Projects on our hearts

Special Needs School, Salonta

Seventy-Seven pupils attend this Special Needs School where the children are autustic, mentally impaired (some severely) – they do not possess even one pair of shoes – the story is detailed under Tabitha’s Story. WE NEED SHOES AND CLOTHES.

Gypsy Village of Odoreu

Six hundred adults, two hundred children are located within this village, we are endeavouring to supply shoes, provide basic materials such as white boards, jotters, pencils to teach ABC – this form of study would enable the community to find proper jobs removing the pressure of a daily visit to the garbage dumps to hopefully find something to sell to obtain money to buy food for their families. To encourage attendance and ensure the children eat at least one meal each day, a lunch is provided. 

Betel Baptist Church Christian Centre, Racatau

We are looking to the Lord to provide the necessary material(s) to help finish this project:

50 – 80 Beds / Commercial Kitchen, Two Stainless Steel Kitchen Tables, Dishwasher, Fridge, Freezer, Cutlery .What a challenge, an opportunity to reach out, ministering to Youth at Summer Camp(s), Young Married Groups, Elderly – this is a field, ripe unto harvest!

Beds, Stainless Steel Tables, Disherwash – on hold Brother Lyle Simpson, Londonderry. ‘BEFORE YOU CALL, I WILL ANSWER’

Arad Kindergarten

Pastor Ovi Hanc, who graduated at Queens University, Belfast on July 04, has been a PhD student of Dr Moore for some years now, he is currently pastoring a church in Arad and he and his wife, Emma, have commenced an outreach through a Kindergarten – any equipment (indoor or outdoor) would be most welcome, also materials for crafting and colouring books and crayons etc.

I should mention, on our way to the Graduation at Queens University, Belfast. Dr. Moore was led to call at the Belfast City Hospital Stores – it was Divine Leading as this visit resulted in one car load of Stents for Heart, Renal Etc. A certain Professor just made the Prosession in time. Smiling he reminded during his time as Principal of the Irish Baptist College, he used to say to Valerie ‘Tomorrow will be a calmer day’ I wonder which tomorrow? I wait in anticipation.

Orphan Village of Felix

This village is amazing – around twelve individual bungalows are situated and each family are self sufficient. The family who need our help (just now) are brother and sister Bulc who have been serving the Lord in this capacity for twenty-two years, our aim is to provide six bunk beds for their family with appropriate bedding etc.

Emanuel Hospice Refurbishing

To God Be The Glory!  

The largest project and challenge of all has now been met: Humanly speaking I suppose I did question (quietly within) how we were ever going to find Electric Beds etc. The Lord has it all (ALREADY) in control and sorted. Wednesday morning, Brother Bobby Jones, Operations Manager, Belfast City Hospital, contacted my husband – yes you know the answer: “Pastor Moore, if you can arrange collection, I can offer you twenty four Electric Beds! Wow! Next morning, another call – “Pastor Moore, can you arrange to go to Londonderry as I can let you have ten pallets of new Hospital Sheets and Pillowcases! “Great Things He Hath Taught Us, Great Things He Hath Done”. At this point, I should mention the new Hospice when opened in 2016 will accommodate 17 adults and 7 children – yes = 24! Within (yes the same number) 24 hours all was sorted. We were to learn and learn very quickly, the Lord does things in a totally different way that we normally expect or anticipate.

The work of the Hospice is always before me, I am constantly ‘kept up to date’ even though miles separate, we remain one in heart. This month, I would ask you to remember Sister Alina, (38) who is convalescing after complicated surgery due to a cerebral edema. Sister Deblea now a young widow after her husband of 24 passed away two weeks ago, she is left with the responsibility of rearing two little boys. Sister Appetrei also widowed, with three very young children aged 2 – 6. These sisters need our love and prayers, remember them in your private devotions, just to know ‘others’ are praying for you means so very much especially during days when circumstances or situations of life appear meaningless.

