The Door

‘Oh that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that your hand would be with me…’ I Chron: 4:10.

Emanuel University Chapel is special, a time set aside for faculty and students to worship together and be challenged by God’s word.  The Guest Speaker on Wednesday spoke on the ‘Power of God’ – the One who can change our course and who specialises in the impossible.  These have been five amazing weeks! ‘The Moore’s’ – came prepared – plans, agenda in place.  We soon learned the ‘Power of God’ impacted our lives in such a way that it was clear our course was steered by Higher Hands!  Even though the Lord was dealing with our heart(s) individually – together we made a commitment, asking the Lord to set us apart in new ministries for the next five years.   To bless, to enlarge!   What have we to offer?  Little is much when God is in it!   In my heart I felt and looking back on all the fulfilled projects / five containers, know it has been a special time in the life of TellRomania.

My husband will continue to lecture, radio broadcast(s), travel throughout Romania on Mission Trip(s) / teach SGA Schools.  His publications will be ongoing.  I will continue to serve Emanuel Hospice Team in support and visiting patients. The Art Therapy Classes in the Infant Hospital and Hospice are touching many lives – babies, infants, children, parents, grandparents – love versus?  I stand in admiration of Estera, Daria, Sylvia & Christina who lovingly take time through the art of play and therapy to give of their love and time as God desires.  I am privileged to play a small role in raising the awareness of these works and to touch empty lives who walk the hospital corridors, their children, the little empty shells on the seashore of (perhaps) a ‘short’ life.   Being involved, telling them, showing them, they are loved, they are not alone. ‘Perfect love casteth out fear’ 1 John 4: 18.

The students of Emanuel and I share a special rapport.  At present ‘The Moore’s’ are trying to upgrade room 205 – hopefully when we return in April, they will be able to sample ‘Irish Apple Pie’   I will miss the ‘knocks’ at the door, chats in the library, (they remain in my heart).

A door is opening – a simple door, no maze or tunnel, just one step and we are through.  A sufficient door – ‘if any man …’ A single door – a door of reconciliation!  A door of God’s supply, going ‘in and out’ to ‘find pasture’. In every aspect of the everydayness of life we can minister – on the way or perhaps out of the way!

Last weekend – together with over 20 students we ministered in Satu Mare and Odoreu – 15 hours on the road – to see the joy as many rushed to the front to say ‘Multumesc’ for the shoes/boots they received and wore with such pride. It took ages for them to pass by – everyone wanted a picture with the ‘Prof’.  The remaining schedule – busy!  Final lectures, Easter radio broadcasts, preaching in village churches – children’s work(s) plus this week end in the University – as I write, 430 High School Students plus 30 Teachers/Pastors are descending (literally).  Mattresses, Suitcases in abundance – 280 students plus the 460 guests requiring Bed & Breakfast!  Life is interesting on Campus these days! Pastor Remus was in Oradea to-day. ‘Sister Shirley, any ‘Twinings’?  What do you think?  The work and people of Odoreu hold a special place in our hearts, we look forward in April/May (dv)  to our proposed three day Mission in the Gypsy Church after our Mission in Sucaeva and Teaching in SGA Schools before returning to Oradea.


 SHIRLEY: 26/03/15

Little Lambs

‘Spring, she has come, yes?’   I was amazed to find the tight green buds had burst overnight into an array of golden daffodils. ‘Beautiful’, I replied. I was glad of this distraction, reminding myself that everything in nature is beautiful (for a season) preceded by a time of preparation yielding provision and attaining perfection.

‘What times I am afraid, I will trust in You’. I am not gifted, achievement(s)? Just driven to walk His footsteps in this pathway of service and one that I personally find difficult. Many visits, opportunities (this week) I need to embrace the responsibility of sharing that the end is not the end but only the beginning.

Jonut, Calin, Cristian, Andrei, Ana Maria and little Marian – the children of Mia, who is now at home with the Lord. Daria and I had a special time with the children as they shared their ‘Family Album’ – the little one smiling as he said ‘ Mummy’. One cannot help but see, sense, the sadness, the emptiness, yet they smile so bravely, asking you: ‘When you come back in April, please come again, you are welcome’.   Brother Florin – an amazing story of grace – as he now waits to face his fourth surgery related to his terminal illness. My time with this family was precious. I am always asked ‘Where is your husband?’ They listen with interest as I share the everydayness of life back home, assuring them of our love and passion for this, their land, the land of Romania. Sister Magdelina, living alone and unable to leave her flat is to be my next port of call.

Estera and I also made ‘visits’ and off we went! I noticed the beautiful white fleecy lamb on her windscreen. ‘Shirley, you remember little Beni?’ I could never forget him – I can still hear him repeat his memory verse at the Hospice Christmas Celebration – he was called home on 28th December 2014. Yet, even at 9 years of age, he asked if he could be baptised before he met Jesus! He gave his little lamb to Esteria. ‘Please remember me’! We had arrived at Oradea Hospital and made our way to the Haematology Ward where I met Denisa a 22year old (Medical Student) suffering from Leukaemia. We chatted and I learned of her plans and ambitions for the future, as she talked, I noticed the sadness portrayed through the eyes of her loving Mother – her Yew Lamb was very sick. Galatians 5: 22-23 came to mind: ‘But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness ……’ Please take a moment to whisper their name(s) in prayer.

Not only did my head ache but my heart ached – emotionally drained after days of pain and sadness, where devastating news changes and shatters lives forever. I ask you to remember Sister Marinela Murg, Director. Emanuel Hospice, provide (free of charge) palliative care services at home for the dying in their community. Through their dedication, devotion and calling they were able to make a difference in the lives of 285 adult patients and 42 children during 2014. Please pray the Lord will enable this work to again reach and touch many lives during 2015 to share God’s love and compassion to the patients God will entrust into their care. – The cost of discipleship! Questions, so many questions. Am I connected enough to make a difference? Am I prepared to ‘Go the Distance?’

