An introduction to the ministry
About us
Our desires in Tell Romania are summarised as seeking:
– to assist in the teaching and training of individuals for Christian service in Eastern Europe, particularly Romania.
– to engage in evangelism, support translation and produce Christian literature.
– to assist local churches in their Christian ministry.
– and to provide humanitarian aid.

Romania needs the gospel and I am an evangelist at heart. There are 8000 villages without an evangelical church in Romania. Tell Romania is involved in supporting evangelism and church planting through personal involvement when visiting the country and also

Equipping Pastors and all believers to serve the Lord in their own country. I have a passion to prepare and equip believers to bring the Gospel to Romania. Through contact with students in Emanuel University, Oradea, through writings, including my books

Helping the poor, the sick and those in distress. Shirley says: I seek to support several ministries as the Lord enables me. My main focus is a Feeding programme helping to support needy families identified by the ministries below. Please

Shirley normally posts a blog at the ext of each month. It is available here but also sent to those who request it by email. It also appears on our Facebook page.

Online teaching ministry
The 500 Plus Community is based on the text, 1 Corinthians15:6, where Paul, listing the proofs of the resurrection, mentions that Jesus was “seen by over 500 brothers at one time.” We need a 500 plus community to witness to this

Doctor Moore has developed a writing ministry. Some of his books are in the process of being translated into other languages. All proceeds from the sale of these books are used to benefit the work of the Gospel and the
Support the Ministry
Perhaps the Lord would lay it on your heart to support us.