A normal start to the day for many is – ‘coffee’ – my coffee always accompanied by my daily reading of “In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley”, during these days of ‘waiting’ I gleaned so much as I read from one of Dr Stanley’s readings on the requirements of faith – I quote:

HUMILITY: To wait for the Lord, you must be convinced of your need for Him. Submission to His divine will requires humility, you cannot charge ahead with your own plans and at the same time be fully surrendered to God. 

PATIENCE: Are you willing to remain in your current position until you receive clear divine direction ? Pausing for clarity from God does not mean that you disengage and allow circumstances to fall apart around you. Waiting upon the Lord is a deliberate decision that required patience.

COURAGE: Waiting for God often takes courage, especially when there is pressure to act. If you’re not careful, you might stop listening to the Lord and follow other advice. So keep your ear attuned to the voice of Almighty God, and you won’t go wrong.

 Waiting upon the Lord is one of the wisest, most important decisions we make in life. And contrary to popular assumptions. It is an active endeavour that requires faith, humility, patience and courage. When you rely upon God and wait for His timing, the various facets of life fall into place.

I acknowledge and am aware my husband has a ‘Band of Men’ but I also know and thank my God for every remembrance of the heartbeat of many of the ladies linked to the various Baptist Women’s Fellowship who have stood beside me this past year and who have taken the time to contact me assuring me of their genuine love, interest and support to the now extended arm(s) of TellRomania. I DO NEED YOU ESPECIALLY THIS INCOMING YEAR – PLEASE STAND WITH ME AND TOGETHER LET US MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

Can you, are you willing to help me gather Shoes/Snow Boots for the Special Needs School in Salonta, the children from Odoreu, Nursery Items for the Kindergarten in Arad? All this is possible as Sisters working together we can fulfil this great need – just basic items is all they ask.

Always available

“Always Available”! The reply Dr. Moore received from brother David Morton – who even though on holiday with his family, was still “Available”.   “No Problem”! The second reply, this time from brother Freddy – the gentlemen (Ballycraigy Congregational Church) whom we had the privilege of meeting during our visit to Cluj in May of this year. The book of Matthew defines the qualities of a genuine disciple and of how we can make a difference to all nations in not only ‘telling the story of Jesus’ (‘Go make disciples of all nations’ Matt. 28V19) but in showing His love through His Bounty ‘Inasmuch as you do it unto one of the least of these…’ Matt. 25v40). The love of Jesus is more precious, more lasting than any gift and so we know in our hearts, the Lord has sent (in His divine plan) men whose hearts burn with a passion to serve.

I remarked last evening to my husband, ‘TellRomania now have their own Apostles i.e., meaning literally ‘sent ones’. We began to list the various men who are from far and near: Ballee,  Banbridge, Castlereagh, Dromore, Magherafelt, Monkstown, Newtownbreda and Tobermore Baptist Churches; Ballycraigy Congregational Church, Forthill Assembly, Free Presbyterian & Pentecostal – the list is endless. Their commitment leaves my husband and I speechless at times – especially during these past two weeks as we have witnessed the “Hand of the Lord” filling the storehouses until they were full to overflowing.

The work load has not only doubled but trebled. We had to Reorganise, Reschedule, Hire Vans, Drive Lorries, Collate Collections, (even go the extra mile) Find further storage space – urgently required!   “BUT GOD” moves, touching hearts, individuals resulting in contacts offering not only equipment (beyond our imagination) but additional storage space in Portadown and Ballyclare with a possibility regarding the Lisburn area. We are aware and acknowledge this is God’s time to fill the storehouses to capacity for the land of Romania. Dr Moore and I had projected plans in place regarding two containers – one to leave during 2015, the other 2016 – to date we could send TWO CONTAINERS – that, in the will of the Lord would leave around the end of October early November! What God starts He will finish; we believe that if God has given the equipment – ( we did not seek or source ) – surely we can look to the Lord that ( somehow) HE WILL meet the financial requirements of the incurred travel and fee expenses.

