sorting, carrying up a long driveway, an even longer corridor then five flights of stairs! No lift, no escalator, just sheer determination, box by box to ‘Go Beyond’.

Dr. Moore controlled the unloading – we had many items for various locations: Child Life Romania; Computers – I.T.Department; Books – Library and students; 500,000 Tracts; Emanuel University Furnishings; Anthos Dental Treatment Centre; Pallet(s) for Cluj and local Pastors. Our friend, Ken Gardiner (Dromore B.C.) assisted students to the various locations within the University whilst I guided on Level 2. Quite an experience – there were boxes, furniture, books everywhere – even though by the end of 4 – 5 hours we were ALL totally exhausted we had to smile as a remark was made ‘Dr Moore must be very rich’! This was purely because of all the boxes marked FAO DR MOORE. ‘If Only’ I replied laughing! Yes, you know what is coming, methinks – how rich, how blessed, how privileged to be chosen, to be one of His own, a temple where He abides, worships and so as penned by George Matheson who knew the cost of sacrifice, suffering yet remained faithful: Love that wilt not let me go! Light that follow’st my way! Joy that seekest me through pain! Concluding with – Life that shall endless be! – All that I can say is ‘I give Thee back the life I owe’. Of course the ‘riches’ were for others, the many things sent so lovingly from loving hearts.

The following morning Brother Elijah & Sister Raelene brought the Director of the Hospital to meet with us – he was amazed at the number of items donated for Child Life Romania, (the ministry being developed within local hospitals) and of course the electric beds, blood pressure monitors and maternity bassinette units complete with consumables. It actually took three runs to transport the medical items to the hospitals. He was overwhelmed to receive the electric beds and advised us to purchase one in Romania would cost the hospital 5,000 Euros! One large room in the Basement area of Emanuel Chapel is packed from floor to ceiling with numerous boxes also an outer corridor containing prams, buggies, car seats, baby bouncers, baby high chairs, wheel chairs etc. The world without Christ needs to hear to receive the Lord’s music of peace through our lives, the choices we make turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. It is certainly not time to ‘Hang Up Our Harps’…………………………………………………… Where do I begin?

Brother Jim Flanagan left his home at 6 a m to collect ‘The Moore’s’ – seventeen hours later we were finally driving into Emanuel University – a quick and very welcome cup of ‘Twinings’ – quick nap then straight into lectures the following morning for The Professor! Life is busy on campus affording opportunities for my husband to teach 4th year students, meet pastors, all seeking, hungering for a deeper knowledge of the Word of God. My own girls in the ‘Beauty of Holiness’ group(s) are amazing – we have formed a bond of love and friendship as we work our way through this study sharing our hopes, ambitions, plans. Choices, so many choices, yet knowing ‘If Only’ we surrender, as an individual, we can become a model of His character, His nature, displaying love to those in need; we are never too young or never too old to lead by example.

Little Ella called at room 205 with her mother Angelina – she ran (holding tightly in her hand) a Christmas Bell she had painted (Emerald Green) for her friend from Ireland. Ella is very precious to me and dearly loved. Please pray for this little darling – now facing many weeks of treatment and so far from home. My heart is heavy as I write, as Estera, Hospice Social Worker informed me there is another concern but the family have no money for travel let alone an M.R.I. Scan – this is the reality! Thanks to the hearts who responded to Hospice needs TellRomania were able to donate £400 to assist on this occasion. Denisa still remains in hospital (Milan, Italy). She has been there five months and again separated from her Mother & Father who reside in a village many miles from Oradea. Denisa is weak and open to infection – she needs to know we care but more importantly that He is the One who will look after and care for her. I lay awake concerned – the darkness only seemed to intensify the reality of the situation(s). Why was I trying to find an answer? Psalm 42: 8 – ‘Through each day the Lord pours his unfailing love upon me and through each night I sing His songs, praying to God who gives me life’.

Dr. Moore and I have recognised (especially this trip) we have different roles to fulfil! Each morning, after our ‘Quiet Time’ we embrace the day accepting our own individual key of usefulness as clay in the hands of the Potter. Self acceptance is important. God doesn’t change our personality, our capability, but He can turn our brokenness, our willingness (even in fear and trembling) into a channel of blessing.