As I meet with the various staff in the Hospice, they have shared how they (personally) have been encouraged to keep on casting their bread upon the waters through my husband’s weekly messages at their prayer time.

Yesterday, the children of the Art Therapy Class in the Municipal Hospital painted a beautiful Irish Shamrock with a message reading: ‘Happy Saint Patrick’s Day Mrs Shirley’ all their little names recorded on the back! Will thank them personally next Tuesday. We can touch lives in all manner of ways – I am getting there, they know I love them – and I do! Yes, (for me) it hard to serve in this area of sensitivity – yet ‘His’ presence is so real as I listen, share or play – all different – yet all filled with the emptiness circumstances of change have brought and for many brought prematurely.

Joshua, Dragos, David, Julia, again some of the names so precious to my heart in another Art Therapy Class for the bereaved children held today, Thursday. We made four different Caterpillars – one Happy, one Sad, one Fearful, One Angry – through this form of therapy the children can vent their feelings within. Followed by Medical or Hospital Therapy when each child received a Rag Doll – Daria asked each one to paint a face on their individual doll. I found this most informative as I quietly watched (from afar) their reaction.

On arriving home at room 205 – an email was waiting to confirm that Mr. Paul Russell (RVH/Jubilee Maternity Hospital had donated 6 Basin-ettes and Consumables to the new project Child Life Romania. ‘Before You Call’ … We have shared with Sister Raelene this morning and she is amazed and encouraged through this provision. As I write, an army of Students (led by ‘The Professor’) are placing the many boxes sent previously by Paul – yet we were unaware of our involvement in this particular area. And so we rest in His plan and purpose knowing that all the projects were answered last year and trust for the days ahead as new doors of opportunity open before us.

Container Number 5 finally reached its destination, the contents of which were to facilitate eight outlets – Dr. Moore was so grateful to Pastor Filip Faragu for his time and patience in leading the team at Cluj.

Dr. Moore continues to lecture, preach, record Easter Messages on Radio Voice of the Gospel and send various sermons to Pastor David McFarland to place on ‘Tell Out The Truth’ (Web Page). This week-end we head to Satu Mare and Odoreu for a Mission Trip (leaving 5am your time). The book on the Pastoral Epistles is submitted, we need to prayerfully consider translation into Romanian and Hungarian languages. Book number two already in process – Galatians.

Four weeks? 11 Days remaining in this Mission Trip. Pray we will be effective, obedient Servants ‘Unto Him’.

These have been days of discovery, waiting before the Lord, seeing His plan unfold in many miraculous ways – ways we never imagined! We will be home for a few days at Easter then back again to our second home? Perhaps first home?



Ruth 2: 12 ‘The Lord repay your work, and a full reward be given you by the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings you have come for refuge’.

What has changed in this heart of mine since our last update? Does my life have meaning? Do I convey the love and compassion of ‘Everlasting Arms of Love’ in a hurting and senseless world? ‘Love so amazing, so divine…..

I keep repeating silently within, ‘Lord, please grant me the strength to serve, to love wherever I am placed, to be a more compassionate person for you to use as I speak, pray with my brothers and sisters and little jewels.

Marinela and I had a long chat yesterday, the Emanuel Hospice Home Care Team are special people, vessels of mercy who through the Medical, Social and Psychology services care and share the good news of the gospel. These are professional people, who could earn three times their current salary – yet choose to serve within Emanuel Hospice and serve sacrificially of remuneration and time. 100 patients receive treatment – many die whilst on the waiting list. Treatment is administered, food and hygiene bags are also distributed. Sometimes if there are sufficient funds, wood can be purchased to ensure they are warm throughout the cold Romanian winters.

Yet as I went with Estera yesterday to visit my friend Elizabeth, the greeting, the tears, the smile on her face said it all: ‘Where is he, where is he?’ Of course she was referring to ‘The Prof’ as he is lovingly called here.   ‘He is in meetings but will come next time, I promise’. I was then given the most beautiful beaker with her picture embossed on the front with a verse on the back: Prov 15: 30. ‘The light of the eyes rejoices the heart’. My hands tightly entwined with hers – ‘you light up my day, thank you for coming again and again – you don’t forget me’. Forget! How can I? She is loved, she is precious. These people know how to love, every day I find a plant, a flower, chocolates at my door. I did revert to tears when I found a note from one of the cleaning staff, Mariana, who had taken the time to ask (perhaps a student) to write (in English) and I quote: Dear Mrs Moore, I wish that you will have a blessed Springtime in the presence of the Lord. May God Bless You, I love you, Mariana x   LOVE IN ANY LANGUAGE.

Silvia Csaki became known to Dr. Moore and I during our Summer visit in 2013, when she and her sister Christina gave their time to take my husband and I on a walking sight seeing tour of the Old City in Oradea – they are two very special young ladies. Silvia called at room 205 this morning telling me her internship for Child Life in Forth Worth, Texas was completed in 2013 and hopes to finish her Masters degree in May of this year.

Silvia will be a Child Life Specialist – presently she visits the local Infant Maternity Hospital on a weekly basis holding Art Therapy Classes with the hospitalised children which takes the form of a Group Therapy Class – I can’t wait to go with her on Tuesday as the ages range from 1 – 14 (guess who will have a 1 year old in her arms)???????????????

For the infants who are too sick to attend or who are attached by IV to various treatments – Silvia goes from room to room sharing play time but more importantly trying through the art of play to remove the fear of treatments. Nowhere is love more richly illustrated than in the life-story of Yahweh for Israel.  LOVE IN ANY LANGUAGE.

