‘Sensitive; Thoughtful; Loving; Kind; Tender Hearted; Caring…’
Words can be meaningful but are they filled with compassion, comfort? Are they similar to those spoken by ‘The Good Samaritan’? He did not simply ‘pass by’. He took time, his eyes were opened and he saw and spoke ‘words of compassion’. We live in a world filled with uncertainty, pain, yet the words we speak can define our true character of who we are within. Do we see; Do we Care; Are we willing to open our heart to feel and share in the pain and suffering placed before us?
This morning in my own private time with the Lord I read ‘Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits’ (Psalm 103: 1-2) The words that touched me ‘And forget not all His benefits’. How could I ever forget the beautiful words of Jesus filled with meaning . Words. Loving Words!
Today my co-workers have been in touch, alerting me to the reality of the day, the list of critical illness is growing. They need us to stand beside them in prayer. I am heart broken, I feel helpless, far removed from those I love in their time of pain and suffering. Yet my heart is not removed, it is filled with compassion as I feel their suffering and gladly walk beside them. My attitude, my response must display the character, the nature of my Lord who displayed His love by giving His all. Who is my neighbour?
I smile as I remember my visits with Estera to Emanuel and Dada. Their childlike faith shining through in the hope of a ‘future’, a ‘new tomorrow’. Both Emanuel (15) and Andrada (4) suffer from Leukaemia. Da Da (as many of you will recall) was moved to a hospital in Timisoara. Disappointment followed as a suitable donor was not in place for her transplant to proceed. Then she fell and broke her arm – the procedure was postponed. Today, it was confirmed she is not able to have the transplant because cancer cells continue to be active in her body. They are trying an alternative treatment with the view of a future transplant. If this is not a possibility, Da Da will return home.
Emanuel (15) a quiet and shy boy, has undergone a Bone Marrow Transplant in Timisora; his condition is critical, he will be discharged with a palliative care package in place.
Little Salome was thrilled to receive a Disney Frozen Bag. Her brother Alex is very sick – he had a car accident and has incurred a severe brain injury. He is unable to walk or speak.
There are many other precious jewels who are very sick in hospital, too sick to return home. They smile gently when receiving the gift of a little handbag. ‘He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart….. Isaiah 40: 11.
My friend Elizabeth in the care of Emanuel Hospice; her husband John suffered a severe fall and is unable to walk. Who will care for Elizabeth now ?
I refer to my recent ‘blog’ ‘I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE FOR YOU’ and ask you to continue to remember:
The children who have lost parents recently, the family of Brother Joseph, The husband and children of my friend Sister Emese ‘Called Home’ last week.; The family of Baby Florin. He is close to the broken hearted.
Sister(s) Elena; Alina; Magdalena; Anna; Denisa; Dora – each with their own individual and specific need.
I recall asking myself the question (in hospital) ‘Am I doing enough?’ For some time the Lord placed the work of Iochebed in Suceava (12 hours drive from Oradea) on my heart. This week, Tell Romania felt exercised to send a donation by Swift Payment. I share the response received a few hours ago: Sister Alexandra (23) married with four children (aged 5; 4; 2; 2 months) living in severe poverty, the children in poor health due to lack of food and low immune system. No heat. Sister Gaby’s (Director of Iochebed) heart of compassion was moved to see, to feel and to do. With the donation, a stove/furnace has been purchased and sent as a ‘Gift from the Lord’ to this family. The provision of heat for the little ones, cooking facilities (when food is available). This dear young sister wept tears of happiness and praised the Lord that we did not pass by but stopped to show we cared.
We can walk through the storms of life and the winds of adversity because we know that Heaven and Earth will pass away, but His words will never pass away. Our confidence, our trust is in the Living Word.
Lord, Give me faith for the things that are ‘real’.
Shirley, 01 February, 2018