We are privileged to be ministering in various village churches during our time here. Last Sunday we visited our friends in Grace Baptist Church, Mierlau; my first port of call was to look for little Josh and there he was! I chatted with his sister Salomi and enjoyed the ministry of Mierlau Brass Band led by Josh’s father. In the evening we ministered in Emanuel Baptist Church, Hidisel De Sus meeting ‘new friends’. The church has MANY young people and a mandolin orchestra! The pastor was a graduate of Emanuel; his wife Oana a student last year in the School of Practical Theology. One sensed that God was powerfully at work.

The next weekends are booked in Tileagd Baptist and Topa de Cris Baptist Church – new for ‘The Moore’s’. Brother Ken Gardiner spent the first five days of his week with Dr. Moore in Emanuel then Friday – Sunday in Satu Mare & Odoreu with Pastor Remus. When we returned home from Hidisel the two weary travellers were waiting for supper with ‘The Moore’s’. It was great to ‘catch up’ with Pastor Remus and we hope to visit Satu Mare & Odoreu soon – thought it would be a time to share Christmas Blessings in word and song with our many and much loved friends who remain close in our hearts.

Many events have been planned throughout December – my husband and I are enjoying being more involved in the ‘Student Life’ and look forward to the Chocolate Season where Cadbury’s Roses, Heroes, from Ballymoney and Thorntons from Newtownbreda will be on display! Emanuel University Christmas Choral Event – this is a Wow Factor!!!!!!!!!! Emanuel Hospice Christmas Carol Service where all the patients (adult & children) come together. We haven’t booked our return home as yet as there are still commitments to fulfil with the School of Practical Theology (late December).

Doing our part?   We are praying for God’s mind as to the future – clearly we are being drawn with cords of love into the work of Emanuel with its many roles in the University, High School, Hospice, Casa Grace.

Dr Paul Negrut and Dr. Moore are viewing possibilities regarding the translation into Romanian of The Pastoral Epistles. Further publications need to be written on specific topics, and so I would ask you to remember my husband as he accepts this responsibility for the future. I too feel a leading, a drawing to work more closely with the female students – do remember Oana, Silvia, Miriam and Maria in Italy. Our thoughts can be established if we commit our ways, our works to the Lord. In looking through one of my ‘Notebooks’ I found where I had written: ‘Intimacy with God will promote stability, security, serenity, sensitivity, understanding – may I make it my priority to possess ‘A Heart After God’.

Summation: The pallet of Library Books resulted in 3 copies of each title donated to Emanuel Library, boxes containing 30 books for each Theology student and Masters Student. 500,000 Tracts donated by Every Home Crusade – separated into large heavy duty bags for Pastors, Students to distribute to Villages in Romania. 30 Computers/6 Laptops donated – the exact number required to upgrade the models within the campus – they only had one Laptop!


Shirley, 27 November, 2015.

Pathways of change

I will go Lord, if you send me
I will hold your people in my heart...

Our dear friend, Pastor David McFarland has just telephoned to read and pray with my husband and I before we leave (6am) tomorrow morning. I quote: Psalm 16: 6 – 9. ‘The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Yes, I have a good inheritance. I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel; My heart also instructs me in the night seasons. I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; My flesh also will rest in hope’.

In all changing scenes of life, spectacular beauty is found in the many pathways of challenge explaining the reasons, the lessons we learn walking by faith and not by sight.

What is our focus? What is our passion? What is our Goal? In Phil. 3: 14 Paul writes ‘I press toward the goal …’ My point of focus – to set my heart on a pilgrimage. As we approach this blessed time of year we focus on ‘The Babe of Bethlehem’.   Heaven’s Child the Saviour of the World. The words of Charles Wesley ‘Light and Life to all He brings’. John 1: 9 ‘That was the true light…’. But we see Jesus, crowned with glory and honour.

 Dr. Moore embraces the Great Commission to ‘Go and Preach’ the gospel. I continue to love those in need, accepting the emotional challenge with peace!

Pray for us as we approach the end of another year ….. welcoming another year. That our flame will burn with passion to serve, igniting purpose and confidence.

He Is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

container1 container2

Yesterday, a typical cold, wet and windy November morning. Six hours of packing kept us warm inside and out.Our hearts burned within us as we filled this the largest container to the brim. Pray for safe travel and arrival in Emanuel University Thursday or Friday.

Dr. Moore and I leave in a few hours

Remember Us, Pray for Us

Shirley, 15 November 2015

Little Women


1 Corinthians 2: 9 (NLT) ‘No mind has imagined what God has prepared …’

‘Little Women’, the novel by American author Louisa May Alcott, intrigued me as a child. The March sisters – Meg, Jo, Beth, Amy – all different in character, talent, gifting – all with their own individual personality, strength(s). Meg fulfills all expectations, Jo, strong and wilful and at times struggling to subdue her strong personality. Beth, kind, gentle, shy and quiet with a passion for music.   Yet in her quiet unassuming manner displays such a quiet wisdom. Amy is the ‘proper’ young lady of all four girls.   The story is an amazing insight of the determination and survival of the March family.

