Thank You

‘As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. 1 Peter 4: 10 – 11 (NKJV)

Words are inadequate to express my depth of ‘thanks’ – brothers and sisters who have shown love in action!

Each one possessing a distinctive talent, gift, personality – all part of God’s plan and purpose. Yet, through the project of ‘Child Life Romania’ the true heart of a Servant has been evident. Time, patience, using gifts to bless one another – reflecting the love of the greatest love of all, offered willingly in total surrender of service.

God’s Bounty cannot be measured – the beautiful gifts so lovingly crafted, knitted, gathered, touched with a special love that will bring warmth, comfort, solace and a smile to young and old whose only companion is loneliness and emptiness – thank you for creating ‘A Smile’.

At present we are waiting on confirmation dates from Romania – our projected plans are for two containers to leave – one late September followed by another during October.

I quote the words of Tertullian in his Address to Martyrs – ‘No soldier comes to the war surrounded by luxuries, nor goes into action from a comfortable bedroom, but from the makeshift and narrow tent, where every kind of hardness is to be found. He must share in suffering with his fellow soldiers’.

TELLROMANIA – is just that! Our aim, our goal, is to Tell Out The Truth In Love and Deed. We cannot do it alone and have not – the army who day by day ‘walk with me’ is amazing, I feel their heartbeat with mine in mission, I know their heart(s) of love surrounding me in prayerful support – special people sent by the Lord ‘FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS’ – of which mine is the privilege to call ‘Friends’.

 Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus … Heb 12: 1 – 2.

Dr. Moore and I say Thank You – please remember us as we return to another year of challenge and service.

Yours in His Service

Shirley – September 2015


 Acts 9: 36 -43 – ‘At Joppa there was a certain disciple named Tabitha, which is translated Dorcas. This woman was full of good works and charitable deeds which she did. But …

At the close of this scripture passage, I found myself returning to verse 39 : ‘And all the widows stood by her weeping, showing the tunics and garments which Dorcas had made …’

Dr. Paul M. Elliott writes: ‘The Biblical definition of “good works” is not merely “good deeds”. Biblical “good works” encompass every aspect of our thinking and conduct before God. The Christian’s good works are rooted in Christ, and have cosmic purposes that God ordained before the world began’. Jonathan Rea & Keith Getty penned: ‘God of Grace who knew and loved me, Long before the world began’. May our lamp continue to burn brightly in the fields of the hungry, our love pour out as an offering lighting the dark, empty and hurting lives of those in despair, loneliness. May the lamp of our devotion light the way to commune as friend with friend.   Matthew 5: 16 – ‘Let your light shine before men’ in such a way ‘that they may see your good works …..’ In the light of all of this, I feel so inadequate to serve yet know deep within my heart there is a sensitivity and awareness of ‘others’. How do I know the true requirement(s) – simply obedience to the ‘promptings’ – striving to attain His goal, not my own – serving with a whole heart and a humble heart.

Without being repetitive, I am overwhelmed, astounded by the great provision sent by the Lord for Child Life Romania – hence my opening scripture.   Sisters who serve as an offering – whose heart is ‘set on mission’. Attention to every detail in design and colour!   An elderly lady comes into a shop in Belfast asking the proprietor, ‘Would these 10 Baby Blankets be of use for Child Life Romania?’ Another lady (in conversation), ‘I have knit one hat every day since January’. The email received from Coventry from two elderly ladies, not only knitting but arranging transport with the Pastor’s wife who is accompanying her husband to a September Conference in Belfast. I quote: This week the two ladies in the church asked me to call at their homes to collect knitting they had done for you – what a surprise!! One large case and two large bags for you, absolutely full of knitted garments for babies to teens, plus new shoes. Some of the garments do not need to be ironed so they have put a photo of an iron on them saying DO NOT IRON.

Sister Sheryl Williamson (Portstewart B.C.) a mountain of baby clothes, Sister Pauline Doherty – Designer Teddy’s, Scarves.   A lady from Kings Chorale making children’s cloth bags. And the end is not yet: Dr. Moore was reporting on the ministry on Saturday night in Carnalbanagh – we returned home with just about enough room remaining in the car for Mrs Moore to ‘slide in’. Preaching again Sunday night, this time in the Deaf Fellowship Church in Belfast; as we entered, we were directed to a ‘collection corner’ for Child Life Romania – Buggy / Car Seat / High Chair …… be continued!

The above scripture from the record of the early church in the Acts of the Apostles demonstrates that such caring works (the garments provided by Dorcas over which she had so lovingly toiled) are not only known, but noted by God. Not just the ministry of a Peter or a Paul, but this thoughtfulness and care is special and pleasing to him – like the cup of cold water of Matthew 10v42.

I call to mind the memories of mercies past – what return can I make for mercies so constant, so sure!   In the stillness of a ‘submitted’ heart, I lay all at His feet to love and to serve. Heaven’s Child, Jesus the Saviour, Calvary’s Lamb, the Holy One, the Mighty One – He is my Lord, my King, whose heart is always thinking on us!   Yes, I do stand amazed!

Love and Blessings to all our faithful supporters

Shirley, July 28, 2015.


 ‘For He loves us with unfailing love; the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.’ Psa 117: 2.

‘I have loved you with an everlasting love’ Jer 31: 3.

‘Many waters cannot quench love; neither can rivers drown it.’ SofS 8: 7.

Love cannot be bought! Yet, the highest love of all, paid the highest price!

As we read in the Word of God, His love is unending, unchangeable and unconditional. It is a pure love that is ours to treasure, to possess. The love of our ‘Heavenly Father’ is never beyond our reach – just like the beautiful rose, fragrant with dew, part of its fragrance remains, likewise the dew, the fragrance of Our Heavenly Father is constantly bestowed, each drop significant in its time.

