“When we come to the end of ourselves, we come to the beginning of God.
(Billy Graham)

‘For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour who is Christ the Lord’. (Luke 2: 11-14)
A little one, eyes dancing with excitement repeatedly asks: ‘how many sleeps to Christmas now?’ Christmas 2024 will hold secrets of broken hearts who sit alone listening for a simple knock at their door, painful memories as they gaze at an empty chair; the quietness where once the infectious laugh of a little darling rang through the room, now silenced forever. Time for me to pause, to be in the hush of His presence, to be so still within my soul, I hear only the soft whisper of reassurance. This is my time when I am totally alone with my thoughts but more importantly when I am totally alone with my Lord. Each day dark clouds overshadow many hearts, the dark shadows of pain and loss almost unbearable. I need to be alone to whisper their names, to actually feel the quiet air of the atmosphere where if I reach out my hand, I feel His touch, hear His voice whispering ‘Be Still.’ Billy Graham also wrote in one of his famous quotes: “When wealth is lost, nothing is lost. When health is lost, something is lost. When character is lost, everything is lost.” Let us embrace Bethlehem in our hearts – our teams share the beauty of the Rose of Bethlehem; different outreaches touching the blackness of terminal illness, poverty, lack of purpose, abandoned children, the forgotten in Cighid…
Precious young Alex Toma was called home a few days ago. Brother and Sister Roma and their family are devastated, they need to feel the love and support of our prayers holding them close in our hearts. It is an incredibly difficult time as they come to realise the immense loss of their beloved son, Alex, who was just seventeen years old. Alex suffered a long and challenging journey during the past seven years, facing his struggles with resilience, being in a coma and confined to his bed. In his final weeks, he endured persistent fevers, while our dedicated Emanuel Hospice team watched his condition worsen each day. May our hearts touch his family as they try to navigate this unwanted road of an extremely painful loss. The days of adjusting ahead will be difficult.
Take a moment to pause, to pray for little Noemi, a precious four-year-old girl who has two older siblings and is lovingly cared for by her mother. Noemi is facing the challenges of AGS syndrome, which significantly impacts her mobility. She was supposed to undergo brain surgery, a glimmer of hope for better health, but the doctors have sadly informed her mother that they cannot proceed due to the considerable risks involved. This news has left her mother heartbroken, and she truly needs our support and prayers during this incredibly difficult time.
Diana is a young patient suffering from kidney cancer and spinal metastasis; we have written about this particular case previously. A young lady with two young daughters; sadly, Diana’s condition is slowly worsening. Sister Adriana visited her last week and was shocked by the deterioration. During the past months, Diana’s condition remained stable. She is divorced from the father of her daughters, living in fear due to his aggressive nature. In her present state of weakness, she has expressed deep concern that, after her death, the girls will be cared for by their father.
Alina is the eighteen-year-old patient with osteosarcoma whom we wrote about in our last prayer update. Alina has now been admitted to hospital and is in fact in the ICU, her state of health is rapidly declining. During the past weeks, it has become apparent that she has grown closer to God. She requested for someone to read the Bible to her. We pray that through listening to God’s word she will eventually find her peace with God before it is too late.
Sebi was abandoned by his mother and subsequently lived with his alcoholic father. Sebi longed for one thing, simply to be loved, to feel someone’s arms around him, assuring him that he was wanted, loved and important even to someone. The home was very basic with little or no food. Any surplus money was used to purchase alcohol. Most days, Sebi had no food in his tummy; the pangs of hunger were part of his everyday young life. His young body lacked the nutrients every young boy requires to grow, to build strong bones. Tell Romania have supported this little one and our silent prayers have been answered. Sebi has just celebrated his tenth birthday. The best birthday present he could ever have has been his adoption into a loving family. Praise the Lord for all His goodness. He has now moved to a Christian school for Roma children, and his behaviour has totally changed. God’s love and presence has brought hope to a little boy who longed for only one thing – LOVE. A new beginning, a new family, the Lord brought hope in the total blackness of a hopeless situation. Please pray for Sebi, a difficult beginning to life, yet God, in His love turned that around. Sebi has accepted the Lord into his young heart. Please whisper ‘Sebi’ when you pray.
Nataniel is a sweet little six-year-old with two brothers. They have the blessing of loving parents who are sadly experiencing health issues. They come from an extremely poor background and are overwhelmed by Nataniel’s diagnoses of autism. May the care and support we offer take them on a journey where they will come close to God as they embrace His provision.
Mihai has just celebrated his twelfth birthday and is earnestly seeking to find the Lord. He is in need of love as his mother abandoned him and his two sisters and one brother. The children are in urgent need of warm food, clothes, shoes and a comfortable room with heating. The father loves his four children and is willing to work, however, owing to his culture and background, he received a meagre wage. Food, clothing, shoes are a luxury for these children. Will you remember these little ones this Christmas. A Christmas without food, toys! My heart aches as I write!
Pastor Andrei is busy making preparations for the various Christmas events to be held in Sofronea Baptist Church. His one desire is that the village folk will come and find the Lord, the Saviour of the world. Andrei asks for wisdom in leading his church to serve with a whole heart. Hamilton and I are humbled by the response to the Romanian Flood Appeal of our home church, Coleraine Baptist. The support raised has been forwarded to the pastoral committee in Arad County overseeing this project.
Iochebed gives thanks to the Lord for His gift of life in the birth of our November babies. Tell Romania offered support to the mothers with food, echography and gynaecological consultations, shoes and clothing, firewood, furnaces, a washing machine. Maria, a mother of twin girls aged ten years has been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. She was advised against further pregnancies owing to the risk involved. Maria came to Iochebed informing us that she is in fact pregnant and to express her concern, questioning keeping her baby. Following counselling, Maria made a decision to carry her baby full term. Gaby accompanied her for necessary tests/treatments where it was confirmed her baby is healthy, although there appears from the scan some evidence of abnormalities. This family needs our prayers.
Sinziana (33) has eight children between the ages of four and seventeen; she is pregnant with her ninth child. Her husband has been living with another woman and she has made a decision to divorce him. Sanziana found it difficult to accept her pregnancy and under our advice made an appointment with an obstetrician. During the year of 2023, Sanziana suffered a stroke and now has a stent inserted into her heart. At the end of October, she will have a consultation with the doctor who will assist her in giving birth to her baby. May God give grace and love to this mother to enable her to accept this child and love him as a blessing in her life and raise her nine children alone. FOOTNOTE:Sinziana gave birth to a baby weighing 2.4lbs on 1st of November.
Simona (35) has five children. Simona has suffered four miscarriages in the past. This pregnancy is not without risk as she has a haematoma in her uterus. May God be with Simona and help her give birth to a healthy baby. Narcisa is mother to a one-year-old and is now pregnant again. Life is difficult for Narcisa and she cannot embrace this pregnancy as a gift from the Lord. Pray for her.
‘For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour who is Christ the Lord’. (Luke 2: 11-14)
The Miracle of Christmas never ceases to amaze as we stand in awe and wonder praising God for Heaven’s Child, the Babe of Bethlehem. Let us encapsulate the theme of hope given to the world through the birth of Heaven’s child. Bethlehem’s stable became a throne for the Babe of Bethlehem. May we enthrone Him in our hearts!
We wish to acknowledge with grateful thanks the large consignment of boxes transported to Romania throughout October and November with the final consignment leaving this weekend. Emanuel Hospice; Casa Grace; Iochebed; Sofronea; Kingdom Kids; Roma children; Cighid Adult Orphans – no one is forgotten. Thank you.
Monkstown B.C. (Natalia Montgomery) – Seventy-nine shoeboxes – Sofronea.
Agape Fellowship, Belfast. (Carol Foster) – Cighid Adult Orphans. Foundations.
Sister Barbara McCook – Casa Grace, Cighid, ‘Our Dora’.
Sister Iris McKerr and Threads, Ballycarry – Iochebed.
Kingdom Kids received from Auntie Sheila, Beth, Patsy, Margaret, Ruth, Deidre, Mavis, Pearl, Christine, Nicola and Louise.
May the Christ of Christmas fill your heart and home.
Shirley, 06 December, 2024. (42 B Bernice Road, BT36 4QZ)