Anthony Hanson reminds us: ‘The service the christian does is not his, but Christ’s’.

To each one has been given the power of choice – the ability to select direction for our lives. In all life-changing decisions, the Lord must write our agenda, leaving our hope, our purpose, in Higher Hands. Oh that we ‘Know Him’, ‘Know Him’ in our alone time(s) where He and He alone can speak to our hearts.

Friends form such an important part of our lives, especially those we characterise as ‘True Friends’. My thoughts turn to many ‘Women’ who have touched my life. My friend, Elizabeth, now gone to be with the Lord. I will never forget the Sunday Morning she made the journey from Saintfield to Monkstown Baptist Church to hear Dr. Moore preach. As we hugged, I can still hear her whisper in my ear: ‘Well my dear at 92 you must make the most of every opportunity’.   How I miss her letters, her Godly wisdom. Yet, so privileged to have known her, to hear her heart beat with mission – always concerned – always praying – always displaying a Godly character in her loving and kindly nature. I am so thankful the Lord sent Elizabeth ‘My Way’ if only for a short time! A Woman of Faith and Godly Wisdom who lived to be missed.

A somewhat younger Sister touches my life, just now:   Let me introduce you to Miriam Achim, Emanuel University, Oradea, she is the Beth of my ‘Little Women’ – kind, gentle, sweet, quietly shy.   Unlike Beth, her passion is painting – a clearly inspired Artist.   Although studying for her Masters, Miriam took time to paint ‘many’ works of art – all beautiful in their own right – so delicately, lovingly painted with such detail.

These were dedicated to the work of Child Life Romania. Her story reads:


I stop in front of a Painting, being amazed.

A cottage near the river, in the town of Alesd. It’s a painting that catches my curiosity. I let my imagination knock at the door of that house, discovering the image so quiet outside the door … completely opposite to the one that is now.

Noise! I am astonished by the number and whisper to myself: ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Wow! 7 girls and wait! A boy!’ But my surprise increases when I look at the two parents, simple people who have planted love in each of their little ones. Yes, it’s noisy but it’s great! That’s the family. The second numbered .. a girl with chestnut curls painted her own universe that moves around her!

I am amazed! I asked quickly … ‘Who is your teacher? Who trained you?’

She is surprised by my question but she answered: ‘They’ – and with dirty fingers pointed to those she called with so much love … ‘my family’. I gaze over the stack of paintings ….

-This is art … the art of colour, that’s the reality of fleeting moments that can be stored in the passing years … runaway. Word gets colour … Facts – rainbow- and ephemeral life a Painting!

-Well, Well, my little! But … .. a reward?

– A reward of a gift from above? The painter asks me astonished, then she continue meditating ..! There are things so simple – you do not understand? No art can be used for personal purposes related to glory or vanity. Creation is higher than the Creator- it surpasses him, absorbs him! Here’s what you need to ‘resist the temptation’ to refuse celebrity and celebrate only life!

This story becomes reality today …. The gift came ‘from nowhere,’ without preparation or high schools, this child saw the light for more than 23 years, yes, the girl with chestnut curls, transformed by time in a real young lady, presents her own art in colours … the art she chose not to be used for personal purposes ….

‘Resisting temptation’ refusing in front of the world – celebrity! Because she wants to enjoy life … with others! Together with her creations …..Stefana Miriam Achim

What can I say? ‘Thank You Lord for sending this gift to be part of the many who love and care for the Children of Romania’.

THREE other Beth’s: Silvia, Child Life Specialist, Oana, Librarian, Emanuel University, Maria, Music Scholarship, Italy. All gifted, creative, possessing such a beauty of holiness. I have come to love these girls, to admire their humble spirit, their hunger for the Word of God. On my return, we hope as a group study ‘Passion and Purity’ by Elisabeth Elliott. This will be a special time.

All four girls have the most amazing ‘SMILE’ – our friendship is treasured, they are precious to me. Pray for my four ‘Little Women’ – Miriam, Silvia, Oana and Maria, that they may grow and mature into Women of Faith.