It was our joy to minister in the village church of Mierlau on Sunday then sharing afterward with Pastor Elijah Soritau and his wife Raelene. God’s plan, provision, never ceases to amaze me – and why? Two words from the piece ‘Resting’ recently released by the New Irish Ochestra and Choir CD have been driving me forward into a more intimate relationship with the Lord: Purpose and Confidence. And so with purpose I felt myself drawn to extend my service to hospitalised terminally ill infants – yet quietly kept this in my heart. During our conversation, Sister Raelene shared with me and my heart leapt – purpose, confidence filled my heart. Child Life Romania has submitted a project to the CEO of the Healthcare System of Oradea, Romania and is waiting for approval from Child Protective Services to offer a certified Child Life Specialist to work in the Neonatal Unit of the Maternity Hospital. The Child Life Specialist will provide assessments of the development of each newborn, whether premature or full-term. Also offer services to support a family-centred care approach with kangaroo care for premature babies, phychosocial support for parents and siblings of babies born with disabilities or other health issues, and education & support of new parents, including a prevention program for abandonment of babies. Child Life Romania has additional resources for families that face the death of their child at birth or soon after birth. There will be bereavement therapy for parents and siblings. They are dedicated to helping families in their most difficult life experiences and has Trained and Certified Specialists in child development, psychosocial services and creative art therapies. They help families and their children who are hospitalised, traumatized, or have a life-changing illness or disability.

We need new or gently used items to include: Baby Clothes (premature/new born – mostly pyjamas / Baby Clothes (9 Mths) Abandoned Baby Unit / Blankets / Diapers / Pampers / Newborn Hats, Socks, Mittens / Baby Bottles / Wash Clothes / Towels / Baby Brush & Comb / Nail Clippers / Baby Sleep Sacks / Bibs / Burping Cloths / Changing Pads / Crib Sheets /Development Toys up to 36 months to be kept in Abandoned Baby Unit

Sister Carol Williamson, The Vineyard, Coleraine made the most beautiful Playmat, Duvets – words could not describe their beauty – the time, patience and loving care with which they were made so evident – Carol, it will be my privilege to place the first toddler on your playmat – Thank You.

Dr. Moore is booked solid until the end of the month in preaching in Village Churches, Mission Trips, Lecturing plus the added responsibility of recordings for Easter. I am delighted to report the publication of the Pastoral Epistles has now been forwarded for printing – Emanuel University hope to present each student graduating in May with a signed copy.

Would I ever have thought I would be in Romania two years ago? God’s Plan was still in process – some of the pieces still missing! Who am I, what am I? Yet I know – I am called FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS .

The Update next week will be dedicated to the families I have had the privilege to visit.



Solitude. A lonely, uninhabited place where the blackness of darkness surrounds, where the silence is deafening. Alone with thoughts, memories.

The avalanches of life hit with a bolt of thunder, a mighty rushing wind! And yet there is a wind of change in every life, for some this takes place in the golden years, yet for many the pain of loss, loneliness, comes in the very early formative stage of life!

hamilton copyPeter, an elderly gentleman enjoyed his ‘long’ walk through the large gypsy community of Huedin to worship in the local Baptist Church – now no longer able to make the journey, he sits alone displaying a quiet contentment. Godliness with contentment is great gain! As my husband and I entered his small yet unique gypsy home a ‘huge’ smile filled his lined, age-torn face ‘Pace, Ah Pace’. We spent time with him listening intently as he spoke of the faithfulness of God and the extraordinary works of God in nature, mountains, cascades, stars, valleys. I found myself sinking lower and lower, feeling so small, so insignificant, so unworthy as this dear saint not only touched but pierced my heart. Time for ????   Five minutes of your time can change an expression; make a difference as you leave the light of His word as a lamp in a darkened corner of a broken, lonely and hurting heart.

We often sing ‘ Change My Heart Oh Lord. . .’ My heart, my life is being changed in so many ways I never anticipated – I am learning so many personal lessons about myself and about the importance of what is important in life from the really important! The Lord knows what needs to be done to-day; all I have to do is surrender, He will direct My responsibility. I’ll say yes Lord yes, to Your will and to Your way. My husband has just asked me: Shirley, is being Missonary only about Evangelism? Pause! Answer?

Two areas of focus this update:

I have been to the work of Preventis, meeting with Violeta on Saturday; then after a very busy Sunday where Dr. Moore ministered on five occasions (4 in the Gypsy community), my husband and I went on Monday to the Maternity Hospital in Cluj while I met with the staff of Preventis. I learned from Tabita Cernica (Director) the 25 disadvantaged children within the drug prevention programme have the opportunity three times each month to spend quality time with their mentor – creating pleasant memories, activities of fun, learning to share together.   £4 oversees each visit, £300 per month covers this expense. I wish to thank Tracey and Travis from Millisle Baptist Church and Linda from Malvern Assembly who are presently engaged in various sponsorships to support these children.

‘Can you tell me the address of heaven?’ One of the questions asked today from a 5 year old at the Emanuel Hospice Art Therapy Class.   The class today was heart rendering, all of the children have very recently lost a Mum or a Dad. I studied those ‘little faces’, beautiful little boys and girls and watched as a Dad or a Grandmother brought the children. Our first game was guessing where I came from. Germany appeared to be the most popular. Then we progressed to stage 1 – painting a picture – cars, flowers, yet one little boy painted a ‘rainbow’. Why? It is in the sky and heaven is in the sky – one little boy said he would like to go up to heaven to bring his Mummy back down again! The afternoon concluded with making Mother’s Day Cards (3 little ones will give their card to their Dad or perhaps their Grandmother)!

I felt so empty inside as I drove home, struggling to accept as to why these little ones suffer so much during the first 5 – 8 years of their young lives? And so I shared with my husband as I entered room 205 ‘secrets of my heart’ as to the ‘Why’s, If Only’s, How’s … of life! No sleep tonight – we shared another and yes another cup of tea but I shared ‘my heart’.

Summation:  At times I am frustrated and feel surrounded with the endless need. It is a fear of personal failure! I want so much to help, to make a difference. The Lord has proved during recent days, He already sees and did provide ahead for the need before I encountered it. THANK YOU for assuring me, I am not alone – I am so aware of your love and care for this work and know that as we serve together we ARE making an impact. One of the Grandmothers as she left whispered ‘You are back, I remember you from Christmas’.   I do not fully understand as to why these little children experience so much sadness in their young lives but YOU are creating a SMILE through your support.

We read in God’s Word ‘I must needs go by . . .’ If the Lord is placing on your heart the desire to assist in the Emanuel Hospice Homecare Team, I can be contacted by email and will be home for a very short time at Easter when we leave to minister in the North East region of Romania before making our way back to Oradea.

THANK YOU to the brothers and sisters who sent love gifts for these families. While Dr Moore is lecturing next week, it will be my joy to distribute your ‘Gift of Love’ on my home visits. Also to Janet, Millisle Sunday School for the project specifically designated for the Art Therapy Class commencing on Sunday, 8th March 2015. We also look forward to setting up ‘Pen Pal’ twining.

‘The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged’. Deut 31: 8.


They pass by unnoticed!

Airports, Train Stations, Bus Terminals, Taxi Stands, Ferrys – people, so many people! Yet, how many pass by unnoticed?

My husband was so privileged yesterday to share in the Service of Thanksgiving for his life-long friend, Brian Ferguson; a quiet, unassuming gentleman whose gentle disposition touched the many lives who passed His way; one to be noticed.

During these recent months, Brian displayed a very special grace expressing, as was so clearly defined in the message of Pastor Trevor Watson – ‘The Wonder Of It All’. I called to mind Brian’s smile, as he said: ‘Shirley, Heaven sounds a wonderful place’.

Heaven, sounding sweeter all the time
Seems lately, always on my mind.
One day, I will leave this world behind
Heaven, sounding sweeter all the time.

Brian, following his successful interview earlier last year, recently received confirmation of his appointment, as one of the wardens at the empty tomb in Jerusalem. But the Lord called him to service in His presence as Revelation 22v3-4 reveals:

‘…His servants shall serve Him: And they shall see his face and his name shall be in their foreheads’.

My mood is pensive as I wait to board the flight for Cluj Napoca, on route to Oradea; people rushing in every direction, trying to make it on time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Time! Our life is just a moment in time, our heartbeat beats so quickly, yesterday is gone! Tomorrow? To-day! Lord help me to realise my heart must be open and my life changed. The challenge, the potential! Do remember Dr. Moore and I in our differing roles of service.

Dr. Moore as he ministers in Betel Baptist Church this weekend and various points of contact regarding the Christian Centre at Racatau, Cluj Hospitals before leaving for Emanuel University, Oradea to commence teaching and preaching in the village churches.

I would appreciate your payers as I commence my planned Agenda tomorrow with a visit to the work of Preventis (Drug Abuse) to engage in a programme of assisting the twenty-five disadvantaged children under their care for one year. Emanuel Hospice Homecare Team to assess the Feeding Programme for the terminally ill and bereaved families within their care. The Art Therapy Class will reopen offering support to the children who themselves are terminally ill or who have lost or about to lose a loved one. Five Infant/Maternity Hospital(s) needing equipment and resources. My heart must be an open heart of surrender, emptied of self so much so the need of the unloved, untouched will melt will break my heart on the altar of service. They ought to be noticed!

Nothing can separate us from the Love of God – We are here in His time and purpose – help us to love, to touch as we pass by. We pass by only once! There are no return journeys. One Way Only in operation! Think of These Things!

And so with the Psalmist David I pray: ‘Lord, teach us to number our days’.



Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, for I lift up my soul to You’ (Psalm 143: 8)

‘I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;I will guide you with My eye’           (Psalm 32: 8)

Reservation(s), fear(s), pressure(s), disappointment(s) can effect our ‘walk of faith’ as we focus on the move forward to situations, areas, still unknown. But then the Bible clearly states many ‘Heroes of the Faith’ experienced similar periods in their walk of faith.

Yet, the ‘little handfuls on purpose’ come just when needed – assuring us to keep walking even though the lights are dimly lit!   We cannot question the Lord for He and He alone has paved our steps in His chosen pathway for ‘such a time as this‘ (Yes, two of my favourite biblical quotes) so true and more importantly – proven!

Why is my ‘heart’ penning these words ? Last evening, Daria, (Hospice Psychologist) telephoned, breaking the news, Mia, (one of three Mums in Hospice Care) had gone to be with the Lord. The youngest of her six children asked: ‘Who is going to be my Mummy now?’  My first reaction was sadness as I reflected on their gypsy village existence, their future? The Apostle Paul always taught Timothy how to stay strong and as I watch my husband add the finishing touches to his book on the Pastoral Epistles, small ‘tokens’ of comfort and strength peer through. I return next week, my first port of call will be to visit these little darlings – remembering that yes, I must acknowledge the situation, the difficulties, but I must take a strong and positive action of being ‘on the ground’ – £5 per week will feed this family and others in our Hospice Home Care. The heart and character but more effectively the compassion of Our Lord when He said: ‘Suffer the little children to come unto me . . .’ Will you help? Pray that we will have the resources to feed, clothe and care for these little ones who are at a formative stage in their young lives! We must care!

The Lord again was already ahead and knew my passion needed restoring – how? Many of you will remember I shared during the summer regarding Elizabeth, the 92 year old lady who could not get to the shops but wanted to make a contribution to the Shoe Project (Special Needs School) sending a cheque through the post. Our friendship developed through corresponding, her letters are such an inspiration, sharing how she spends her day reading and praying.

Sunday: Dr. Moore was ministering morning and evening in Monkstown Baptist Church, Desi McComb met me at the front entrance saying ‘Shirley, Elizabeth is here and wants to meet you’ – my reaction – totally shell shocked! Yes, there my Dear Friend Elizabeth sat with her Grand-daughter, Heather – my heart pounded as I made my way to the pew! ‘Elizabeth, how did you know I was here?’ ‘Well, my dear, I received your update in the post, I decided to come and meet you as at 92 you need to take every opportunity, so here I am’! Her words resounded in my ear! ‘You need to take every opportunity’. And so ‘HERE I AM’:

In my previous update, I penned the Lord speaks through ‘others’ – Elizabeth’s story renewed my passion.   This time next week, I will be on route to Romania – looking forward to seeing another Elizabeth in Romania – yet others I knew and loved will not be there! I go hiding this promise:


My Prayer: Lord, help me to be a shining light in darkness, displaying Your presence in practical service.

Remember Dr. Moore and I in our differing roles of service. –



‘My soul waits in silence for God only . . .’ STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! ….. Then GO!   Memories of my first bicycle/first lesson in road safety! As an only child, I was loved and protected.   My Heavenly Father displays His unconditional love in so many different ways, assuring me that my greatest legacy is loving Him with an open heart.

During these weeks at home, I have had to learn to STOP (wait).   LOOK (confirmation) and LISTEN ( His voice).   First, I had to bring my doubts to the surface, to acknowledge, to recognise then to accept that my Heavenly Father who already knows my every thought and emotion, will answer – not in a hurried mode but just when needed!   Why then was I questioning in my heart, ‘What’s next to do?’ ‘How will I ever get there?’ Then it hit home! It isn’t I, for I am controlled, compelled by a love, a devotion to His call, His purpose.

Jeremiah 29: 13 ‘ You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me will all your heart’. Passing Stormont Presbyterian Church last evening on route to Millisle Baptist Church – the Church Notice Board stated: ‘WE SEE FACES, GOD SEES HEARTS’ !   And so, with an Open Heart I knew this period of waiting had developed my character, my trust with a disciplined perseverance in silent meditation.   Hiding His promise in my heart with the assurance that when I wait, …….Like an … ornament of fine gold is a wise reprover to a listening ear. (Proverbs 25: 12).

The (2) new projects taught me the Lord speaks through others and that I would soon realise that whenever, wherever, I speak, He always listens! Impossibility! Provision ! Our God is beyond measure. When I gaze into the night skies . . . . nature is His creation.   Beyond comprehension.


Violeta is the wife of Philip Faragu who is the son of Pastor Benjamin Faragu, Iris Baptist Church, Cluj ( both former students of Dr. Moore). I met with Violeta to learn more of the work of Preventis – a ministry focussing on drug prevention, offering counselling and support to children and parents of drug addicts in the city Cluj Napoca.   ‘Shirley, we have 25 children under our care for one year, could you help us?. My first reaction ( inwardly ) another work – could I, can I, STOP! Again it isn’t I.   I replied, ‘Let me return home, we can talk when I have had time to talk to ‘My Heavenly Father’. To everything there is a time, yet always sufficient ‘Manna’ for to-day with sufficient Grace for tomorrow!   I placed a fleece before the Lord and waited!

Dr. Moore was taking a three week series in Monkstown Baptist Church during January and during one of those meetings I spoke with a life-long friend of my husband: Andrew Gardiner, I shared my heart regarding the work of Preventis – left, to face a memorable drive home to Portstewart. Fine until we reached the Ballymena Roundabout then Snow was falling – no, not softly but the Silver Peugeot was facing a Snow Blizzard and so with the sounds of ‘In the Bleak Mid Winter’ echoing from the Driving Seat – we quietly, slowly, made our way to B5 with the odd slip and slide to brighten our journey. A few days passed, an email arrived from Andrew stating he had been able to purchase 25 New Fur Lined Jackets! Impossibility – No! Provision – Yes!


An after school programme for 35 disadvantaged children who come to the church for 4-5 hours per week, homework followed by a hot meal.   Brother Ruben, is an accomplished Musician, Soloist and Choir Director and has the vision to form an Orchestra . They have the children, volunteer music teachers but need instruments. Again the request came ‘Shirley, can you help us?’ I remember singing a Sandi Patti song entitled ‘Make His Praise Glorious’ – Music is an important ministry in Praise & Worship – they need instruments!   And so the requirement of cellos, violins, flutes …….. in Higher Hands!   Within one hour of the web posting, a lady, Eleanor Hayes telephoned my husband to say she had seen our project on the web and would we be interested in a cello? Shirley, the red has changed to Amber now to Green what are you waiting for – GO!

To learn more of the challenging work, visit our web page under ‘PROJECTS‘. If you can help in any way, do make contact. Container No. 5 is planned late February. No 6 to follow!

DRIVE 2015 L A U N C H E D ! As I think of Thursday night, the excellence offered in such a wide spectrum of music and song, I am reminded of the words of Psalm 8: ‘O Lord, Our Lord, how majestic is Thy name’.   Jonathan Rea, Alan McClure , Sylvia Burnside, not only giving their time, talent but offering their heart in praise and adoration to magnify and glorify the Lord. Thank you for sharing your gift, your talent, your offering in the outpouring of such love, such commitment, so deeply appreciated yet so acceptable ‘Unto Him‘. – I am reminded of the hymn – ‘What shall I bring to the Saviour, what shall I lay at His feet?’. We were blessed through your ministry, touching the lives of many you will never meet this side of heaven. Matthew 25: 40 ‘ Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me’.   Jonathan, Alan, Sylvia, I am hiding God’s promise in my heart, praying for confidence and purpose as I return to an emotional few months – precious ‘jewels’ you took the time to show just how much you cared. Thank You. A special word of Thanks to Hilary Moody (Brooches with a Wow factor) ably assisted by the ‘production team’ of Grange BWF contributed £500 to Drive 2015. To the Stewards also Lynette & Ruth for their contribution. Our time in Portstewart has built a strong link in the chain of friendship of genuine people as in Jenny (Owner) Barry (Manager) Kate (Receptionist) of The Royal Court Hotel, Portrush who displayed their genuine care and support in offering the beautiful Atlantic Suite on Thursday night to host our Musical Evening. ‘We say ‘Thank You’ – we are humbled, touched and immensely blessed by your reality! To EVERYONE involved – your anchor of devotion is an example. The exact amount required has been raised for Container No. 5!

These weeks at home have been extremely busy, hours become days, days become weeks, and now we enter another new month, new resources offered to the ever expanding work in hand for this special time in the life of TELLROMANIA.

Another amazing provision – Pelican Healthcare Trust made contact offering one full pallet of specialist medical accessories specifically for terminally ill patents. They shipped the pallet from Wales to Larne, arranged a delivery firm to offload in Ballyclare Store. We still are tracing the rainbow in the cloud. How can I say ‘Thanks’ for the things You have done? ‘Restore us to Yourself, O Lord, that we may return; renew our days …….

Dr Moore had the opportunity to ‘come apart and rest a while’ enjoying the men’s breakfast times in the home of Pastor Trevor Watson, coffee with Ross Wilson and also the opportunity to share with local Ministers based in Coleraine.

TELLROMANIA wish to convey sincere thanks to Ross for his ‘Gift of Love’, Dr. Moore and I are overwhelmed and encouraged through this inspired work – (Mary) ‘The Woman Who Spoke With An Angel’. Viewing presently – Stables Gallery, Coleraine.

We arrive in Cluj, Friday, 27th February, 2015, as yet we have not booked our return flight – however we will return for two short trips home as my husband has commitments in the Irish Baptist College lecturing in the Pastoral Care and Counselling Course. During the months of March, April, May and June, in addition to our own ministries we will also take in a visit to Pastor Catalin Croitor in Suceava, teach in the Slavic Gospel Association Schools in Suceava and Pecieu, minister in various village churches.

Another busy day in the Moore Household, my husband has been working fourteen hours to-day as he must finish his book for publication in Romania. To mark the occasion of the 25th Graduation, each student will receive a copy of the Pastoral Epistles.   Life will be busy and varied within our differing roles. Commitment, Motivation, Emotion yet tears mingled with smiles as we look forward to the wedding of Ciprian and Daria (Hospice Psychologist) & Special Friend in June.

The value of small things! If you have a moment – an email from home is a ‘hidden gem’.

Pray for us in our different ministries, my husband in Emanuel, various churches, radio ministry; my own involvement in Emanuel Hospice Care, Student Campus, and Preventis.

Shirley,     ( 09 February, 2015 ).

Emanuel: God with us

Proverbs 31: 20. ‘She opens her arms to the poor, and extends her hands to the needy’

Jeremiah 31: 8. ‘See, I will bring them from the ends of the earth. Among them will be the blind and the lame’ . . .

An eventful journey, Saturday past, late connections, a must for our Family Album – The Moore’s jogging from one Gate to another – second ‘hitch’ on route to Oradea – ‘gridlock’ – miles of containers/ trucks desperately trying to reach the border before Sunday (driving of heavy goods vehicles not permitted on Sunday in Hungary).   15 hours of exciting travel,   finally we reached Emanuel University.

The beautiful sunsets back home, were now replaced with starless, black and uninviting skies, skies of darkness and need. Yet, as we drove for hours through the many villages, there they stood in the darkness, trying to ‘sell’ the last of their fruit – smiling, as they proudly showed their cart / basket dimly lit with Christmas lights!

‘Home’, we knew deep within we were where we should be at this time. Why? The Lord would show that mercy (not just in word but in deed) should be extended to the needs of others as ‘Unto Him’.

As anticipated, my husband and I share breakfast at around 4.30am (your time) each morning and end the day together over supper. I, as a wife, eager to hear of his day(s) within the academic level. Dr Moore had an extremely heavy schedule this term, lectures in the Masters Programme, then late into the evening(s) teaching in the School of Practical Theology (trying to fit in the occasional recording at the Radio Voice of the Gospel) His hands were certainly not idle but filled with work! But then the smile of satisfaction as he enters the small apartment room, declares the Heart of the Man – he is a Man with a Mission. Although tired, he has always time to listen as I share the emotions of my day, offering words of wisdom and comfort.   But then how is one or how should one respond when they know that if a father does not sell his ‘Tin Crafting’ the family do not eat? The children are so adorable especially those dark, welcoming eyes – I cannot walk away! Back home, in Coleraine Baptist Church, we sing: ‘Break My Heart With What Breaks Yours’!

The Beatitudes contain one operative word ‘Blessed’. And at this blessed time of year, it was my plan to focus on the many facets of children’s work within Romania.

Caminuel Felix Village 1 were overwhelmed by the provision of a Christmas Gift for each orphan provided by the BWF of Magherafelt Baptist Church who will make this a Christmas to be remembered by 77 young formative lives. Brother Miahi Bulc, one of the house parents could not find the words to express his gratitude, amazement, that one of our Sister Baptist Churches provided six new bunk beds/mattresses for his family, replacing those of 22 years. The fact they have ‘ladders’ keeps the children ‘amused’ for hours! Am I not My Brother’s Keeper?   How can we thank you for showing your love in such a practical manner.   The Sunflower Room were thrilled with the donation(s) from Causeway Fabrics in Coleraine – Thank you girls.   During our visit the dental engineers were busy working on rebuilding the Anthos Dental Chair and a picture of the refurbished dental surgery containing the trolley, instruments etc all due to the sourcing of Sinead Fox SOD will be sent ‘our way’ once completed. Oops, my little girl in ‘pink’ (Natasha) growing fast, loved her ‘Disney Mirror’ sent by ‘Auntie Jackie’ – I told her ‘Auntie Ruth’ had a surprise for her on my next visit!

My visit to Salonta Special Needs School – Wow! I was warmly greeted by the staff and to a very different arrangement of ‘Jingle Bells’ – the participating pupils had been rehearsing for two months! Well Done!

I was to learn that Salonta is linked to Emanuel Special High School in Oradea, where 400 pupils are in attendance. Placement of young people unable to study at University level to include 50 pupils from the Special Needs School in Salonta form the intake of students. All have the opportunity of studying a trade in joinery, gardening, seamstress, hairdressing, etc – all attainable and achievable. One of the female students accompanied me to Oradea and was so helpful in assisting me shop for a tired professor awaiting lunch before his next classI I actually just made it on time (5 minutes to spare) so it was ‘lunch on the go’!

THE SHOES! I watched until I thought my heart would break, one little girl just kept looking at the box and could not believe she now owned a new pair of shoes and Red Ones to! Thank You to everyone who brought a smile not only to 77 faces in Salonta BUT GOD made it possible for another 50 new pairs of shoes to be taken for the Special Students attending the High School. And so, after Hospice Chapel, where my husband shared and then went to record Christmas Messages at the Radio Station, Daria and I went ‘shopping’ for shoes – negotiations commenced – resulting in 3 pairs of shoes for the price of 2 (I managed another 5% discount) !!!!!!!!!!.

Again, trace the rainbow in the cloud. TELL ROMANIA heralds the Christmas Message – Immanuel, God With Us. Come let us bow down and worship the Saviour of the World.’

Emanuel Hospice Homecare Team is an important part of my life, I am aware and recognise the skill, gifts displayed within this dedicated service. Sensitivity, Love, Kindness, Patience . . . I was privileged to share in their special Christmas celebration and so as I gazed around the patients (babies, young children, teenagers, adult, elderly) my heart, my innermost being ached, as I encountered the many smiling faces through an oxygen mask or those who could not sit upright, lying on 2 or 3 chairs placed together. The Syringe Drivers we were able to bring from Banbridge (worth £1000 each) will bring relief for the many in desperate need of pain control…Another gift of love.

Many of the children sang, quoted appropriate passages of scripture, Christmas music was provided firstly by a choir of adopted children, singing beautifully, followed by an excellence of traditional music from an orchestra of young people. Dr. Moore paid tribute to the staff (or as they say in Romania ‘Saluted’) and assured everyone of the full support of TellRomania. He ended telling how the Babe of Bethlehem came down from heaven to be The Saviour of the World. This was followed (appropriately) by the Christmas Story told through Puppeteers   The children sat ‘spellbound’ .Another surprise guest arrived dressed in Red and White and even though the conditions were ‘freezing’ no snow and certainly no Reindeer(s)! We smiled at the greeting of this most welcome guest ‘Ah Dr. Moore, My Professor’ – work this one out, he is the first Santa to graduate!

The highlight of the afternoon was spending time with the Gabor family, Marco (17) is getting tall, he was delighted with the Manchester United Cap sent to him by the staff of Coleraine Branch of Santander. Maria (Mum) is still busy painting her humble gypsy home. I never cease to be amazed how they survive – who am I? What am I?   ‘Lord, light the flame within my heart to love not just in word but in deed! With the provision TellRomania has received (to date) marked for the Hospice Feeding Programme – many will enjoy a Christmas meal and say “Thank You’ for caring.

Marinela (Director) and Dr. Beni walked my husband and I to a waiting car (on route to Cluj) Beni told us the electric bed, now installed in the home of the Romania Footballer is exactly what he needed! His lifestyle transformed – the Lord knew when and where – and provided! TellRomania is making a difference in the lives of people we have never met! There’s a call coming from across the land – this is our field of Mission – this is our Call and this we do as Unto Him!

And so to Cluj for the final part of our current trip. Dr. Moore has been teaching Friday / Saturday at a Conference arranged by Betel Baptist Church. The response has been unbelievable! How these young people were thirsting for the word, to be better equipped to ‘Go Forth And Tell’.

Sunday affords the opportunity to minister in two different Churches – again pray that the presence of the Lord will be real as the gospel is proclaimed. He Came To Bring Us Life!

I have been speaking with Estera and Flori during my time in Cluj – there is a bond of friendship and trust knowing we serve together – trying to reach out and ‘touch’ – that a rushing, mighty wind of His Spirit will blow through the land of Romania and that we will see, hear and know He is Lord, He will supply the strength to simply trust Him for the miles, the road ahead.

Personally, I am unable to take it all in just now, my emotions are clearly moved in fact broken – I only wish I could help every work across my path this latest trip, but I am reminded that I am only One, nevertheless I am One, that which I can, I will and will do to the glory of God. It is clear, the Lord is sending hundreds of children to the work of TellRomania ranging from Premature Babies / Maternity Hospitals (we know of 5 Maternity Hospitals urgently needing equipment (not including 2 hospitals visited by David Morton during his recent visit). Caminuel Felix Village 1/Special Needs School(s) Salonta and Oradea and Emanuel Hospice Homecare Team. All different yet all with great need. We leave it at the feet of the Master who loving said: ‘Suffer the little children to COME UNTO ME’.

Dr Moore has been chatting with Dr. Paul Negrut and the University are planning to send my husband’s book on the Pastoral Epistles for publication in the new year – asking the possibility of another on a particular subject – he needs time to write!   2015 is approaching fast – pray for us as we return home to seek the Lord as to the way forward. There is much to consider, so much need, so little time.

This morning, I spent over two hours with Sister Violeta Faragau learning of a new ministry coming my way – just now it is held in the corner of my heart, I need to pray, then to share – this will be an exciting challenge for TellRomania. I will post a special editorial in the new year. Dr Moore and I earnestly ask you to:

Pray we will know the mind of the Lord; Pray for health, strength in the way; Pray for His provision in sourcing equipment according to His plans and timing; Pray for the finance to meet the utility requirements of storage, haulage, shipping etc.

We are still in Romania and from the Sabou Home, Dr. Moore and I wish you CRCIUN FERICIT (MERRY CHRISTMAS)! 13th December 2014.

Special Delivery Wrapped In Love


I begin by quoting words inspired by Galatians 2: 20 and Colossians 3: 1-7 by Steve Wingfield:

Let Brotherly Love Continue (Hebrews 13: 1)


May you set your heart on things above

May you set your mind on things above

May you practice truth

May you allow Christ to be your all in all

May you practice truth

May you allow Christ to be your all in all

May you be clothed with

Compassion Kindness Humility Gentleness Patience

Forgive as the Lord forgives you

And over all these virtues may you put on love which

binds them together in perfect communion

May you let the peace of Christ dwell in your heart

May you let the Word of Christ dwell in you

May you home be an expressive home filled with passion

for Christ, for others, for life!

The closing lines ‘filled with passion for Christ, for others, for life’! This statement clearly defines the heart(s) of the devoted supporters of Tell Romania, who, at this blessed time of year, have chosen to show their passion in a ‘Special Delivery Wrapped In Love’.

To-day, children’s faces glow with excitement, expectancy as they rush downstairs to ‘open’ the first day in the Advent Calendar; the best is yet to be, the spectacular taste of that special chocolate treat !!!!!!!!!!!!

This Christmas, the family, the children of Tell Romania, will receive a very special delivery, sent with love and special greetings!.

Just last evening, I received an invitation from Professor Tabita Sass to attend the Christmas Carol Event in Salonta Special Needs School on Wednesday, 10th December, 2014. – I can’t wait to meet the staff and 77 pupils – hopefully some parents also. Let me share a few other special ‘happenings’ within the Moore household this week.

Joanna Magill is the daughter of Pastor & Mrs Jim Magill, Dromore Baptist Church, a very special young lady, so gifted in music. This year, as she celebrated her 17th birthday, she made a request to her friends. ‘Instead of buying a gift for my birthday please send a donation to Tell Romania.’ Her selected project – the Special Needs School in Salonta – There are no words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hours before receiving Joanna’s card containing a gift of £90 – Reid’s Shoes of Belfast had telephoned to confirm they were donating the remainder of the children’s sale shoes to the Special Needs School. But the Manager, Mr Alan Gammon stated regretfully they were unable to meet all the sizes requested – BUT GOD already knew and had placed the need on the heart of a young 17 year old. – All Shoes on route to Romania – arrival date -Thursday!

A special word of gratitude and thanks to Mr Reid (Senior) and to his son Mr. Philip Reid for their Servant Heart shown in such a practical manner.

Not quite finished regarding Salonta – I had occasion to visit Causeway Fabrics in Coleraine where I had the privilege to meet – Kim Gillan and her sister Elizabeth Steel. As I began to chat about my particular role within the work of Tell Romania, Kim & Elizabeth listened intensely and their interest in the children’s work was evident so much so, I had to text ‘The Prof’ who was ‘missing’ – to come and assist in the unexpected donation! The reply : ‘I thought you were only calling in for ???? ‘I thought so to BUT GOD‘. Amazing ! The Special Needs School, Salonta, the Sunflower Sewing Room in Caminul Felix and the Art Therapy Class in Emanuel Hospice will be blessed in provision ‘beyond’ – thanks to the heart(s) of these two special ladies. God’s timing is always perfect and so accurate in every detail. Our sincere appreciation to Mr. Winston Pilair (Owner).

Dr. Moore was lecturing in IBC recently and I took the occasion to meet with a friend from Portadown Baptist Church, Hazel McFadden. We enjoyed ‘catching up’ over coffee and Hazel brought the most beautiful skirts and pinafores specifically made for the children in Romania. The beauty in this provision is they have been made with much love and thought displayed – the attention to detail is amazing and the time and patience incurred is evident. This is another Rainbow in the Cloud and coming to us all the way from Wexford! Again, these have been directed to the Special Needs School. Hazel and her friend Susan also purchased some new clothing for a few of the pupils! The C in Christmas represents the Christ Child – THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD HAS COME – this is why there is a Christmas Day!

Magherafelt BWF have been a tremendous source of support to me in my ministry to the children. To date this has consisted solely of working with Emanuel Hospice Home Care Team and the Roma families in Odoreu. Yet the Lord has extended my role to that of the Special Needs School, Caminul Orphan Village in Felix 1 and the Premature Baby Wing in Blaj. As a young wife, I did question why I did not have the blessing of a ‘child of my own’. NOW look what God has done! Hundreds to love and care – always and ever ‘Unto Him’.

Last week, Dr. Moore took part in the Sunday Evening service in Magherafelt B.C. On top of all their recent provision they presented my husband and I with 77 personal Christmas Gifts for every orphan residing in the six bungalows of Felix 1. I am totally speechless! I can’t wait to see their faces light up with joy as they receive a gift of their very own – Thank You Ladies, you are all special to me but your service is special to the Master.

Susan Anderson, has become a special friend – I have 40 profiling electric beds/mattresses still to collect from Musgrave Park Hospital. An email from her a few days ago and I quote: ‘Hi Shirley, I know the answer before I ask, I have wheelchairs and some other things, do you want them?’ My reply: ‘Susan, you know me so well’. This week we are preparing to observe the priority of the hospital requirement(s) in Cluj for the specialist electric beds. David Morton, leaves today ahead of Dr. Moore and I, his projected plan is to prioritise the requirements within the various hospitals amongst many other commitments. Arrangements will then be made dv to send all 40 beds/mattresses by a shipping container.

Do remember in prayer David, also Dr. Moore – the preaching/lecturing schedule is extremely heavy plus radio recordings on top of appointments etc. Again, pray for me as I travel to the various hospitals and schools to see, to hear BUT ALSO to listen to what God is saying. We all, as a team, need to know the mind of Christ our Saviour.

Brother Ivor Myers has been sent by the Lord specifically for SUCH A TIME AS THIS. One project within the six placed on our heart(s) was major, enormous – as husband and wife we questioned: ‘how can we furnish a Christian Retreat Centre in the mountain area of Racatau?’ Yet we knew this was what the Lord has laid on our heart(s). BUT GOD with precision had set His plans in motion! Ivor was God’s Man for this task! The entire contents of Ski Supreme will now be transported (half already on route) to Racatau – this would never have been possible, this would never have been achievable without the Servant Heart, the Open Heart, the beating Heart of Brother Ivor. We are told in the Word of God, ‘If you want to be great in God’s Kingdom, learn to be the Servant of All’.

May this be our prayer, may this be our aim as we approach another New Year, another year of service, opportunity, challenge Unto Him.

Yours As Unto Him – Shirley, 01 December 2014.