Shirley, why so pensive this morning? Just thinking about His Love, His Goodness, His Grace – the unending supply of provision, the gift of friendship, the joy of giving, receiving, the blessings, the rainbow of hope and purpose – in fact, just knowing somebody cares – precious and priceless! This is Our Father’s world – He is Light, He is Faithful!

THE MESSAGE defines Psalm 117: 2 ‘His love has taken over our lives; God’s faithful ways are eternal’.

Returning home, this particular mission trip was filled with challenge, opportunity for Dr. Moore and for me ……………… emotion! Child Life Romania weighed heavy on my heart. BUT GOD had it all in His control! He has sent ‘AN ARMY’ of ladies who have a ‘Mind To Work’ – contacts, appointments commencing immediately – Belfast to Lurgan and further – distance? Supplies from Wales, knitting from Coventry, Library of Books from Greenock, Scotland. ‘Workers Together’.

At times methinks … September (only weeks away) storage, container, provision, collections, packing….in my weaker moments (yes, I have those) I lift my eyes to heaven and WAIT! My Heavenly Father drops the dew, the fragrance, just when needed. A few examples from the past week: Whilst in the Faith Mission Bookshop, Coleraine, stopped by a lady. ‘Shirley?’ ‘Yes, that’s me’, I replied. ‘I’m Lynn from School of Dentistry and we have three cages for you, I will talk to Sinead and she will contact you’. The following day, another lady. ‘Are you Shirley who led the choir? I was just watching a CD of you, my name is Sarah and I …’ Our chat resulted in an email arriving last evening offering 30 blankets, provisions for C.L.R. Colin McFarland purchasing beautiful ‘Butterfly’s’ for the Art Therapy Class. This one, overwhelmed me; I received an email advising of an urgent need (3 Gypsy families near Suceava) where the late Pastor’s wife (Catela, aged 74) gave her shoes to a lady, walked home in socks! I felt so helpless, so far removed, yet hiding His promise in my heart, I did not share this with anyone only My Heavenly Father.   BUT GOD! Yes, the following morning on returning home after two appointments the Lord had sent the resources to help the Roma Families in need!  ‘Your Heavenly Knoweth What Things You have Need Of’! These are but a few examples of the faithfulness of God.   And so it continues:

Key Ladies heading the project of Child Life Romania in Ballycrochan, Coleraine, Grange, Limavady, Magherafelt, Millisle, Mountpottinger, Newtownbreda Baptist Churches, Carnalbanagh Ladies Knitting Group, Jethro Centre, Lurgan, Deaf Fellowship Church, Belfast, Sisters Eleanor Hunter, Linda McFerran, Carol Williamson , Deirdre Cunningham – the list is endless and growing!

We are indebted to Ivor Boyd, Logans of Cloughmills, hosting an Evening of Fashion for 100 ladies-Thursday, 22nd October-a wonderful evening with Fashion, Buffet Supper, Music Ensemble.

The Trustworthiness of God ….sustaining, seeing beyond, His love continues forever, there is nothing we can do to change His love, we can rest in personal serenity. Our Father knows and provides only the best for His own.

Walk with me by faith – it can move mountains!

Shirley, 21 July 2015



Alone with my thoughts – room 205 seems ‘strangely quiet’ – suddenly the strains of amazing harmony stir my heart. Student(s) rehearsing for their various Mission Trips. Week-end(s) are usually ‘quiet’ compared to the hustle and bustle of ‘University Life’ during the week, but especially this week-end as my husband is on a four day Mission Trip. I sit quietly ‘listening’ to His word. Many people crossed our path this week – my thoughts turn to the apostle Paul where he highlights the faith of Abraham. He may have had momentary hesitations but no deep-seated distrust; rather he had an unwavering faith in the promise of God. I can readily identify, proving that where and when God leads, it happens! My Father Planned it all!

Six Weeks ????????????? Time stands still for no man!

Dr. Moore was invited to preach in the Emanuel Church for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired – an experience we shall never forget! The presence of the Lord, the atmosphere of love and compassion one for the other. ‘Praise the Lord’ – they certainly knew how to do that!  It was important to make contact as we have an engagement back home on the first Sunday of July in the Belfast Church – we look to the Lord to bless and unite a bond between the Belfast and Oradea Churches. A quick exit – Dr. Moore was due to speak in Arad at 3 p m (2.5hr car journey) normal in Romania. Radio Voice of the Gospel had requested my husband to record a series on: The Afterlife/Lord’s Second Coming/Future of Israel – during one of the recording sessions I had time to ‘catch up’ with Florica Chereches (Member of House of Parliament, Oradea) Florica represents Children’s Education, Welfare, Social Care and is a tremendous asset to the ministry of Emanuel Hospice. My husband has one final recording, I will also record – and by popular demand include another ‘Irish Recipe’ on the Gastronomical programme My female listeners enjoy hearing of our ‘Irish Culture’ Dr. Moore enjoyed the hospitality of John and Hilary Moody (Grange Baptist Church) on many occasions when preaching in Grange.   One of his ‘all time’ favourites was Hilary’s Wheaten Bread, now it will be a regular addition on the breakfast table in Romania. The Banana Bread is a close second!

I am fully aware of the different ‘roles’ we both hold within the work of TELLROMANIA – we both know and are fully persuaded it is a ‘partnership’ ‘In Him and Unto Him’ – we enjoy ‘serving together’ but there are times (and becoming more apparent) our individual calling requires travelling different roads – if honest, not always easy but we have purpose, high assignments remembering our works will follow us!  The opportunity in Pecieu is tremendous – Pastor Calin Talos has nine churches and invited Dr. Moore to teach the Roma Men in a two day school – extending the invitation to preach in four of his churches on Sunday, 9am/10am/4pm and 7pm. I spoke on Skype briefly to my husband and he was encouraged at the response of the Roma men in the school last evening – although limited in reading they all passed their Examination – some 60% and a few 100%.  Two Gypsy King’s (called Bulibasa) faithfully attended, establishing ‘foundations’ for the future!