To wait “By the Brook” requires discipline and certainly commitment. We read in the book of Isaiah 55: 8,9 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways”. We have proved this to be so. As we landed at Belfast International Airport, our thoughts: Finally a little ‘me time’ to settle in to our new accommodation in Portstewart. Arriving home after two extensive trip(s) to Romania – filled with opportunity yet, heavy in heart as we had encountered so many needs, the burning question: “How do we prioritise”? And so we decided to spend a week-end in quiet surroundings waiting before the Lord for His guidance, His wisdom. From a human standpoint, our minds were in “Overload” . The stark realisation “we are only two people” yet so privileged to be used in the provision and challenge in hand: Yet again ‘BUT GOD’ confirmed His plan(s) – as we were vacating our room, paying the account, the owner of the Country House, Gayle Clarke handed Dr Moore 9 pairs of shoes to commence the project for the Special Needs School in Salonta.

A treasured friend once told me (and I have never forgotten his words) “Shirley, be careful what you pray for”! If I were to share with you that as I sat listing the projects so clearly laid upon our hearts, my husband decided to contact David and Freddy who were collecting approximately 7,000 Sheets/Pillowcases from Altnagelvin ( which took 2 journeys from Ballyclare to Altnagelvin).   “I cannot believe this, I cannot take in all in, it is amazing, Shirley, only the Lord could do this”. ‘Please slow down’ I responded.   My husband continued, “A man, I have never met (Lyle Simpson) is responsible for the storage in Altnagelvin, just offered me a Commercial Dishwasher, Two Stainless Steel Tables and 50 – 80 Beds asking have we any use for them”? What do you think?   Only two hours earlier an email from a brother in Cluj, Romania, that the Christian Centre at Racatau needed a Commercial Kitchen and beds for all the bedrooms! The Lord is confirming “This Is The Way, Walk Ye In It” How can we go in our own direction, or make a detour of a comfort zone, when it is evident Divine Power is at the helm.

I am not finished yet! The following morning as the ‘boys’ were returning the van back to Bobby Jones at Belfast City Hospital Stores, they were treated to a visit to the ‘basement’ and David decided to play ‘I Spy With My Little Eye’ asking the question ‘What is happening to that Commercial Dishwasher over in the corner’? Bobby’s reply: – You already know the answer and so as I type – yes – the Dishwasher is being collected!

It is now afternoon – another call ‘Mission Accomplished’ – ‘The Boys’ are on their way home after a somewhat successful WEEK! On top of the items already notified above – I am now told they have secured Bedside Lockers / fourteen Wheelchairs / 10 Bicycles / Walking Frames with yet another episode of surprise on hold – the Lord willing we will share with you at a later date.

This week TellRomania collected : 24 Electric Beds / Bedside Lockers / 7,000 Sheets and Pillowcases / Wheelchairs / Walking Frames / Bicycles / Commercial Dishwashers!

Join with me in Thanksgiving as we stand back in amazement, in awe – what a Mighty God we serve!

Just now, a surprise telephone call from brother Jeff Wilson telling us that he, Eddie and six men from Every Home Crusade, Kinallen spent the day SORTING the Banbridge Store(s) – How do we ever say “Thanks” to men who willing give of their free time, their day with their families, to show their level of care? Words are inadequate! It is exciting, we are ALL workers together in the work of the Kingdom.

These ‘happenings’ are reality and are actually taking place day by day – I know many of you appreciate receiving the updates – yes, I write, sharing my heart with you all. A dear friend and colleague of my husband, spanning many years – Pastor David McFarlane, Moira, gives unstintingly of his time, displaying accuracy, articulate detail as he places these scripts on the web for your prayerful support. Brother David, I THANK MY GOD FOR EVERY REMEMBRANCE OF YOU – my summation as I think of all these brethren: