‘A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.’ (John 13: 34-35).
Another Wednesday – recording day in the Moore household for the new online teaching ministry – the 500 Plus Community. Hamilton commenced a new series this morning entitled ‘The Master’s Men’. (see https://www.youtube.com/@500PlusCommunity launching on Friday 28th June) I found myself thinking of them as ordinary men, a son, brother, twin, husband, father… Peter; James; John; Andrew; Philip; Judas Iscariot; Matthew; Thomas; James, the son of Alphaeus; Bartholomew; Thaddaeus and Simon the Canaanite. I wonder what thoughts went through their minds as they waited for the Master’s words of instruction. The story begins and ends identifying clearly ‘Loving God and loving one another’. The reason we were created was surely to resemble, reflect and reveal the character of Christ. The love we share with the Lord can never be narrowed.

In my May prayer update, my colleagues were the focus of my attention. July and August are busy months as our three foundations and Pastor Andrei are engaged in preparation for summer and bereavement camps. This month, I invite you to join with me in holding the work of Emanuel Hospice, Casa Grace, Iochebed, also Sofronea, close in prayer as they enter lives of marginalised, displaced, unwanted and bereaved children. Children without someone to love them, children without someone to hold them when they stumble and fall, children who have no stability, whose home changes according to circumstances. Please take a moment of reflection and as you prayerfully read, hold them close.
One week out of a fifty-two-week year is all the pleasure these little ones can call theirs. Suddenly, they matter in this special place, in the place where a personal memory of ‘belonging’ is born. The final day of camp is difficult, children sobbing asking ‘Why must I leave, do I really have to go?’ Those who never knew how to pray asking: ‘Please remind me how to pray’. Returning ‘home’ is fearful for many, the love, adventure, fun, interaction has suddenly gone. Little hearts without joy and security where their tiny voice remains unheard. They cry out for someone to listen; they need to know they are loved. Will you hold them in your heart by pausing for a moment and whispering the name of a little one that has touched your heart. I find myself pausing, thinking of a new work involving support from Tell Romania as we try to help Sister Berta and Sister Carmen where the Roma children live and search for food at the foot of a garbage mountain …. The story never ends!
Gabi writes:
God bless you Sister Shirley
How wonderfully God works in our lives; we see Him all around us and in everything we do. The beauty of creation shouts ‘Hallelujah, praise the Lord!’. We as a small team of three want to thank you and all who work so hard from afar. Those who have placed themselves in God’s service and who cause many wonders to happen in the lives of these women that have reached a huge crisis in their lives. We thank God for you, because only with His support through you, can we help people who are tested, in needs and lacks that are certainly extraordinary circumstances in our world. They struggle to survive. I ask you to pray for us as we engage in arranging the various summer camps. Many children and teenagers will attend and we ask you to pray specifically that as we endeavour to teach and show by example the true meaning and importance of living a holy life before the Lord, it will cause those who listen to want to be different, to be an example in this world.
Dana is a twelve-year-old girl who is ten weeks pregnant. During her twelve years, she has only attended school for three years. Dana is a very sensitive child with many delays and issues, unable to study at any level. Being an only child, unfortunately her parents did not insist on regular school attendance. Dana became involved with a twenty-one-year-old male and is now pregnant; this man refuses to take responsibility for his actions. Dana’s parents have decided to lodge an official complaint. As Christian parents, they will raise the baby. This family is in much need of prayer, Dana’s father is ill after suffering two heart attacks with a stent intervention. May God help Dana to carry the baby full term as she is very much underweight.
Elisabeta is only eighteen and already is the mother of two children aged two and nine months. She is now sixteen weeks pregnant with her third child. Elisabeta is concerned about managing her pregnancy and taking on full responsibility for rearing her three children. Elisabeta is finding caring for two babies and her third pregnancy somewhat overwhelming and is very weak. May God place His Hand upon Elisabeta and strengthen her body to carry this pregnancy full term. Difficult days for an eighteen-year-old.
Estera and Adriana share:
My Dear sister Shirley, greetings to you and Dr. Moore
Our annual Hospice camp, scheduled this year, is dedicated to offering support and fun experiences to children facing serious illnesses. The attendees include our patients diagnosed with cancer or other life-threatening illnesses, the siblings of our child patients, and children who have a parent in our care in a terminal condition. As we continue to work on organizing the camp, we are prayerfully and carefully considering the theme that will bring joy and inspiration to these brave young participants.
