‘Is there no other way, Lord’: A question I repeat silently in my heart as I wait for news of ‘My Adam’. One month is past, another has begun. My heart, my thoughts are continually at the bedside of a little lamb who remains critical. I wait anxiously for texts, emails ….. Only let it be trust in God, not in man, not in circumstances, not in any of your own exertions, but real trust in God, and you will be helped in your various necessities… … On the other hand, if our trust in the Lord is real, help will surely come. – George Muller. A soothing ointment for today. .Thank you Lord.
ADAM has suffered major, life threatening setbacks and in consultation with Adam’s parents, the doctors recommend slowly removing Adam from the breathing equipment today with surgery planned to proceed tomorrow. At this stage and distance many things remain unclear. But one thing is certain, God can guide the surgeons regardless of the condition of his heart at present.
Together let us make prayer the key that will lock us in as ONE unlocking the sunrise of
His greatness.
Shirley, 04 March, 2019
Open hands
Latest update on 'My Adam'
I was watching the children play just now, their laughter filled my heart and suddenly lyrics from a childhood hymn filled my heart; ‘Gentle Jesus, meek and mild. Look upon a little child’. I knew the Gentle Shepherd was watching over my little one in USA.
TUESDAY, Adam’s heart was causing concern as his heartbeat could not be controlled. The prayerful support of the Family of God has been overwhelming and I personally thank you for remembering this little lamb. News from the Pastor in USA this afternoon is that the surgeons removed fluid from his lungs but during the procedure his heart started to bleed and they found it difficult to control. There is no prognosis long term as yet. At present they are slowly removing Adam from the machines.
‘Loving Jesus, Gentle Lamb
In Thy gracious hands I am.
This afternoon I leave Adam in the hands of the Gentle Shepherd who will carry him.
Shirley. February, 22, 2019
My Little Adam
I have just received word from U.S.A. Adam is very ill with major complications. Because of privacy issues I am unable to show Adam. He is attached to all this machinery. He will be closely monitored until Tuesday when decisions will be made.
The grace of thanksgiving
‘Thanksgiving is a spiritual exercise, necessary to the building of a healthy soul. It takes us out of the stuffiness of ourselves into the fresh breeze and sunlight of the will of God.’
Elisabeth Elliot
‘Cause me to know the way I should walk’. Psalm 143:8. ‘It’s me again Lord and I do not know which way to walk’. Conflicting thoughts fill my mind; faces, names, situations block my thinking. I never imagined love could hurt so much; but then I have the intimate privilege to wait with quietness until the morning dew drops the rains of His grace on my imperfections and impatience. I need to remind myself that ‘AT ALL TIMES’ He is the giver. How many of us ever have the worry if we have food enough for tomorrow? We would never take a meal before saying ‘Grace’ – The Grace of Thanksgiving. I think of one elderly gentleman in a gypsy village whose ‘Grace of Thanksgiving‘ was for a few crumbs of bread. I can still see him smile as he quietly said to me: ‘There is always enough’. In the words of Corrie Ten Boom ‘Love is larger than the walls which shut it in’. Indeed a thought for today.
My heart is heavy as I read the recent update from Estera – Baby Alexandra’s Mum had to give all her money to transport her little darling to hospital, where she lies in the ICU; a young Christian mother, pregnant with her fourth child, no money to buy food as she sat by the cot of her little one. Did she complain? No, she quietly watched, smiling as she touched her little treasure; her heart is broken, yet in the silence of her dark moments she is unafraid. Thou Art My Hiding Place’. This young Christian family needs our prayers; Baby Alexandra is deteriorating.
Sister E (49) diagnosed with a brain tumour and now blind. No one to care for her – only a sister who is severely troubled with Schizophrenia.
Many of you will recall my ‘Little Ella’. Ella is now eighteen, her condition is serious – rapid weight loss, she is now in hospital much of her young life. Her mother Angelina’s life has been one of sorrow, caring for her sick husband who died suddenly last year; both children diagnosed with a rare form of cancer.
Yes, I am disturbed, disturbed because of a love for ‘These My Little Ones’. ‘If only I could make a difference‘ is my waking thought; they are there and I am here! I need to remind myself that ‘AT ALL TIMES’ means simply just that! The Giver of Life is everywhere and ‘AT ALL TIMES’. How do I cope with so much hurt, pain? Again in the words of Elisabeth Elliot: ‘If God gave it to me, we say ‘it’s mine, I can do what I want with it.’ No. The truth is that it is ours to thank Him for and ours to offer back to Him, ours to relinquish, ours to lose, ours to let go of – if we want to find our true selves, if we want real Life if our hearts are set on glory.
We place every single breath into His hands asking and expecting to receive a full supply of His grace.
There are no strangers in ‘The House of Grace. Everyone from homeless, desperately poor, rejected are part of the family of Casa Grace. The cuts go deep and the wounds remain in the lives of the institutionalised teenager. Did they ask to be rejected, unloved, to live life in a wilderness of despair?
They may never achieve greatness or possess riches yet their response to the smallest expression of love portrays a true ‘Grace of Thanksgiving’.
Three ladies from Londonderry have a special interest in Kingdom Kids. Recently I received a telephone call: ‘Shirley, would you have any use or could you use ..?’ Two days before, Dora (Therapist) sent an image of a few children, immediately my mind went into overdrive (yet again) ‘Hamilton, look, they need jumpers …’ An amazing story of God’s timely provision. Six boxes (beautifully packed) sent to Romania and many happy faces this week in the orphanage centre. If we see with our eyes, hear with our ears, feel in our heart something needs to done …. how can we not?
Stefania (12) Cerebral Palsy, Spastic Paralysis (many disabilities) living life in a (borrowed) specially adopted chair specifically designed for her needs. Stefania is unable to speak, walk and totally dependent on her devoted parents. The chair needed to be returned! How could they ever afford to purchase one? Email came to Mrs. Moore. First thought – total panic. Where or how could I or would I find this request? Breathe deeply Shirley ……. yes, that’s better, I can think clearly. Tiptoeing with expectancy a few inquiries were made, but one lesson I needed to learn was not to interfere but wait (even with anxious thoughts) and see God’s plan unfold. Three days later two men who have close links with Tell Romania met in Carrickfergus. In conversation Nigel (who assists with medical supplies) remarked to David he had received a very special chair and … yes you know what is coming. ‘Have you been speaking with Shirley lately?’ David asked. The chair Nigel had was the exact same as the image received from Romania. God has His Servants in the right place at the right time. BUT it does not end there, as we serve an Amazing God. David telephoned a few hours ago. ‘Shirley I have access to another three chairs, do you want them?’ This afternoon, 42B Bernice Road was filled with the Grace of Thanksgiving. The FOUR chairs are now on route to Romania. We serve a God who rules over all; it may be today, it may be tomorrow, but it will come when least expected.
The hill of difficulty is dark for many who walk the cold and unwelcoming streets of Romania. Darkness fills their days, and the daybreak seldom turns to morning for many. Anna is very sick and becoming weaker every day. She has two daughters, Tabita who suffers from a severe disability and Ioana who is trying to learn to sew in our Golden Needle Award class – all facing the reality of losing their very small home. Rents are high and Tabita requires therapy and Anna medication, all incurring expense. A young single mother, raised in the communist orphanage, she and her oldest daughter lived on the streets of Romania for many years. Three daughters were born, tragically the youngest little girl (8) died in a car accident during December. Each day is a struggle, life is without purpose, all is meaningless. Another single mother (26) living in one room with two little boys aged seven and three. This young mother was diagnosed with Leukaemia in 2006. The children also have medical issues as the oldest boy was born with a hole in his heart; and the other little one has Chronic Rheumatism – they live on £100 per month. And still they come. Another single parent with four children living in one room with extremely poor conditions. The baby (nine months) is presently in hospital for over one month now. The doctors cannot confirm his diagnosis but believe it to be a strong virus which is not responding to treatment. During these days the other three children are at home alone without any supervision. The income is £90 per month for five people – they have no money for food, clothes or heating. A very special little boy named Sergiu (13) no smile on his little face when he and his mother first knocked on the door of Casa Grace. The father left the family and the little boy and his mother live with their grandfather who is an alcoholic. The mother has a severe disability. Casa Grace installed running water, a small kitchen and bathroom area to ease the burden of this disabled mum having to carry water.
David Brainerd wrote: ‘We should always look upon ourselves as God’s Servants, placed in God’s world, to do his work; and accordingly labour faithfully for him; not with a design to grow rich and great, but to glorify God, and do all the good we can’.
Each morning we commit our day into His hands and as the two who walked the Emmaus Road, may our journey be one where our hearts and minds are opened and we can see the One who walks with us. Five families all differing in circumstance but all with one need.
‘The Grace of Thanksgiving’ fills my heart today as I thank the Lord for everyone who joins me on this journey. At times I find the need, the pain overwhelming; but then I am reminded that we all have hidden strengths that grace our path sufficient unto the day. Your support brings hope in these hopeless situations; because you care, there is food, hygiene, clothing for those who do not want to face another morning. These precious people cannot stand against the storm alone, they need you, they need me, they need Christ.
- ADAM HAS BEEN ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL IN U.S.A. (it is not related to his surgery)
- Please continue to pray for Ciprian, Daria and Baby Estera
- There are no boundaries to loving enough – 33 Female/16 Male Adult Orphans need to feel loved. If they matter to God, they matter to us!
- ‘STILL WATERS’ PORTSTEWART. A place of quiet rest offering respite to those going through emotional brokenness.Details supplied upon request.
Tears of memory filled my heart; the emotion was overwhelming as I heard my special little boy say (by video) ‘let me see, let me see’. Yes, it was my Adam looking into the lens of the mobile phone trying to see Dora and me.
It was as if he was standing before me – I felt like reaching out to touch his woolly hat. Yes, my heart is still drawn to him and he will always be remembered for the joy he brought into my life. I have been blessed with measureless grace that the Lord brought me down this pathway.
Adam is now in the U.S.A. The missionary couple who have adopted Adam are now facing legal issues regarding Health Insurance. In order for Adam to have a heart transplant he is required to have a two year citizenship. The pastor and his wife are seeking advice regarding the system.
February is the shortest month of the year. Life too is short. I have no eloquence of speech. I simply ask you to pray that the stings of conscience will reverse the decision and that the surgery will take place.
The Lord used one word frequently ‘COME’. Let us ‘COME’ today asking, knowing that He hears the cry of our heart.
Thank you for walking with me
‘Dora, please let me stay a little longer’? Let me explain:
I was feeling somewhat overwhelmed as I approached the Orphanage Centre; my friend Dora (Therapist) had arranged a day visit to incorporate the abandoned baby wing also. We knocked on the door and waited. I could hear the excitement of one little voice and as the door opened, he ran into my arms. He lovingly looked at me with those amazing dark eyes and called me ‘Mummy’. That day, Adam stole my heart! Throughout the visit he held my hand, climbed into my arms, even held on to my hair. Many babies were sucking their thumb and as I stroked their heads, their little cheeks, they smiled as if to say ‘Thank you’ for loving me. I determined to be involved in their lives. I silently prayed for the blessing of a family life for ‘These My Little Ones’.
This special little boy displayed such courage. He was born with a heart defect and many times struggled to breathe. My hospital visits were frequent. Dora and I played with him but when it was time to leave it was a difficult parting.
In my heart I silently prayed ‘Lord, please grant this little gem a future, you are the God who can move mountains …’ The harsh Romanian winter caused Adam to spend many weeks in hospital, during this time an American missionary married to a Romanian lady saw this curly headed little boy and they loved him. An amazing story. ( I share during my church presentations).
Today Adam is on his way to U.S.A. A three year old little one facing the possibility of a heart transplant.
Adam gave me joy, I suppose (if honest) I loved him like my own and so my prayer for him today is that he will grow into a Man of God with a heart for others, creating foundations, changing lives and living life to the Glory of God.
Shirley, 29 January, 2019
‘Sight is not faith, and hearing is not faith, neither is feeling faith; but believing when we neither see, hear, nor feel is faith…Therefore, we must believe before we feel, and often against our feelings if we would honour God by our faith’
Hannah Whitall Smith
‘Lord, I need you to be my silent companion today, I need your quiet spirit within’. Psalm 57: 8 ‘I will awake the dawn’. Oh how I needed to linger alone in His presence this morning, to feel, to touch, to care for those afraid as the night sky disappears, the clouds roll back, and another morning is revealed. Fierce storms of uncertainty, sickness, loss – no pleasant places in view. Yes, my heart is heavy. ‘Am I able to ……?’ I questioned. But then I reminded myself it was in the place of solitude that many giants of faith ‘FOUND HIM’. William Carey wrote : ‘I’m not afraid of failure; I’m afraid of succeeding at things that don’t matter’.
Little Victor (2) was first introduced to you in my October blog, abandoned by his mother when only a baby, he remains in foster care where he is loved. Victor is in hospital receiving treatment for Leukaemia and waiting on a donor to enable a bone marrow transplant to proceed. A new addition to our Feeding Programme, a beautiful baby girl with the most amazing eyes, Baby Alexandra (nine months), diagnosed with a brain tumour, is not responding to treatment and surgery is not an option. Her mother is heartbroken. Alexandra has two other little sisters, and her mother will soon give birth to a fourth child. All three girls have the most beautiful dark eyes that pierce your heartstrings. They are now part of our feeding programme and so thankful for the food provision.
During December many children were bereft of a Father, Mother – no Daddy or Mummy to hug them on Christmas morning. Simona (37) with a beautiful daughter (4); Tabita (43), two daughters (12 & 10); Florin fought so hard to live but finally succumbed to the many tumours growing in his body, leaving a much loved son. Daria and I spent many hours with this precious family who have sacrificed so much. ‘Shirley, do you miss your children, your patients ……?’ A question frequently asked. Not one day passes without some contact either by email; text; skype – I am in constant contact with ‘those I love’; they are part of who I am and have. I am human and grow impatient, yet I know there is a pattern to my life and the threads are still being woven. Please pray the Emanuel Hospice Team will know an inner strength to love, care and support our patients. The numbers are growing to the pressure point where each nurse has at least ten patients every day.
Daily my friend Dora sends video clips of ‘My Kids’ at the centre located in the Orphanage in Oradea. This is when the tears flow; this is when Mrs Shirley (an affectionate term used by my super heros) knows she needs to be back in Romania – I need to hug my little ones and tell them just how much I love them! Please remember Dora in her therapy classes, where under her care abandoned babies, children with disabilities attend on a daily basis. 290 therapy sessions were held last month. Please pray for protection during the severe winter months, it can be a difficult time for children with disabilities as they are prone to infection etc.
Cighid Adult Orphans are part of our care programme and we thank those of you who show your love in different ways to these precious men and women who do not know the love or security of a family environment – thank you for your heart and for remembering them. They are so far removed from society.
Sister Monika continues to head another amazing team who lovingly hold the bruised close in heart. I need to be still as I think of the cares and sorrows piercing their broken hearts. Many have no home, wood, food, every day a shivering figure comes (many making a long journey) asking for help. Others wander the freezing streets of Romania hoping to find a space beside the homeless. Where does this road lead or where does this rough road end? These people are scarred, wounded by cruel arrows of life. Last weekend proved to me that the Lord doesn’t want me to worry or dwell on how I am feeling, but to live by faith and not by sight. £15,000 is required for the feeding programme each year. God had the first three months of 2019 in His hand – the Feeding Programme is covered January – March for Emanuel Hospice, Casa Grace and Iochebed. I thanked the Lord for the richness of His grace in His provision for this measure of abundance, touching your hearts to lovingly supply the needs of the hurting and broken. Thank you for your sense of call knowing no bound or end. I could not do this alone and each day as I humbly ask for His guidance, His provision – it arrives, never late, never early but just in time – waiting is difficult but it forms a bond of trust that cannot be shaken. A single mother, very sick with no money for food, tests, medical treatment, surviving on £15 per month. The Lord removed the winter in her heart by sending the much needed resources through the love and care of a couple from Co. Londonderry. Crushed by the circumstances of life, this couple has bathed her wounds and given hope. May this precious lady prove that ‘When darkness veils His lovely face, to rest on His unchanging grace…’
Iochebed – a different work from Emanuel Hospice, Casa Grace … but still part of the many outreaches linked with Tell Romania. Sister Gaby and her team minister to hundreds of village women in the depths of despair. No one to turn to; no one to help. During my time in Suceava I was brought face to face with many painful realities of life where decisions had to be made. The team give of their time and patience without counting the cost. One case brought to my attention today : ‘A young mother (25) with three young daughters, in urgent need. Expecting her fourth baby – her husband could not provide for another little one. ‘What can I do, where can I go …..?’ I cannot go into details owing to patient confidentiality. During the pregnancy many health risks were identified – no money for the required tests or treatment. The baby has been born but baby food costs approximately £46 each month. Tell Romania can assist as God provides remembering that ‘Little is much when God is in it’ ‘Who is my neighbour?’ Thank you for giving food to your hungering neighbour.
Silvia (one of my girls) spoke with me by skype – I was so thrilled to see her and her husband who is one of the Theology students in Emanuel University. Silvia’s passion – Child Life Romania where she cares for the children on the oncology wards of the local hospital in Oradea. Another large box of ‘surprises’ is on route for these children and the desperately poor children on the general wards. Alex and Silvia head a team of students making three mission trips to Moldova each year working with various churches and distributing Bibles. Thank you to those who have sent gifts designated for the purchase of Bibles.
Dina (The Farm) also spoke with me by skype. Great to put a face to a voice. In November we brought to your attention the need for bicycles. David and Freddie will take bicycles to the courier this weekend and they will arrive in Cluj three days later. David’s invitation is still extended to join the work team leaving 6 – 20 May to work on this project. I have an amazing picture of a little orphan girl brushing the snowdrifts with a soft floor brush. Speaks volumes. This is her place of refuge.
I made reference earlier to ‘MY GIRLS‘ – as I reflect I have such joy as they were part of my life during their years of study at Emanuel University. Many now married and new Mum’s – Miriam, Oana (baby daughters) Anca (baby son). Daria was my first point of contact in Emanuel Hospice six years ago; we have laughed together, cried together and possess such a bond of friendship. My joy was complete when I received word last week that Daria gave birth to a baby daughter (Estera). Baby Estera is premature (20 weeks) and weighed just over three pounds at birth. We give thanks Daria is well and the baby is gaining weight.
The heavy snows have fallen in Romania with freezing conditions – Hamilton and I are praying that in the will of the Lord, together it will be possible to plan a mission trip for early March. Our hands are full of work; we do not slack; we continually place our offering before Him knowing we are called to serve. We will go to give to others what He has given us to do.
So many sad faces, young and old, drenched with tears; help me wipe their tears; help me pour in the oil of kindness to those just longing for a ‘Smile’.
Shirley, 16 January, 2019
‘I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for the day.’ Abraham Lincoln
Love came down at Christmas
‘Who can add to Christmas?’
‘The perfect motive is that God so loved the world.
The perfect gift is that He gave His only Son.
The reward of faith is that you shall have everlasting life’.
(Corrie Ten Bloom)
Christmas, the moment ‘love was born’. A love that gave all to save the world. Rev. Billy Graham wrote: ‘The very purpose of Christ’s coming into the world was that He might offer up His life as a sacrifice for the sins of men. He came to die. This is the heart of Christmas’. And so I ask ‘Is our hearts open this Christmas to receive, to give, to worship, to adore the Lamb of God from Heaven?’ My own heart is drawn to those who hold little handfuls of thorns, thorns of sickness, loneliness, memory. Can we cease for a moment from ‘tradition’, and remember those who sit in silence and alone? With tenderness of heart, reach out with ‘Good Will towards men’.
We remember our childhood days were filled with a baby lying in a manger, shepherds sitting silently on a Bethlehem hillside, wise men travelling from afar, the appearance of a star, all leading to a rose without thorns, the Rose of Bethlehem, born to glorify the Father, born to wear the thorns for me.
Sadly this Christmas will be different for many near to my heart. No gifts to wrap for Denisa, Dada, Florin, Robi, Deborah, John …… My heart breaks as I think of these precious Mums bereft their little lamb and still in the houses visited by the Emanuel Hospice staff, pain remains, sadness, tears, death and grief. I ask you to lovingly wrap the gift of prayer and remember both staff and patients. Tabita (42) with two small little girls in the final stages of terminal illness; Baby Alexandra (8 months) diagnosed with a brain tumour, she is not responding to treatment; Little Emanuel (8) diagnosed with leukaemia; Dr. Sonia R in terminal stage of cancer with metastasis over her body; the family of Doru (59) who was called home a few days ago. These are real people not just cases, the thorns of life are crushing just now, they are in the winter of their life. Love came down at Christmas, Love all lovely, Love divine, Love was born at Christmas …
Kevin is progressing well, so excited as he walks with the aid of crutches. The aid of prosthesis is required during sleeping hours to ensure his feet will not revert back to the previous position. Kevin is still smiling and knows we are praying for him.
As I stepped outside this morning, the air felt cold and unwelcoming; clouds covered the sky, the trees had shed many leaves now wet and withered from the battering winds. My mind again wandered to the oncology wards where parents pace the cold and unwelcoming corridors harbouring deep sadness that their little one will not be home for Christmas. Monkstown Baptist Sunday School filled amazing shoe boxes for the special boys and girls – Thank you for bringing a smile to beautiful little faces.
As I linger with my thoughts I think of the Cighid Adult Orphans who have entered my heart; tears fill my eyes when I compare the preparation of Christmas Homecomings for those who are loved, the welcoming arms of family, the calming thought of ‘Going Home’. Thirty Three Female and Sixteen Male residents live in a forest area two hours from Oradea. This morning as I write to you I have received confirmation special gifts are on their way to these special people. A friend whose heart was ‘touched’ gave this special delivery wrapped in love – I wish I could deliver these special packages in person, to share their joy – perhaps next year? In our business, we ‘pass by’ unaware of the pain or hurt within. Will they ever be home for Christmas?
Change resides in each one of us; as I look back it seems like yesterday since my own childhood days. But as I remember the blessings, tokens of love, meaningful words, it brings a measure of appreciation for pleasant places of memory. Some time ago I shared the story of Sister Anna who loved her children so much, she gave two away to the state orphanage for years. What other decision could she make since she had no money to feed them! Change indeed has taken place for this family, Anna is now reunited with her three children, working in a local factory in Oradea enabling her to provide a small flat with two small bedrooms in a pleasant neighbourhood. Winter is very severe, as the state control the heating system in Romania. Therefore the costs can be high and she is only one of the hundreds of families who knock at the door of Casa Grace (House of Grace) having perhaps no food, no wood for even a small flicker of a flame ……. In this threadbare world they live still they have hope, expectations. They are grateful for your food parcel as they arrive in their patched clothing. I look on this as a ‘ministry’ an opportunity to melt their hearts of stone evident by a lack of love, just someone to care enough to show it.
Another family living in such poor conditions in a remote village. A single mother, very sick, requiring medical tests but without money to pay. Each day a struggle to find food for her son (15) without wood, cooking facilities, trying to survive on £15 per month. The food parcel sent by Tell Romania is the only source of food received. This is only one of the many desperate people who need to know we care. Other families require two food parcels each month. £5 weekly will change hungry eyes into eyes of joy. How much more can we give? Our heart of love!
‘Please Sir, may I have some more’ is a famous line from the musical Oliver. Twelve children in one family, one tiny little boy standing beside the broken cooker – hungry! The wouldn’t ask for a cooker but the Lord provided a new cooker – the team of Casa Grace minister day by day but they need our support to continue to feed the hungry, reach the unloved and touch the rejected homeless shivering under the bridges of a freezing Romania. Some only know hardship and poverty, living in endless fear of violence and abuse. Their eyes speak of weariness and sorrow, partings. Stop! Pause for a moment. Can we calm the storm within the tossing waves of life?
My ‘Super Hero’s’, how I love them. The orphans, down syndrome, abandoned little ones. Sister Dora does an amazing job in holding these treasures in her heart. I love the personal messages daily reminding me of my commitment my pledge to love and care for ‘These My Little Ones’.
As we stand on the brink of 2019 let us reach out to those without hope in this life that in the clamour of their lives their hearts can be revived, their strength can be renewed as they will listen for the still voice of the Lord. There is hope in days of hopelessness through the sighs of brokenness.
‘LOVE CAME DOWN AT CHRISTMAS’ Yes, love came for you, for me. Love was His story, calling our name. A love that is limitless, amazing, beyond words and this love is Ours!
I have highlighted prayer points for Emanuel Hospice, Casa Grace, Cighid Orphans, Child Life Romania. In the new year I will update you on the work of Iochebed, Bucharest Street Children, The Farm (Cluj).
Let us bow down, let us worship the Rose of Bethlehem whose fragrance breathes hope and whose beauty touches every seeking soul.
What can I give him poor as I am?
If I were a Shepherd I would bring a lamb;
If I were a Wise Man I would do my part
Yet what can I give Him?
Shirley, 18 December, 2018
Building anew!
‘In the Lord put I my trust’ Psalm 11:1.
‘Touch us with the fire of Thine altar, that we may be up and doing, to rebuild our city’ Robert Louis Stevenson.
The high winds had eased and a soft breeze filled the air. Another beautiful autumnal morning. I turned toward the copper beech to be greeted by a confident song bird perched comfortably and whose pitch was perfection. It is in the least unexpected moments I receive from His hand, whenever and however I need most. Perhaps a spoken word, or in silent solitude! This morning one lonely tiny bird was my messenger. I found myself looking across the mountains, high, lofty and yet for many a difficult climb to make with a burdened heart. Names of precious friends filled my heart, those for whom the struggles of life are overpowering just now, where for them the School of Pain contains hard lessons to bear.
‘Lead me higher, nothing dreading,
In the race to never stop;
In Thy footsteps keep me treading,
Give me grace to reach the top’.
Last evening I was reading the call of Abram; three words impacted my mind. ‘I will bless’. We read on to find ‘Abram left, as the Lord had told him’ We see the goal but first we must encounter the storms. During the past four months, life for ‘The Moore’s’ knew change. I have lost count of the endless conversations trying to reach conclusions. I think of Jacob who lingered ….. Elijah who withdrew …… you know the stories well. We have been there, made the journey, now it is time to commence Building Anew. As the Psalmist we can say: ‘My mediation of Him shall be sweet’. In the loud voices of silence we have a constant companion.
Hamilton has come through a different experience for him personally, his last illness in hospital being at the age of seventeen. A recent setback did cause concern; still we knew that our faith rested on the promises of God. F. B. Meyer penned: ‘Oh, for grace to wait and watch with God!’ Do continue to remember the work of Tell Romania. Our projected plans for 2019 are now in action, the work continues to expand. It is our heart’s desire to return to our beloved Romania. God already knows the precise moment. We are waiting! What have I learned through this situation? I never walked alone! The Lord sent this circumstance into my life and throughout the various trials the Lord was with me. The days I could not see clearly or think clearly I knew that His purpose was higher than any challenge I faced. Slowly the wider picture is evolving. Tell Romania is expanding their borders. 2019 is going to be a busy year! EMANUEL HOSPICE. CASA GRACE FOUNDATION. CIGHID ORPHANS. CHILD LIFE ROMANIA. IOCHEBED. BUCHAREST STREET CHILDREN. STILL WATERS AND A NEW ADDITION – HOME FARM. Are we planning early retirement? NO TIME!
This month we will focus on five of the eight arms of outreach:
KEVIN is able to walk with the aid of a walking frame. He is now entering his fourth week of physiotherapy; please continue to pray Kevin will be able to walk unaided in the very near future.
Two new patients to the Feeding Programme: GEORGY (51) diagnosed with bronchopulmonary cancer. He is very weak but through the witness of the Hospice Team came to know the Lord Jesus. He was baptized in Emanuel Baptist Church, Oradea last Sunday. DAMI (15) diagnosed with a brain tumor. Dami is unable to attend school owing to his illness. He too came to know the Lord and was also baptized with his mother in Emanuel Baptist Church. Note the importance of reaching people with the gospel of the Lord Jesus and through the simple method of a small bag of food for the hungry. Can you help feed the dying until their final days? Will you offer dignity in love by becoming part of our Feeding Programme but more importantly in reaching one for His Kingdom?
Little Ishmael (6) who has had twenty surgeries, smiled so much when he received from NI the colostomy bags. My friend Estera said it was as a child receiving a much wanted toy on Christmas Morning. I have no words!
Our hearts surround the terminally ill patients and their families, we pray for sustaining grace, courage in the battle related to their illness, a mother longing to hold her little one. This Christmas my heart breaks when I think of my little treasures who will not be part of our Hospice Christmas Celebrations. May all the families who have loved and lost know the tender loving care of our compassionate Lord. As I write their little faces come before me – they entered my heart. I had the joy of loving, if only for a short time.
Casa Grace continue to reach desperately poor families who struggle with the expenses incurred during the freezing conditions, the icy cold winds of Romanian winter months – they have no money for wood, no heat, no running water, no light … We can offer hope even in this small way.
A village lady whose husband contracted an unknown virus triggering Amiotrophic Sclerosis —- he died on 22 October leaving this precious mother alone to care for thirteen children. Thirteen hungry children! Tell Romania refurbished a new Sewing Room complete with eight new sewing machines. Headed by Sister Dana, an amazing lady with a heart filled with love and compassion and whose patience is an example as she quietly teaches the nine month Golden Needle Award Module. Four of the girls now attend classes in order to learn seamstress skills.
ANNA whose mother died when she was only aged eleven, wanders the cold streets of Romania trying to find reality. ‘My father is an alcoholic, what have I to go home to’? Food for thought!
Sister Dora working tirelessly with the orphan and abandoned children. These children did not choose to be born this way, their piercing eyes longing just to be loved, hugged and made feel special. Dora’s heart beats with love for all these precious jewels. Ninety Down Syndrome Children receive weekly therapy in the specially designed and furnished room provided by Tell Romania.. Little surprises of video clips suddenly appear on my email and with tears streaming down my face, I smile and long for the day when I can again be part of this class, where just to see their smile of welcome tells me ‘I am home’. It is a privilege to support the work of Casa Grace.
CHILD LIFE ROMANIA offer support to children and families admitted to hospital suffering from cancer or as diagnosed from the Haematology / Oncology spectrum. Syliva has been one of ‘My Girls’ for six years – she calls me her adopted mum! A special young lady I have watched grow in the Lord. She married one of Dr. Moore’s Theology students in 2017 and they are an amazing young couple with a missionary focus birthed in their hearts. Sylvia returned on Friday from the USA after taking and passing her final Child Care examinations. I recall those special afternoons with her on the hospital wards, corridors where I met parents and grandparents, embracing the opportunity to tell them I know a man who loved so much He gave …. A little word in season
Sister Gaby heads the team of IOCHEBED. There is an urgent need now for Dried Powder Milk (0-1) year old babies, nappies and hygiene products. Three BWF are collecting for this project.
HOME FARM is based in the village of Borsa (near Cluj). The land was recently purchased by a Christian organisation called Pas cu Pas translated in English, Step by Step. They work with orphans, taking them out of the orphanage for a period of time, helped in their task by volunteers, some of whom are orphans themselves. Eventually it is the aim to teach skills which in turn would lead to employment and to use the farm as a base for this teaching. Home Farm is under the supervision of a couple from Iris Baptist Church , Cluj, (Dina and Gabriel) David Morton (one of the directors of Tell Romania) is heading a work team 06 – 20 May, 2019; an invitation has been extended to get involved in this project. Anyone interested in being part of this opportunity should contact David. I will be happy to forward contact details.
Home Farm need ‘bicycles’. Do you have a bicycle you no longer use? Would you like to donate it to Home Farm? If so, please contact me. Piece by piece the puzzle of their young lives will finally fit through the love and interest shown by those who care.
Yes, we are building anew. All the Lord is asking is our time, our service. As we approach this special time of year when Heaven’s Child became our gift can we give the gift of ourselves for His kingdom.
Five areas of need, as I place on paper I myself am overwhelmed. I begin to question where, how … feelings of inadequacy crowd around me. I have failed before I begin if I allow feelings to replace faith.
George Muller’s secret:
Take the golden key, He calleth thee
Enter into the holy place.
Lord, help me find the secret and apply it to my life in simple childlike faith.
Shirley, 14th November, 2018
In for repair
‘The Lord will be the place of repair of His people’ (Joel 3: 16)
With a quiet heart I wait; there are no unanswered questions clouding my mind. At times I find myself ‘looking in’ or ‘checking’ all is well with Hamilton, confined yet keeping busy adding finishing touches to his new book ‘Glory in the Cross’. Yes, I have my own thoughts, my own concerns; methinks no soldier in the King’s army is ever laid aside; he remains on active service waiting for orders for a new commission. Ours is not to question, ours the responsibility to trust with inner peace.
Our new surroundings are filled with an overwhelming sense of quietness. ‘How do you like your new home?’ I am frequently asked. Let’s just say the solitude, the peace is precious for in the silence of my soul I am reminded of the times our Lord needed rest. We read ‘He withdrew himself into a desert place and prayed’ or ‘He went out into the mountain to pray’ ….. the power of silence, the hush that tells us to ‘stand still’. God is working out His plan.
Tell Romania has experienced months of sadness; speaking personally, I still feel the emptiness, the pain of parting with those I loved. I now face the reality of ‘what more can I do?’; ‘how do I go forward into 2019?’. Estera and Monika share their hearts, their concerns for those who are still broken, lives torn apart and undone by the cruel winds of time. I long to run to them, hold them close and tell them I know a Man whose love and compassion with gather you, restore the wasted years – He is the Lover of Broken Hearts and with loving hands will reshape and remould a broken vessel into one of beauty. Most evenings as I lay my head on the pillow, sleep is far removed. I look up at the darkened sky and I know the stars are hiding there somewhere. This is the moment I trust in the untraceable ways of the Lord and remember that all my days are His and as I go forward with projected plans for 2019 I must commit – I must trust. Perplexed; Disappointed? I am not forgotten; what He has promised He will do. He will work it out.
My friend Pastor David McFarland just telephoned; his son Jonathan has been assisting in the production of our new Power Point presentation; Jonathan has grasped the passion of my heart. David commented, ‘Shirley as I watched the presentation on Leukemia my heart was deeply moved’. I knew what he meant because if honest my own heart is broken as I watch Denisa, Dada, Robi, John, Emanuel, Baby Florin and Deborah. I cannot imagine the heartache of their precious Mums. I think of Lilianna whose life has been dedicated to her beloved Denisa. Little Dada who told her Mummy just before she died ‘Please don’t cry Mummy. Jesus is coming for me’. All these young people and babies were blessed with food through the Feeding Programme; their families will continue to be fed during 2019. A new little lamb to our Feeding Programme – Victor (2) who was abandoned by his mother when only a baby. He is now in foster care where he is loved. Just now he is in hospital receiving treatment for Leukemia. ‘Who will care?’ We care!
Kevin’s planned surgeries have now been completed – tomorrow the cast from his legs will finally be removed. Kevin will wear special shoes for a period of time and will attend Physiotherapy classes – he cannot believe that finally after nine years he will be able to walk – thank you for supporting this family in prayer. They also receive food from the Feeding Programme.
The days of the Casa Grace team are busy as they reach out to desperately poor families, maintain the care of the orphan, disabled children and abandoned babies. I call to mind one gypsy family I visited, in danger of losing their home. Situated at the side of a site being demolished by the local authorities, it appeared the situation was hopeless. As a family and together we continued to pray, the Lord answered prayer – they have received local approval to remain in their home. Jehovah Jireh – Our Provider. Monika spends time with many of the children struggling without a Mum or Dad. I think of two little girls in particular who really miss their Mum; they have no one to help them with homework and in particular mathematics. Fear has caused them to become introverted. I spent many afternoons with their Mum, an amazing lady who loved the Lord and had a very special grace during her final weeks, I understand their loss. Others who do not know the meaning of a loving godly home, who are found wandering the Romanian courtyards at night – nothing at home only an alcoholic father. Children are crying! Telephones are silent! The cold and hungry homeless one! The runaway, the one who has lost their way – can we point them homeward? Love will never fail!
Iochebed continue to counsel hundreds who ‘Knock’. their door. Gypsy families who have no one to care; single girls who have lost their way. Mothers who have made the decision to keep their baby, unable to afford the necessary medicines, dried milk, clothes. Children who feel inferior yet through a simple act of love in second hand clothing, shoes, back pack, can now go to school. Advice is given to women facing difficulties in their family, widows too old, too tired to work in the fields and who know nothing, only endless poverty. Babies needing nourishment. Iochebed reaches out and touches lives. Tell Romania are involved and pledge their support during 2019 as the Lord sends in His plan and purpose.
The House of Grace in Bucharest is where each week Monday to Friday lunch is prepared/served to 250 homeless or poor people, 20 meals delivered to elderly disabled folk, with a day centre in operation for disadvantaged children where around 100 attend and receive a meal.
The Toma Sisters: I can see that God has given what was needed in His time and in His plan. This family consisting of ten children (two married) have known such pain and suffering, five of their children have all been involved in car accidents (the four sisters recently) one son remaining in a coma after one year. I could say indeed their fields are parched, they need the rain of refreshing showers. But even though their sky shows ‘a little cloud’ just now, their trust, their faith, is steadfast, knowing that as they wait greater clouds of blessing will come. They remain under the care of Emanuel Hospice and have now been accepted as a family who will receive help for two years with Casa Grace Foundation. Please remember them.
At times I am impatient and lack sensitivity in discerning the beginnings of God’s mercy, which are new every morning.
In summation, some gems from the book of Isaiah.
Instead of the dry land, springs of water!
Instead of heaviness, the garment of praise!
Instead of the thorn, the fir tree!
Instead of the brier, the myrtle tree!
Instead of ashes, beauty
The Lord is MY shepherd, I shall not want.