It has taken me twenty-four hours to release the emotion before I could write to you. The Emanuel Hospice Children’s Day will live in my heart – excitement filled the air as the ‘Bus’ arrived to take the children to the beautiful lake and mountain area. I met with Benny’s Mum (My Little Lamb) who went home to be with the Lord two days after Christmas, the children of Mia, all my little jewels from the Art Therapy Class (Bereaved Children) – their little faces still pale, their searching eyes – still sad! The heat was scorching – it was so hot in Romania (40degs) the owners of the restaurant provided ‘fans’ in the outside area – so graciously caring for those who were only able to sit in the shade and watch!  After sharing lunch together we played many games – one in particular – Flying (Plastic) Chickens & ‘Hula Hoops’ – I haven’t seen Hula Hoops since ???????? The sound of their laughter filled the air – they were happy and enjoying ‘to-day’. Gordon and Paul from ‘Scottish Aid to Eastern Europe’ provided ‘Toys’ in abundance – each child coming forward to make ‘that special toy’ their own! I watched little Dragos and David and out of all the Vibrant Red Fire Engines, Brightly Painted Lorries, Diggers, Tractors, Lego – they (carefully) made their choice!   A Blue Teddy Bear!  It was ‘lovingly’ held close – good to be hugged!. They have just lost their Mum. My friend Joshua (5) was there, he has just finished kindergarten and will commence Class Zero in September. I remarked to his father ‘he is getting taller’ – he smiled trying to understand my Romanian. A Roma Gentleman (a large family) also there – he is trying to maintain his wife’s garden so the children will remember her! All these ‘little ones’ have lost their ‘Mums’ very recently – pray for these ‘Dads’ and their responsibilities – home, family, job, there is a lot of pain in their silence! Two precious little girls have penetrated my very being – they have a very rare skin disease – each visit, one can ‘see’ the deterioration yet the smiles are still the same! It was a real treat for me to take them home in the back of Dr. Moore’s car – they will still be waiting in September when I return although for many this will not be the case – remember this amazing ministry. This, I must mention, Tori is the little girl of Pastor & Mrs Elijah Soritau – I noticed her standing and (as always) her amazing smile, holding a very large Red Fire Engine! ‘Wow, Tori, is this for you?’ ‘No Mrs. Shirley, my choice is for my baby brother’. How does one follow that? I came home (no husband to talk things over) feeling so small, this ‘special little girl’ taught me so much – thank you Tori. Her book will be launched at the Auction planned in October for C.L.R.

Pray for the publication of my husband’s book – it will be published in English, Romanian and Hungarian (already with translators). Dr. Paul Negrut and my husband are prayerfully considering the possibilities of future ministry training – we will update you at a later date when foundation(s) have been laid regarding future plans.

Dr. Moore and I have been invited to attend the Graduation of the School of Dentistry. In the book of Ruth we read: ‘Stand Still, See How The Matter Will Fall’. TellRomania has been trying to source a Dental Treatment Centre for two of the students who provide treatment free in the Roma Villages. Heavy in heart and heavy on my mind, I prayed: ‘Lord what would you have me do?’ The following morning I wrote to Richard Wilson, (the gentleman who obtained the chair donated to the Orphan Village of Felix earlier in the year) ‘Richard, can you help me, can you point me in the right direction …’ Within one hour an email arrived back ‘Yes, Shirley, I think I can help you, I have a …’ Continue to pray with us – God is moving!

Prompted regarding Child Life Romania I contacted the Royal Jubilee Maternity Hospital – immediate response from Paul Russell – ‘I have …………………….’  David Morton is collecting Monday or Tuesday! May our faith be active through our love – I need to keep reminding myself of the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘Is Anything Too Hard For Me?’

It will be good to share with Brother Tom Cairns in Satu Mare/Odoreu during the four days of lecturing, teaching and Mission – pray for a time of blessing for a bond that will bind us together in love ‘one for the other’.   We plan to finish with a Praise Service – a first!

My husband and I return to ‘think upon these things’ – Lecturing, Preaching, Mission Outreach, Writing, Radio, Emanuel Hospice, Child Life Romania, Emanuel Student Mentoring, Emanuel University – even now as I close, the student(s) are still singing – no, I am incorrect, they are worshipping! Excuse me while I open my door – my heart is filled with such love for these precious young lives.   They vibrate humility, love, kindness, meekness . . . ‘He’ is Lord of their lives! I really do not have to think much about the future!

Andrei (Theology Student) met my husband as he was returning from his Mission Trip. ‘Pace Professor, did you have a blessed time, did you see results?’ Please Sir, let me wash and clean your car for you – you look so tired’. These young people possess ‘A Shepherd Heart’.

My final update before returning to Northern Ireland – my husband is home, excited, encouraged, challenged – twenty-two Roma men ‘hanging on to every word’ each evening in the school. Unbelievable power yesterday preaching in Ratin Roma Church, Pecieu Church on two occasions and finally in Huseni Roma Church. These are remarkable opportunities with people ready to receive the good news.

Our hearts remain in Romania – pray that together by our example in word and deed that a rainbow will be spread over this valley of tears.


Shirley – June 2015


I trust in God wherever I may be,
Upon the land or on the rolling sea,
For, come what may, from day to day,
My heav’nly Father watches over me.
I trust in God, I know He cares for me,
On mountain bleak or on the stormy sea;
Tho’ billows roll, He keeps my soul,
My heavn’ly Father watches over me.

Emanuel University 25th Silver Anniversary Graduation Week-End was for me (personally) a moving and memorable experience. Saturday Evening – the Graduation Ceremony followed by an inspired Concert of Music and Song was (I hesitate to use the word ‘performed’ as it was an offering of their ‘God Given Talent’) provided by the Music Major Student(s). Their achievement of excellence beyond words. Sunday afternoon – the hymn chosen by all 107 Graduates as the Hymn of Commissioning – ‘My Heavenly Father Watches Over Me’. As they slowly passed by I could see the sincerity and depth of each young life.

It isn’t difficult to ‘Trust’ when everything in our garden is in full bloom!   A different aspect, when the ‘blackspot’ appears on our roses! This hymn is a reminder that we can place our ‘Trust’ in God ‘In Season’ and ‘Out of Season’. Life will bring the stormy, rough seas, the lion’s den of temptation, the dark valley, but be assured My Heavenly Father is always watching through all the changing scenes of time. The Head Graduate, Larisa-Maria – her academic score was 99.9.3 – one of her professors whispered in my ear: ‘Perfection’. Yet, in her speech she spoke of her years of study in Emanuel and of how for her, it was the season of ‘Spring’ where she felt her heart opening as a flower where she was at all times surrounded by a richness of fragrance.

Lord Brian Griffiths was the Guest Speaker over the week-end accompanied by His wife, Lady Griffiths. I listened intensely as he spoke to the Graduates, taking for His text: Romans 12: 2. ‘And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God’. What a message! What a challenge! His passion, his love for young lives, the generation of tomorrow, so evident.  Returning home, in conversation (during supper) I remarked on the achievements of this true gentleman – yet so humble – so kind – so considerate of ‘others’. A shining example of (as we sing) ‘All of my ambitions, hopes and plans, I surrender these…’

Lord Griffiths spoke of his different careers during his lifetime. Pointing out the temptations to the students and the importance of being ‘transformed’ in their mind(s). Advisor to Goldman Sachs International Ltd., a member of the House of Lords where he was made a life peer at the conclusion of his service to the British Prime Minister (Margaret Thatcher) during the period 1985 – 1990. Lord Griffiths serves as a Director of Times Newspapers Holding Ltd – a newspaper Company and Director of DB Schenker Rail (UK) Ltd.

The words of the Psalmist fill my heart as I embrace another week: Psalm 63: ‘O God, You are my God; Early will I seek you. My soul thirsts for you; My flesh longs for you in a dry and thirsty land, where there is no water . . .’   The Baptist Union of Romania held their Annual 2 Day Conference last Thursday/Friday. Approximately 1,000 Pastors met in Oradea, many driving twelve hours plus to be present. Pastor Catalin Croitor called to spend some time with my husband, we had tea together and caught up on the latest from Suceava. We drove him to the Train Station for an overnight journey home (complete with the dissertation he submitted to Dr. Moore in 1998) – a trip down memory lane – it was great to see him so soon again. During one of the sessions, I was alone and took the opportunity to go to ‘My Heavenly Father’ – I was burdened about two particular aspects of the work and so as I do, I pray then record my concern(s); Child Life Romania, furniture for another room which can be available for ministry to students. My husband returned and said ‘you will want to see this email’ and as many of you know, internet access has been extremely difficult. The need was met. ‘Before You Ask’ – I hurriedly retrieved my notepad and asked my husband to read my ‘writings’ where the exact items listed matched the email! Why am I sharing this with you? The Lord continues to ‘mark our path’ – confirm His plans, but then again we read in the Book of Psalms:’ He waters, enriches, provides and blesses!

The response to Child Life Romania is attributed to God and God Alone – He and He alone is worthy of our Highest Praise. Sister Raelene Soritau (Child Life Romania) is to call with me Wednesday/Thursday. It will be a great opportunity to meet with her and be updated on the progress. Two of the graduates will also call later in the week – we see the works of God as His Eyes are always watching and always observing. THANK YOU to each one of you who have taken this project to heart; your gift of love will be greatly appreciated by the Maternity Hospital(s), Foster Homes and Group Homes – you have played a large role – these tiny, lovable but abandoned babies need someone to care. Thank You for restoring hope! I was moved to tears late on Saturday evening when a call came from Northern Ireland on my husband’s mobile, not realising she was telephoning Romania – the elderly lady wanted me to know she had a ‘box’ for CLR and when could I collect? We ‘quickly’ made arrangements – Tuesday, 30th June I have a dental appointment in Holywood, I will call on route home. Even now as I write David Morton emails: ‘ Buggies (twin/single), etc waiting for you’. And I become concerned ???????????????? ‘My Heavenly Father knows’.

Denisa will remain in Milan, Italy for some months now – she is weak but receiving the highest of care and in time the treatment, the transplant will take place. Please continue to remember the Lazau family.

Estera and I plan to visit a Gypsy Village later this week where many of the families are so poor – they struggle to find food and so to those of you who sent gifts for the Hospice Feeding Programme – again ‘Thank You’.

Perhaps a somewhat different update – this land consumes me. I love the people, the children, but need to constantly keep a ‘short account’ of my personal stewardship. Am I salt? Am I light?  I am so humbled by the support of each one of you, it is never taken for granted – at times I question ‘Lord, what are you doing’? Lord, where, what next’? Five Barley Loaves, Two Small Fishes – yet we can be filled to overflowing ‘In Him’. In the stillness of night when everything seems to multiply ‘It Is I, Be Not Afraid’.

He makes the rose an object of His care,
He guides the eagle thru the pathless air,
And surely He remembers me,
My heav’nly Father watches over me.
I trust in God, I know He cares for me,
On mountain bleak or on the stormy sea;
Tho’ billows roll, He keeps my soul,
My heavn’ly Father watches over me.

Shirley, 01 June 2015

NB   My next ‘updates’ will highlight the work of Radio / Preaching / Publishing areas           We value your prayers…


‘The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble and He knows them who trust in Him’ Nahum 1:7

The prayer on my heart as I write: ‘There are one and there are many’. Those going through a vale of mist and cloud, the shadows deepen! Susanna Wesley wrote: ‘He is so infinitely blessed that every perception of His blissful presence imparts a gladness of heart. Every approach to Him is, in the same proportion, a degree of happiness’. And so I ask you to ‘approach’ and prayerfully remember:

PASTOR FILIP FARAGAU, that the Lord will calm the storm raging just now and that Filip and his wife Violeta will feel the presence of the Lord standing close beside them with hands outstretched in love with assurance for the treatment to follow his recent surgery. His parents, Benny and Nora Faragau that they ALL as a family will know ‘The beloved of the Lord dwell in safety by Him and the Lord shall cover Him all the day long . . .’ Deut: 33. 12

DENISA is now back in Milano where vital tests will take place followed by six rounds of ‘Chemo’. It is hoped at this stage the transplant will be able to take place. Denisa faces a huge trial these next days, weeks and months; pray that she will know an inner peace and strength. The Lazau family wish to acknowledge the goodness of the Lord in His provision FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS from Mr Stephen Logan and his Mother and to Mr Stanley Abraham. The Lord is so faithful but then to whom else can we go? His mercy outshines the sun!

As an ordinary couple, our hearts continue to be ‘captured’ – we need to hear, to see and to know – and so we go on searching to find and to know His will in this extended Mission Trip. We view our responsibility with a determination of our personal obligation.

Emanuel University 25th Graduation – next weekend – always a memorable and blessed time as we see the years of work rewarded with many young students feeling the call and answering unreservedly.

Teaching on the Radio Voice of the Gospel, after graduation then the following weeks – preaching in Arad, Pecieu, Huseni, and Pusta Vale Baptist Churches then on to Satu Mare & Odoreu.

Home and Hospital visits are planned – it will also be great to spend time with the children from the two Art Therapy Classes in the Infant Hospital and Hospice Building – these little ‘darlings’ have known so much sadness and sorrow yet they smile so bravely and enjoy the times of ‘fun’.

The response for Child Life Romania is overwhelming – I now just stand back in awe and never cease to be amazed at ‘What A Mighty God We Serve’.

I will be home during July and August, possibly part of September (it is open ended), you know where I am – please contact me – love to share a cuppa together.

Yes, ‘There are one and there are many’ I am reminded of the hymn (one of Ken Maxwell’s favourites) – There were Ninety and Nine – written by Elizabeth Clephane – this hymn defines my heart. I conclude quoting the words of Christopher Wordsworth (Nephew of William Wordsworth):

Whatever Lord, We lend to Thee
Repaid a thousand fold will be
Then gladly will we give to Thee
Giver of All

Shirley, 23 May 2015



In the words of A.W. Tozer. ‘ No Christian is where he ought to be spiritually until the beauty of the Lord Jesus Christ is being reproduced in daily Christian life’.

A portrait of grace, a masterpiece of beauty as portrayed by the skilful eye, the steady hand, the brush stroke of perfection – the Artist of creation whose Majesty and Glory surpass all other(s).

Tomorrow, Dr Moore and I leave until the last week of June. We look forward to Emanuel Graduation, Mission trips in Arad, Satu Mare & Odoreu, teaching in the School of Practical Theology, a featured series on Radio Voice of the Gospel and a special two-day school and a full Sunday in a 400 strong gypsy church with the ‘king’ of the Roma people (converted 8 years) near Peceiu. Yet, as we reflect on the year (now in eternity) the challenge, the opportunity we embrace the privilege and faithfulness of God.   We have seen fulfilled Matthew 6: 8 ‘For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him’. Each need placed on our hearts preceded by provision in His plan and purpose. The more we know the Lord, the more we love Him. Love strengthens our trust, our hope in Him. His gift(s) are so precious and beyond measure. Why so pensive ? I read in Psalm 68: 10 ‘ From your bounty, O God, you provided for the poor’.

Words are inadequate to express our thanks and gratitude to the army of men and women who stand ‘firmly’ beside us – our hearts beat as one, we work together ‘In Him’ and our bond of love ‘In Him’ is ongoing. The fountains of love flow spontaneously and are immeasurable, unfathomable and endless!

Our Heavenly Father knows our every thought and emotion and clearly sends His mercies far beyond our ability, in fact more that we can imagine. And so we count our blessings:   The painting donated by Brother Ross Wilson (now sold) – all proceeds to Emanuel Hospice / Sponsored Events – Sister Tracey Oliver and her son Travis – Child Life Romania / Sister Linda McFerran – Preventis Drug Addiction / Brothers and Sisters responding to the Hospice Feeding Programme / Millisle Baptist Church Sunday School in the process of filling Smartie Tubes for the Hospice Art Therapy Class for Bereaved Children / the endless team of ladies, sewing, knitting, crafting   / the churches and individuals, BWF working for Child Life Romania throughout Northern Ireland and Coventry. FIVE CONTAINERS NOW A SIXTH (planned for September) all made possible through the faithfulness of the Lord’s people in gifting and donation(s). These are the unsearchable riches of Christ, the song of heaven! Together, let us continue to show, speak of the ‘Good News’ to others!

THANK YOU for remembering Denisa; she is due to return from Italy tomorrow and I should receive a consultation report once staff from Emanuel Hospice Team have spoken with the family. The character of the Lord assures us He will never leave, forsake His own; He who numbers the hairs of our head, who feels each throb is tenderly holding the weakest Lamb always looking ‘Our Way’. God’s Unfailing Love: A Cherished Husband and Treasured Father – Mr. Robert James (Bob) Logan, called home five days after being diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia on 15th April, 1985. In conversation (early April) his son, Stephen and I chatted regarding Denisa, ‘Shirley, I will be remembering Denisa in prayer, please keep me updated’.   Yet we find, in sadness, there is joy!   Opening the shell to reveal a priceless coral of uplifting grace for each day. To mark the 30th Anniversary of a Darling Husband and Dear Father, Stephen and his Mother Betty, members of Millisle Baptist Church have forwarded a most generous and substantial amount to be taken to the Lazau family. Trials, Blessings, all ordained for a season and in their place! But what a legacy, what a hope!

We walk by faith – His presence, His grace will see us through! Shirley, 13 May, 2015.


4.30 a.m. (N.I. Time) – my thoughts turn to the Song of Solomon. ‘I will go my way to the mountain of Myrrh and to the hill of Frankincense’. The beauty of the Carpathian Mountains on the long route from Suceava to Oradea far exceeded my expectations, as I encountered beautiful hills and mature Magnolia trees in abundance. Another passage: ‘I have eaten my Honeycomb with my Honey’- the elderly sitting long hours outside their little dwellings under the shade of magnificent Forsythia, Lilac trees, hoping to sell (perhaps) one jar of ‘REAL’ Honey. ‘A fountain of gardens, a well of living waters and streams …..’ Finally, ‘Tell me, O you whom I love, where you feed…?’

Dr Moore’s pasture Monday – Wednesday on this occasion was in the village of Pecieu, where during his stay in the home of Pastor Calin Talos, (responsible for 9 churches to include 4 Roma communities) had the opportunity during the 3 night teaching of the Slavic Gospel Association School to speak on the cults to approximately 25 men who were so eager to learn. The question time after each session proved memorable – especially the questions from one brother named ‘Christmas’ – quite a common name in this region. Surname? I didn’t go there! Remus, King of the Roma Community in that area – 9 years a Christian – who was part of the group, invited my husband to visit his Roma village churches, one with 400 brothers and sisters seeking to serve the Lord. Another 3-day teaching trip being planned to preach and teach among them in June dv.

Our time apart was just that! No signal in the mountains = no mobile / texts. No internet access = no emails! To-day my first opportunity to be ‘on line’! I haven’t forgotten you!

My time of ‘aloneness’ proved special as many students made their way to room 205 (Tuesday, I counted thirteen) the fragrance of Tulips, Daffodils, Lilac filled our small room, given with so much love from these precious young lives with so much potential. It was great to chat with Sister Raelene regarding the Child Life Romania programme. My love and commitment to the terminally ill will always be the ‘Remains of My Day’. The children still enjoying the various Art Therapy Classes – do continue to remember baby Antonia and Denisa.

Friday came quickly and it was time for Dr. Moore to drive to Satu Mare for the opening service of the three day Mission. Odoreu is special and the bond of love evident – we are ‘At Home’ in His presence. I was aware my husband was clearly touched by ‘something’, ‘someone’ and so as we made our way back to the accommodation in Satu Mare we were to prove God had spoken to both of us individually, during the service – challenging us that the need is still great in this village and that WE must take up the gauntlet! How can we pray that those who come behind us will have found us to be faithful if we do not hear and answer! The small plaque on the wall indicating the involvement of TELL ROMANIA from the beginning was to be the ‘instrument / tool’ used to challenge my husband.

The torrential rain(s) this morning did not ‘dampen’ the enthusiasm of the brothers and sisters from the Odoreu Church. As we drove (slowly) through the mud tracks at 8 a.m. little ones, children, teenagers, adult, elderly – no umbrella and for some no coat, no socks – yet there they were making their way to what we thought to be a Men’s Bible Study! As they entered the church (dripping with rain) they smiled that broad Romanian and Hungarian smile and in their own language: ‘Sora Shirley, Showers of Blessing’. What does the hymn say? ‘O Teach Me What It Meaneth’!

The sisters (numerous in number) had been busy preparing boiled cabbage leaves, rice, minced spices and meat to serve Sarmali (stuffed cabbage leaves); the brothers had baked fresh bread outside in the oven they had build from breeze blocks with others fishing in a nearby river to catch the largest fish I have ever seen – according to Sister Claudia it weighed over 15 Kilos – that is huge!

The three hours of teaching passed quickly and it was time for lunch, They felt so privileged to serve Dr. Hamilton and Sora Shirley – little is much when God is in it! Jasmina, only 3 and absolutely gorgeous ran back home to change – this was such a special occasion for her she wanted to wear her party dress from Ireland, sent by an unknown source of blessing on the last container lorry! How can I say thanks?

I was amazed (to-day) at the lunch how every attention to detail to the point of perfection was in place. These brothers and sisters have proved their faithfulness, maturing in their growth and walk with God.

They were so proud to show us the small plots of ground they are preparing, to grow potatoes, onions, vegetables – these men struggle to feed their families – there is no work for them and so the Garbage Dump is their only source of income! These men would bake this amazing bread BUT have no money to buy the necessary ingredients : Flour, Yeast, Oil …! This project (if possible) would certainly make a difference to their existence.

Isa: 30: 23. ‘Then He will give the rain for your seed with which you sow the ground and the bread of the incense of the earth …..’

All the children from the village sang a special song – this had to be seen to be believed: By verse 2 the numbers had doubled – the church doors kept on opening with little ones running to the front to sing! But then if you sing, you receive a candy – better one sweet than going to bed hungry?

‘Cast you bread upon the waters …..’

There is still much to be accomplished next week in Emanuel re: teaching, encouraging at the Hospice Chapel, book publication etc., and various contacts in Oradea before returning to N.I. (not home) next week as Dr. Moore will be teaching Pastoral Care and Counselling in the Masters Programme in Irish Baptist College. BUT we are back with a Mission!

I wondered why there was no rush home again to-day or why EVERYONE (young and old) had come to the Men’s Bible Study? I studied the many faces of the young people – asking myself: What do they really have to return to? Light, Heat, Water, Food, Beds ??? Emanuel Church in Odoreu, officially opened in 2012 (one week before our wedding), has become a place of refuge, shelter where hope is offered to all. Yes, I am challenged (again) and I repeat ‘This Job I have been given …..’ The deadline is September – get on board!

We can do it and do it together: Child Life Romania / Hospice / Odoreu / Ichobed …..

From Romania I say : Multimim – we thank you.

02 May 2015


In the words of Elisabeth Elliot ‘This job has been given me to do, therefore, it is a gift, therefore, it is a privilege, therefore it is an offering I may make to God, therefore, it is to be done gladly, if it is done for Him. Here, not somewhere else, I may learn God’s Way, in this job, not in some other, God looks for faithfulness’.

Suceava has proved to be days filled with momentous events, tremendous challenges and endless opportunities. Our choice, our desire remains unchanged – to give ourselves to a Christ Directed Service. Psalm 62: 5. ‘My soul wait silently for God alone…..’ We wait quietly trusting day by day.

It was great to spend these ten days with Pastor Catalin Croitor and his wife Paula – Catalin had a planned schedule and our days were filled ministering, commencing Saturday morning visiting various youth ministries etc. Sunday brought the opportunity to preach in two village churches, one a remote Roma village. Monday through Friday, amazing days of sharing with Pastors, Young Married Group, 500 High School Students, Men’s Bible Class – combining some home visits: Catella (77) living alone in a block of flats where she is the only tenant – her days are long and lonely ‘do you know an elderly person who needs looking after?’ she asked – her loving heart always thinking of others. A village, similar to Odoreu where we spent time with a sickly, single Mum with eleven children – existing – one room with only a bucket to fetch water and a stove to cook (when they can afford to eat)!

The week passed quickly and it was time for the Slavic Gospel Association to commence Friday evening – all day Saturday, some travelled 60 kms to attend. Tomorrow we minister in Betleehem Church, then another long drive of ten hours to Pecieu for Dr. Moore and Oradea for me. Dr. Moore will lecture in the second SGA School Monday through to Wednesday when hopefully we will meet on Thursday morning when we will then drive to Satu Mare for a three day Mission in Odereu – then back to Emanuel University for a few days before Irlande De Nord for a short five day trip home before returning again (via Spain, then on to Emanuel) until mid June.

My own days of opportunity highlighted the increasing awareness that I do have a job to do and that I must do it well. Anything I do, wouldn’t be, shouldn’t be, couldn’t be enough (thank you Bernie).

Iochebed Centre (advising against Abortion) where I met Gabi and Mihala, two sisters whose love goes beyond as they counsel, personally touch and answer very knock on their door to young girls from as young as thirteen. Distress, Fear is replaced with Hope and a Future. Their ministry of care, support extends to eight villages where cots, food, firewood, whatever is needed even to bricks they bring it! Their job is special! I saw the reality as three girls entered just as I was leaving. The girls showed me a picture taken during December in the snow – yes, the little ones were cute! But they had no socks or shoes?????????????

‘Lord, why? How? Can you eliminate my questions? Thoughts still revolving inside, I arrived back at the flat to find my husband had already left for another meeting as I sat alone reflecting, talking to the Lord and asking Him ‘ Lord, Show Me, Tell Me.’ I opened my Bible at 1 Peter 4: 10, 11: ‘ As each one has received a gift minister it one to another… if anyone ministers let him do it as with the ability which God supplies.’ Pastor David McFarland had shared this passage with me (by mobile telephone) as we were travelling to Belfast.  I called to mind the telephone call as I was boarding the coach for Dublin! Three hours later, my husband returned. ‘Shirley, would you like me to try to access your emails?’ Aware of the difficulties I doubted the success! Five emails were waiting – Hazel, Gillian, Jackie, Tracey, Margaret all regarding CHILD LIFE ROMANIA! Many Individual(s), BWF, Groups are collecting – I am so overwhelmed, so encouraged as I stand back in awe of this provision. ‘Thank You’ for staying close beside TELL ROMANIA – it is as it says: TELL R O M A N I A and so wherever, whatever God sends we will be ‘Good Stewards’ – we only want what God want us to have and for His glory! Our next container will leave during September – can you, will you help this project to offer hope, refuge to Child Life Romania, Iochebed, Hospice Children, Gypsy Children – there if food for all!

JOB 31: 16 -22. ‘If I have caused the eyes of the widow to fail …If I have seen anyone perish for lack of clothing …If I have raised my hand against the fatherless, when I saw I had help in the gate; then let my arm fall from my shoulder, let my arm be torn from the socket.’


CONFIRMATION AND CHALLENGES – Hamilton and Shirley share this update

Thursday 26th Feburary – Romania! Friday to Monday ministering in Cluj with my former Masters and PhD student Marius Sabou. God is doing great things through him and through the Church in Betel. It was great to preach again to the people there on Sunday morning, then to travel to Huedin (Gypsy town) in the afternoon and evening. Pastor Gigi Stir ( a member of Betel) took me to three ‘little’ houses – two of them about to fall in upon our heads as we held services and preached the Good News. The second – a family of 14 children and others who had gathered in. Such need in this town! We called with Brother Peter an elderly gentleman sitting alone in one room – yet how his face lit up when we shared the word and prayed with him. God was moving in the church that night as some we had visited came to listen. Oradea…next stop!

Surprising confirmations awaited! Without asking the need of a basic kitchen was met! Also for Shirley the confirmation of two new ministries – the Art Therapy Bereavement Class in the Hospice Building – so many little lambs who have just lost their Mum or Dad within weeks!   Also the great opportunity to be involved in Child Life Romania – a programme opening up in the Local Maternity Hospital in Oradea.

So we start to preach again – what opportunities there are in Romania. Preaching in Shalom, Golgota, Christag, Mierlau, Satu Mare and Odoreu (the last two with 22 students on their mission trip to sing and share the gospel). It was moving to see the people of Odoreu lining up to show us the shoes they were wearing – part of the 1300 pairs sent we out a few weeks earlier. Sharing God’s Word to the Hospice staff and on the radio, leaving messages centered on the cross and the resurrection to be broadcast this week. March 28th from Ballyclare store, a full load is given to another group for Suceava, Romania.

The few days at home during Easter have been exceptionally busy days. Thursday morning we leave again! Pray for us! Our schedule includes the following:

Thursday 16th April Flight Dublin to Bacau arriving into Suceava Friday to work with Pastor Catalin Croitor former Irish Baptist College Student who has planned a number of opportunities to assist him in his outreach.

Preaching to Groups and in various Churches – Saturday 18th – Sunday 26th.

Teaching in Slavic Gospel School Friday 24th – Saturday 25th.

Monday 27th leave for Oradea (Shirley for the classes in the Art Therapy and Child Life ministries) and myself for Slavic School in Piceau Monday 27th – Wednesday 29th.

Back to Oradea Thursday 30th and on to Satu Mare and Odoreu for more outreach in the Churches there – 1st May – 4th May.

Back to Emanuel for 2 days (Shirley in Children’s Ministries again) returning to NI for the masters teaching in the Irish Baptist College for Monday 11th – Wednesday 13th. Then looking ahead to a return for Graduation later in May to remain until Mid June.

Week commencing 1st June – Radio broadcasts on The Second Coming of Christ.

Sunday 7th June preaching in Arad and June 8th-10th teaching NT Theology, School of Practical Theology, Emanuel PRAY FOR US! Remember the printing of the Book on the Pastoral Epistles and translation costs.



‘He stilled the storm to a whisper … They were glad when it grew calm, and He guided them to their desired haven’. Psalm 107: 29-30.

Passion, Compassion, Desire, Goals ……………. to name but a few! In my heart I question as all appears exceedingly above my capability. The emotion places a strain, a tiredness, a quietness of spirit – yet I am compelled by love and like Timothy, stir up my passion for God and his ‘Little Lambs’.   And so as I return I pray: ‘Lord, you have placed me, so let me shine, let me love, let me touch, let me grow in maturity showing your love through the simple everydayness of life in a world of emptiness and void’. I am only content in His Will because I know He will never ask beyond my limitation – my journey is navigated in waters of peace and contentment – I will (eventually) reach my desired haven!

Happy Birthday Sophia: Sophia is 5 on 26th April / Rebecca is 10 – these are the Grand Daughters of my friend Carol Williamson who is making beautiful Play Mat{s) / Duvet/ Snugs for Child Life Romania . Sophia and Rebecca donated some of their birthday gift money to purchase the carefully chosen material – they both deserve our BIRTHDAY WISHES! Well Done Girls! Your money has given warmth and love to another little one – abandoned but not bereaved of love – thanks to you both!



The Obstetrical & Gynaecological Hospital, Oradea, is often referred to simply as ‘The Maternity Hospital’. It was first built in 1890, remodelled during the past two years. The Maternity Hospital has 365 beds.

CHILD LIFE ROMANIA has submitted a project to the CEO of the Healthcare System of Oradea, Romania and is waiting for approval from Child Protective Services to offer a Certified Child Life Specialist to work in the Neonatal Unit of the Maternity Hospital. The Child Life Specialist will provide assessments of the development of each newborn, whether premature or full-term. We will also offer services to support a family centred care approach with Kangaroo care for premature babies, psychosocial support for parents and siblings of babies born with disabilities or other health issues and education and support to new parents, including a prevention programme for abandoned babies.

Child Life Romania has additional resources for families facing the death of their child at birth or soon after birth. There will be Bereavement Therapy for parents and siblings.

Child Life Romania is dedicated to helping families in their most difficult life experiences and has trained and Certified Specialists in Child Development, Psychosocial Services and Creative Art Therapies. We help families and their children (who are hospitalised, traumatised or who have a life-changing illness or disability).

We accept donations of NEW or GENTLY USED ITEMS. The following list includes items we will distribute weekly:

Baby Clothes (premature / newborn sizes) Mostly Sleep Suits

Baby Clothes (up to 9 months) for the Abandoned Baby Unit

Newborn Hats

Diapers / Nappies

Towel / Washcloth / Soft Sponge

Blankets / Crib Sheets

Baby Brush / Comb & Nail Clippers

Socks / Mittens (to prevent scratches on face)


Baby Sleep Sacks

Baby Feeding Bottles

Bibs / Burping Cloth

Infant Toys – (0 – 6 months only) *

Development Toys ( up to 36 months) *

Small Photograph Album

 Toys will be kept in Child Life Romania’s Storage for use in the Abandoned Baby Unit

 ANOTHER THOUGHT – HANDBAGS (no longer in use) can be filled with:

Towel / Wash Cloth / Soap / Shower Gel / Shampoo / Toothpaste / Toothbrush / Brush / Comb etc.


 This project will be taken to Romania on our next Container leaving DV mid September.

‘Rejoice always ….. In everything give thanks’ I Thess. 5: 16, 18