Floare is a patient with kidney cancer; both her legs are paralyzed, which is related to spinal issues. This dear lady lives each day experiencing great pain in her lower limbs. Despite all the measures taken by our medical team, Floare has developed large pressure sores on the lower part of her body, adding to her pain and discomfort. Recently, she was baptized at home, she needs our prayers in order to stay on the path the Lord has paved for her.
Sophia (4) has just been diagnosed with Rett syndrome; a condition that makes her entirely dependent on her mother. Due to multiple health issues, Sophia has been admitted to hospital on many occasions. Memories of her first four years are not of fun, play time, only illness. Despite her exhaustion, Sofia’s mother cares for her with unwavering love. It would mean the world to them to know that people are keeping them in their prayers.
Monika writes:
Precious friends,
We are in prayerful preparation for our summer camps of 2024 where we will host thirty-five children on the first week. The second week is designed specifically for teenagers where we plan to host at least twenty-five teenagers. We ask you to hold these sixty children in your heart and that God’s placement will be according to His plan and purpose in their lives. During camp days, we want to show God’s love and tell of His plan of salvation. Those in attendance represent the families we support with food. hygiene, clothing, shoes, school supplies, medical tests. We offer guidance and counselling during difficult days. All backgrounds are represented: the loss of a parent, alcohol abuse, learning difficulties, all resulting in a lack of food, living conditions and all other negative issues related to the depth of poverty, both physically and spiritually. Please, keep us in your prayers – may all of us as leaders be able to remain strong in Him, to identify the problems connected to each child. May the daily bread we offer fill their hunger and quench their thirst.
The Patcas family are a family who have been known to us for many years. A family who struggles to survive. During the husband’s illness the entire family were forced to move to the village home of their elderly grandfather where three adults and seven minors shared the limited accommodation. There were many dark days, yet, God was watching over this precious family, His providence proved sufficient. Now, the mother and three of her daughters are attending our sewing class, in order to be able to raise money for their daily bread. The grandfather, who was in his late nineties loved his grandchildren; sadly his love is no more as he died very suddenly. It is evident something is missing in their hearts as all the girls are very sad, they miss his love, his wisdom and his hugs. Unfortunately, their family income will decrease substantially as they depended on the grandfathers old age pension to assist with the demands of the everydayness of life. May Our Father see their sorrow and provide the resources required.
Andrei writes:
Sister Shirley, I am thankful for this year and the ministry accomplished throughout the first six months of 2024, especially among children. This summer we will continue the ministry with several camps. Presently, eight children from our Ferma church outreach are in a Christian camp in Varfurile. We, as a fellowship pray that God will search their hearts and that they be open to receiving the gospel. During the first week of August, we will hold a Vacation Bible School in Sofronea. The Bible School will be held for three hours each day, where they will be taught scripture verses, songs and learn the art of fun and play together. Our desire is to reach children and their parents with the Gospel.
My personal prayer request: I pray that all the children will receive the gospel through these meetings. This is the greatest desire of my heart right now.
Here we have a lot of prayer points as we remember all our summer outreach camps during July and August. Tidal waves sweep over our case studies, I question myself and have recognised that it is certainly easier for me to write than to think of living in their world. My colleagues value your prayers but even more as they try to impact young lives during the summer months at camp. Camp is a place filled with love, joy, peace; pray young hearts filled with attitude, resentment and discouragement will not just ‘Go On’ regardless but will have a desire to ‘Go On’ a new journey of self-discovery in the Lord.
My prayer update will resume in September and in the will of the Lord as we reach forward to those things which are ahead, we hold in our hearts and cherish the call to serve. I am reminded of Hebrews 10: 24 ‘Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.’
To think you formed the heavens
Poured out the rushing seas
You carved the mighty mountains,
In all their majesty
Such glory in Your kingdom
O Lord, how can it be
That You could take the time
To be every breath to me? (Janet Pascal)
Shirley, 26, June 2024 (42b Bernice Road, Craigarogan, BT36 4QZ)