 TEN days remaining before we return to Romania possibly until Christmas. These have been days filled to capacity yet so rewarding. We returned home to launch my husband’s publication on The Pastoral Epistles and look forward to the three Book Launches next week. Wednesday, 11th in Magherafelt B.C. / Thursday, 12th in Castlereagh B.C. / Saturday, 14th in Coleraine B.C. We leave early Monday 16th!

An amazing event that will live in my heart – Logans of Cloughmills. The air was filled with a ‘Buzz’ of excitement as all the ladies entered the building enhanced by the beautiful music ensemble of Rhoda Baxter (Violin) and Andrew Gibson ( Piano). Amidst all the ambiance, quality and Fashion Extravaganza there was a sweet aroma in the atmosphere. Our Unseen Guest graced the evening with His presence.

Mr. Ivor Boyd had the vision to host this evening of Fashion as unto the Lord for Child Life Romania. The female staff, headed by Frances Lennox, Manageress, made our time together – a night to be remembered. Jude, so gracious (as ever) in her welcome and Alan overseeing the welfare and comfort of all in attendance. Emails, Texts are still arriving complimenting the ‘Buffet Supper’ where again quality, presentation and excellence were appreciated by all who enjoyed the wonderful delicacies.

Friends who traveled from Belfast remarked: ‘Who are all these ladies? We don’t know any of them!’   Those of you who really know me – know that in my ‘Shirley Time’ an analysis will take place! Again, an overpowering sense of ‘Thankfulness’ filled my heart. Looking back, His love and mercy is clearly seen. Three years ago? Did I think, did I know, could I comprehend where I would be or who the Lord would bring into my life? I am so privileged to walk beside my husband, to leave behind the ‘comfort zone’ and go! Familiar … No.   Different … Yes!   A new land of adoption, home, church, friends(s).   But then I have the assurance that: ‘All my days were already written, fashioned for me!’ God has been faithful. I commenced this update highlighting the impact the novel ‘Little Women’ made upon me as a child. Today, I recognize the Hand of God, that we are here, sent, ‘FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS’. Friends, old or new – can go forward ‘together’ ‘In Him’.

ANALYSIS:   My days in Holywood. My days in Portstewart. My days in Romania. Many different pathway(s) – pathways of discovery, faith, assurance, peace, victory, His presence has always gone before me and I know the good times, the difficult times, were chosen by Higher Hands – yes for a season and certainly for a reason. All Seasons of Life and Learning.

‘I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved’

Psalm 16: 8

Shirley, 05 November, 2015


 We are continually held by the love of God, even though at times the path may be overshadowed by darkness or a limited road ahead!

‘Each step I take, I know that He will guide me,
To higher ground, He ever leads me on’

At times, we need to stop and simply listen. Psalm 34: 6 ‘Those who look to Him for help will be radiant’.

ellaMy steps (this morning) are directed to one little girl who became very precious to me during a home visit (accompanied by my friend Estera, Social Worker with Emanuel Hospice). Ella (now 14) has been in the care of Emanuel Hospice since 2005 when she was diagnosed with CVID (Common Variable Immune Deficiency) – this leads to many complications ie: Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura, Hemolytic Anemia, Granulomatous Lung Disease, Severe Short Stature (Growth Hormone Deficiency), Delayed Puberty, Osteoporosis, Splenectomy, Vitiman D Deficiency and Secondary Hyperparathyroidism, Bronchial Hyperresponsiveness. How does one little girl of 14 cope with so much trauma?

Ella has been hospitalised multiple times requiring massive Blood Transfusions – followed by nosebleed treatments, side effects have stemmed her natural growth and at 14 her height is only 134 cms. Her disease is very rare and there are few cases actually in Romania. Her beautiful little face has Cushing’s Syndrome (Moon Face) yet her special smile fills an entire room; she has the most drawing personality, her meekness, gentle and kind spirit warms my heart.

Remember Ella’s Mum, a quiet unassuming lady with so many crosses to bear, Ella’s brother (25) is also very ill and her Father has Alzheimer’s disease (4th stage).

I have never forgotten the day I visited Ella in her home, situated right at the top of a block of flats with so many stairs (I lost count) Their humble home was warm and welcoming. Yet from only a two ring picnic stove, Ella and her Mum had prepared ‘Strawberry Jam’ as a treat for the lady from Ireland! I learned so much that day – seeing first hand that from little so much can be gained. Ella showed me her paintings – Wow! Ella is so overjoyed to be back home after many long weeks, months in hospital, by way of expressing her joy she paints and at 14 there certainly is an ‘artist’ in the making.

Further treatment is urgently required, for both Ella and her brother. An Immunologist who specialises in rare Immunological Diseases has been recommended to Emanuel Hospice. Do pray the Lord will send the required finance to enable this to move forward.
I will be seeing Ella and her family in less that three weeks. Let me take your love to her; let me tell her just how ‘special’ she is to all my friends back home. See for yourself, isn’t she a precious little treasure? Lovely paintings in the background!


Colossians 4: 17 (NLT) ‘Be sure to carry out the ministry the Lord gave you’

Lord, where would You have me serve You?  Can it be ?  I would like to to be? I am happy in ?  

I grow in admiration for my friends who ‘serve’ with devotion, care, love and consistency within the Hospice Home Care Ministry.  My role – very small, very insignificant, yet I care but more importantly, I love.  Emotional for me with my type of personality as my own individual gifting is very different – yet I am at home and love the ‘precious lives’ sent my way.  They have now become so much a part of my life.

denisa_italyDenisa displays such courage and determination and has taken this long and lonely journey with trust and confidence, resting in the knowledge that ‘He knoweth the way the she will take’.  A few days ago I received word that at the beginning of November she will have an lymphocytes infusion, this will be administered on a monthly basis for the next three months.  This will reduce the risk of further infection(s) as her tumor was very agressive.

Just now, Denisa is feeling good and hopes if no further setbacks,  to be discharged from the hospital in Italy.  Her journey too has been long and lonely as she has been away from home since June.

Thank you for your encouragement – it is extremely important to know He directs every step of faith!



Richard Foster writes: ‘Without silence, there is no solitude.’

My own ‘solitude’ is that deep personal silence within, the quietness where I listen only to His voice. ‘Quiet times’ so needful, so important – my alone time with Him!

Thoughts, plans, appointments, conversations fill my mind! How…? How can I…? How will I…? Time is precious, time is vital, time, time?? Stop! Solitude! A deep breath! Yes, I hear His whisper.

Psalm 9: 1 ‘I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will tell of all your marvellous works’. Yes, I will tell! I will give thanks!   Richard Foster continues: ‘If we are silent, who will take control? God will take control’! And so as I prepare to leave for Romania, where emails from students are constant, where students have been knocking on the door of 205, where both our hearts long to be, let me remove the noise – hear the strains that filled my heart this morning in worship:

So I will go wherever He is calling me
I lose my life to find my life in Him
I give my all to gain the hope that never dies
I bow my heart, take up my cross and follow Him.

Pastor David McFarland kindly forwarded this encouragement last evening, Psalm 18 NLT:

God’s way is perfect, All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to Him for protection. For who is God except the Lord? Who but our God is a solid rock? God arms me with strength, and He makes my way perfect. He makes me as surefooted as a deer, enabling me to stand on mountain heights. He trains my hands for battle; He strengthens my arm to draw a bronze bow. You have given me your shield of victory. Your right hand supports me; your help has made me great.

I repeat to myself over and over ‘your right hand supports me, your help has made me great’. I pause, I reflect on the project of Child Life Romania (launched this summer) – my confidence has been empowered as I have viewed the many wonderful works, living miracles, beyond number – the countless provision from those who were sensitive to the call, who set time aside, whose active faith has displayed that when we rely on God and not ourselves, not only our character,but our confidence is strengthened – it is then and only then, we see the ‘living miracles’ in action! I smile at the close of each day, calling to mind during our ‘quiet time’ at the outset of each new day, asking the Lord how that we might hear from Him.   And we did!

Dr. Moore and I leave in a few hours, my husband will be lecturing 4th year students and in the Masters week, meeting with lecturers, preaching in Decapolis Church for the Hearing Impaired. I am looking forward to meeting with Sister(s) Raelene, Sylvia and Miriam (Child Life Romania) and as always my love and passion with my friends at Emanuel Hospice. A busy but exciting (short visit) as we must return home for the Book Launch of I & II Timothy & Titus – Missional Texts from a Great Missionary Statesman – details will be sent on a separate email. We will dv return to Romania on Monday 16 November and will remain until Christmas.

Please pray for Denisa – her mother has had to fly back to Italy. Denisa has suffered two setbacks; at present there is another infection in her body – do remember her with much love and prayer, she is still within the 100 day risk period.

Do pray for Dr. Moore and I – the Lord is the source of our strength and so we want to encourage others, to meet the need to embrace the challenge. Together, ‘Let us rise up and build. ‘ Then they set their hands to this good work.

Christian Love & Blessings to you all.



In Acts 13v27 Paul and Barnabas returned to Antioch and ‘declared all that God had done with them and how he had opened a door of faith…’ We also wish to share the many opportunities we have been granted and what God is continuing to do in Romania.

SUCEAVA Just after Easter we travelled to the Suceava region in the north east of the country to work with Pastor Catalin Croitor. The 10 days were filled with many ministry opportunities: preaching in churches, some in very remote locations (but God’s Holy Spirit has reached them!); in the Pentecostal High School with 500 young people on Relativism and the Bible; speaking to Pastors and their wives; teaching in the SGA school on Christian Ethics.

ORADEA AND BEYOND Many weeks were spent in sharing the gospel in villages around Oradea. One Sunday we travelled with a team of Students from Emanuel on a ‘Mission trip’ to preach where I have been many times, in the Satu Mare and Odoreu churches. It was encouraging to see how much the believers had appreciated the many things sent, especially the ‘shoe project’ – 1300 pairs from mainly Newtownbreda Baptist Church.

The end of May brought the Graduation of another 120 students from Emanuel. Pray for them as they endeavour to fulfil the University’s vision of taking the Gospel out into the land of Romania whatever the role they will pursue in life.

In Oradea we again had the opportunity to teach on Radio Voice of the Gospel this time on Last Things – Shirley on encouragement for women. Precious times were spent sharing the word with the Emanuel Hospice staff weekly Prayer Meeting.

MISSION OPPORTUNITIES God gave us opportunity to take two further mission trips, first to the Zalau region and again back to Odoreu, the Roma Church outside Satu Mare. We began near Zalau with the SGA School in Piecieu on the Cults, but went again to teach the Roma men seeking to learn more – two Gypsy kings are among the believers. Two nights were spent on Romans and an amazing Sunday preaching twice in Piecieu with Pastor Calin Talos and then in two Gypsy locations – one in Huseni where Remus the Gypsy ‘king’ has his flock. God is working mightily among these people! While I was away, Shirley was able to visit individual cancer sufferers in Hospice care and provide funding for travel and treatment for them and to be involved on the Special day out for the Hospice children and their families. How much love these children need as they struggle with personal illness and loss.

The last weekend was with Pastor Remus Oanta in Satu Mare and Odoreu. The emphasis here was on encouraging and strengthening the believers, particularly the men of the church. I assisted Tommy Cairns (Newtownbreda) as we brought some teaching on Biblical Leadership. On these visits you are always deeply challenged to see the joy of the believers, while they live in such poverty. We are challenged by the openness of the whole congregation to receive the gospel and the guidance of God’s word. Cast your bread upon the waters and you will find it after many days. Ecc. 11v1.

CONTAINER No 8 On Saturday 26th Sept. we sent another 40ft lorry with many things for the Roma people in Odoreu (single beds and couches, clothes, bicycles and washing machines, shower trays etc., for the room in the back of the church since mains water – not yet in homes – has been piped up the street). Medical supplies and wheel chairs, tools also were on board for Cluj.

PRAY FOR US Next week we travel back to Emanuel where I will teach in the Masters, undergraduate programmes; also some radio work and preaching in local churches. Shirley will visit Hospice patents, meet the team re., the planning of the Child Life ministry project.

My Book on 1&2 Timothy and Titus: Missional Texts from a Great Missionary Statesman will be available (dv) 26th October – we will come back to help promote it for a few weeks before returning to Romania mid-November to Christmas. Please write to us to order copies. It is a hard back Bible Commentary, 320 pages, costing £15 – all proceeds will be devoted to a Life and Learning Fund for Romanian pastors and Students. The book is also being translated into Romanian and Hungarian.

We plan another lorry to leave around 14th Nov. which will have on it the many things you have lovingly given for Child Life Romania, 30 desktops / laptops, a large pallet of literature from Every Home Crusade for local churches to use in evangelism and a full pallet of Christian books to be available in the Literature Room we are setting up in Emanuel. Also the lorry will have electric beds and maternity bassinets, medical equipment for local hospitals, plus two donated dentist chairs and dental equipment. It is amazing what God still continues to give us.

THANK YOU We value so much your continued interest and support of the work. Our resolve is to let God set the agenda and to look to him to provide the finance through his people for what he wills to happen in furthering the mission of God in such a needy land. What a privilege he has given us to play just a small part. We are committed to proclaim the good news in Romania, to lay a good Biblical foundation in the lives of students, local church members and to show God’s love in practical ways to those who are in desperate need and in abject poverty. Remember us.

Hamilton and Shirley Moore